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By: Dr. Donald E. Wetmore

From my thirty years in the field of Time Management, and as a college
professor, and more, importantly, as a dad to my four kids, I have
developed the "Five Best Time Management Do's for Students" to help you
get more out of every day, both your school day and during your personal
time. These suggestions can increase your success and, most important,
help you to have more fun along the way.

1. Plan an hour per day for "Me Time". Give twenty-three hours to
school, your friends, and your family but keep one hour for yourself.
During this hour add a new dimension to your life that is not there
because you didn't feel you had the time for it. Read the books, learn
a hobby, learn a foreign language, develop computer skills, start a
business, spend time on health development etc. One hour per day is 365
hours in a year. The average college course is about 35 classroom hours.
That equals 10 college courses per year. One hour per day and you become
a full-time student! By taking one hour per day of focused study, any of
us can become a world-class expert in a topic of our choice. Would your
future be more secure, certain, and successful if you became a
world-class expert in a topic of your choice?

2. Establish a regular reading program. It can be just fifteen minutes a
day. Even with that small investment, the average person will read
fifteen books in a year. Also, consider taking a Speed Reading course. I
did. It helped me to double my reading rate and comprehension. I can now
read twice as much in the same time period with greater comprehension
and retention. Or, better still, you can read what you have to read in
half the time.

3. Overload your days. Create a daily action plan that includes not only
the things you "have to do", but the things you "want to do".
Parkinson's Law tells us that a project will tend to expand with the
time allocated for it. If we give ourselves one thing to do during the
day, it will take us all day. If we give ourselves two things to do
during the day, we get them both done. If we give ourselves twelve
things to do, we may not get twelve done, but we may get eight done.
Having a lot to do in a day creates a healthy sense of pressure on us to
get focused and get it done. We almost automatically become better time
managers, less likely to suffer interruptions, not waste time in
meetings, etc. by having a lot to do. ("If you want to get something
done, give it to a busy person.") But don't overload yourself beyond
capacity. There's only 24 hours in the day and things do take time.
Don't spread yourself too thin.

4. Prioritize your list of "things to do". Some of our tasks are
"crucial" and some of our tasks are "not crucial". We have a tendency to
gravitate to the "not crucial" items because they are typically quicker,
more fun, and easier to do. Identify the most important task you need to
do and label it as a "1", the second most important task as a "2", etc.
Then tackle your items in the order of importance, doing the most
important items first. You may not get everything done but you will get
the most important things done.

5. Radiate a genuine, positive attitude. Often, like attracts like and
it repels the opposite. When you are in a negative mood you tend to
repel the positive people who do not want to be strained and drained and
brought down by your negativity. This includes your friends, your
family, and your teachers. And, when you are in a negative mood, you
have a natural system set up to attract the other negative people to you
who want to share their stories of their misery so the two of you can
compare experiences to decide who has the worse life. Yet, a positive
attitude tends to ward off the negative people and attract the positive
people to you. Positive people help to bring us up. Negative people help
to bring us down.

Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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