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[LeadersWorkshop] ••••••>Personality Development with various aspects of Life


Personality development is the improvement of behavior, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, attitude towards life and ethics. Character can be considered the basic factor in determining and individual's personality.

Basically, Personality Development is the improvement of behavior, communication skills, interpersonal relationships, attitude towards life and ethics. Character can be considered the basic factor in determining and individual's personality. It is a fact that all other factors behind a powerful personality will become useless if the person lacks a good character and behavior.

Personality is like a building. Just as a building can exist only when it has a strong foundation, a personality can impress others only when it has a formidable basis. And the strong foundation is supplied by character and behavior. If personality is developed on the solid base of values and ethics, it will last forever. Fake smiles and mannerisms may attract others for a comparatively short period. However they are shot-lived and do not help in improving one's personality.

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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