In reading what you have just written, is now a good time to move the percentage of my TSP in F to S? I am retired, so no more allocation, but have 20% still in F which in the last 12 months has done me no favors. Thanks.
On Saturday, October 7, 2017 12:46 PM, "robert winfield [TSP_Strategy]" <> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from robert winfield included below]
![Inline image]()
From: " [TSP_Strategy]" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2017 1:36 PM
Subject: [TSP_Strategy] Notice the Effect of the USD
I have been looking at the 15 day moving average of the slopes of the C, S and I funds.
It looks like, using a 15 day moving average to smooth things out,
about 6.5 weeks ago (day 33) the S fund turned upwards to day 1 (yesterday)
The C & I funds have been, (in terms of slope of returns), pretty much in lockstep for the last 3 months ~64 trading days.
It also looks like confirming Sarah's surmise, about 2 weeks ago, the C & I funds diverged with the I going flatter and the C turning up
All these with -->15<-- day smoothing averages
day 1 was friday, day 6 was friday last week, day 61 is 12 weeks AGO
(Right is the past, left is now)
The S looks very "tasty" to me also, even though it's flatter, and I continue for me to be 100% in S, so I thank Sarah for her excellent work and pointing me in the right directions
i'm NOT giving investing advice though, and i rarely if ever trade
"why sell a winner? it's a winner"
From: " [TSP_Strategy]" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2017 1:36 PM
Subject: [TSP_Strategy] Notice the Effect of the USD
As the USD has increased above its 50 day MA, I fund returns have dropped significantly.
During the past 3 months, returns have been as follows:
S fund 6.25%
I fund 5.5%
C fund 5.2%
Two months:
S fund 5.25%
C fund 2.8%
I fund 1.4%
One month:
S fund 6.25%
C fund 3.5%
I fund 1.3%
During the past 3 months, returns have been as follows:
S fund 6.25%
I fund 5.5%
C fund 5.2%
Two months:
S fund 5.25%
C fund 2.8%
I fund 1.4%
One month:
S fund 6.25%
C fund 3.5%
I fund 1.3%
Posted by: Rick Harris <>
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