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[LeadersWorkshop] Business Ethics PPT required


Dear Moderator,

I really enjoy your messages. Thanks a lot for it. I am in need of some PPT on Business Ethics. Kindly send.


--- On Mon, 4/1/10, cosmiclove2004 <cosmiclove2004@grouply.com> wrote:

From: cosmiclove2004 <cosmiclove2004@grouply.com>
Subject: [LeadersWorkshop] Better past
To: LeadersWorkshop@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, 4 January, 2010, 12:29 PM


"Better Past" is a great paradox people are living with.

Most of the people many a times fail to accept what happened in their past. They keep grumbling brooding, resenting or feel guilty or ashamed of what happened in the past.

Every one fully knows that nothing can be done about what happened in the past but a lot of things can be done about whatever we can do in the now. Based on our past experiences, we can transform our future life.

It is not the past but our response to the past which shapes our future.

It sounds more easier then done in real life..

The process of rationalization works best on our thinking process but can not possibly handle or neutralize out emotional response to the past. There are some who bypass the emotional response and store it in the body tissues, culminating in pains and dis-ease.

The emotional response could be different for different individuals.

For example if a student fails in the examination, there are various responses possible, depending upon the cultural upbringing and past conditionings.

After failing in exams, a child could feel sad, or worried, or angry on education system or ashamed or guilty. there are instances where a student has felt happy to be a failure for their own reasons.

Our feelings and emotions are very potent energies. If they are handled well, they could become a great asset. For example getting charged up or inspired to perform after a set-back in life.

They could very well be the most destructive energies if not handled well. They result in drain, fears, inhibitions, depression, various aches and pains etc. and at times, it could result in sudden death.

At times the mind tends to selectively forget certain incidences but the emotional response to the event or the person still remains alive. You may not remember witnessing the fight between your parents but every time you see two indviduals arguing in quarrelling some thing inside you may churn and you may still panic, not knowing exactly why.

Past life memories are the classical example of selective amnesia. People do not know why they panic when they look down from the height. They do not know why they panic under certain circumstances. they do not know why do they like a particular person and they do not know why they do not like a particular person. Their mind has chosen to block the memories of the past.

I had a happily married lady who came to me for past life therapy. The only complaint that she had in the current life was unknown anxiety. She said every thing in my life is working well but I still have a constant anxiety which I can not explain.

We tried checking her past life because she insisted so but nothing significant was revealed by her mind. On third session when I gave a generalized command to her subconscious mind to go to the point of origin, to my greatest surprise, she regressed back in her mothers womb when her mother was in her 7th month of pregnancy. She said, "I am hearing loud noises and I am feeling scared." I asked her "what kind of noises are these?" She said, "my mother and father are fighting and my father is telling my mom to leave the house right now. It is night time and my mother does not know where to go."

Of course the session was followed by intense healing and release of negative charge of emotions. She felt very calm and at peace. I am in touch with her since 5 years and she has not complained of this unknown anxiety every since then. The emotional response in the current life had got triggered when she witnessed her in-laws verbally fighting.

We all have gone through certain physical and emotional trauma. We all have adversely responded to the traumatic situations. Every time we witness the traumatic situation, the old memory and emotional response what happened in the past gets triggered.

Often we do not respond to what is happening in the now but we respond in the now to what has happened in the past. And that creates problems in our current life.

If you choose to have a great future, change the emotional and attitudinal response to the past.

Do you wonder how?

You can rationalize to a certain extent, Breath work techniques could help you to a great extent. of course the time is a greatest healer but at that times, 'time' is the least available commodity in peoples life.

Some of the easiest self-help techniques that you could learn is EFT, EET and Evaporation techniques.
You can learn it free for your self by clicking on http://www.healerso cean.com/ eet_et.php

Still better option would be to learn the art of forgiveness. We will learn about it in the subsequent blogs. Since we can not do much about what happend in the past, we can alteast learn to forgive others, the situation, ourselves, our parents and of course at times GOD for letting us go through these unpleasant experineces of life.

Jerry Jampolsky has mentioned in the book 'Love is letting go of fear', "Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past."

Lets not wait for the better past because that shall never come. But definitely create a better future by letting go the unfavorable effects of the past....

Neeta Yuvraj
www. healersocean. com
www.healersocean. ning.com

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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