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Re: [TSPStrategy] Anyone buying a today?


On Mar 20, 2021, at 1:15 PM, Matthew Stromfeld <Matthew.Stromfeld@gmail.com> wrote:

If this was a "simple nail" scenario, we wouldn't be debating it on a TSP investment forum.

The democratic establishment cares about people.

On Sat, Mar 20, 2021 at 9:59 AM danesifamily via groups.io <danesifamily=verizon.net@groups.io> wrote:

So what you are telling me is that about $700B of the $1.9T is for that type of relief or roughly the amount the senate republicans went to Biden to start negotiations.   $350B for state and city relief even if their tax revenue wasn't low like CA. $95B for non COVID pension relief because local and state Govt pensions are ridiculously calculated and not funded. Large amount of money for schools that won't be spent until next FY at the very earliest and does t get kids into schools now.  It was supposed to be an emergency relief not a fund everything we want list on top of the recently funded amount in nov/dec.  

and for the roughly $6T now spent my wife and I and my two now college kids got zip.   Spending full tuition so my kids can go to online college where the instruction is terrible.  

While I am grateful my wife and I as feds have our jobs. I also see retired folks here whose agi is low enough to receive the stimulus.  This process is using a sledgehammer for a simple nail.  

what sucks is the way the democrats prevented a lot of this same relief from occurring last summer for political gain when Trump agreed to spend about $2B.  So no unemployment expansion from July through after the election for those that were hurting just to ensure that it would hurt him.   Don't tell me they actually care about the people they care about power

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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