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[LeadersWorkshop] Stepping out of your comfort zone


Stepping out of your comfort zone –

what's the worst that could happen?


"Why not go out on a limb – that's where all the fruit is!"


If fear of failure is keeping you from attempting something you long to do, ask yourself why you are letting it worry you. Is not taking a chance by doing something, much more courageous than doing nothing at all? If everyone thought of failure as a major obstacle, we would not have the technological advancements that we currently so accustomed to. How many times did Sir Isaac Newton have to be bonked on the head before he made sense of the Law of Gravity? What about Benjamin Franklin and his kite, or scientists and their cures and vaccines? The point is we would still be in the Dark Ages, if various inventors, scientists and others had refused to step out of their comfort zones and dare to take a chance at failure. Isn't it time you made your mark? (from www.ezinearticles.com)


Defining "comfort zone" (from Wikipedia)


The term comfort zone is used to denote a type of mental conditioning resulting in artificially created mental boundaries, within which an individual derives a sense of security.


These boundaries tend to result in an internal state of mind, an example of which would be rigid attitudes and beliefs, which may not necessarily be true. This may or may not manifest as an external situation in the individual's life.


An example could be a recognised need to leave an unsatisfactory job but the fear of doing so as it would result in losing the sense of security the individual derives from the job. The sense of security the individual perceives could be attributed to the mental conditioning formed initially.


What is your "comfort zone"? Physically, mentally, emotionally…

What stops you from stepping out of your comfort zone?

 What will make you take that next step?

How to step out of your Comfort Zone


For each of the following statements (and add your own ideas at the end), ask yourself "If I did this, what's the worst that could happen?" You may also like to ask yourself what makes you uncomfortable about these situations. Then decide if it's worth the risk – will you or won't you give it a go?


Put a * next to the ideas you think you will try.




Worst that could happen??

Will I or won't I?

Brush your teeth using your "non-writing" hand



Smile at a stranger walking by



Try a food that you've always thought you've hated



Enrol in a course at TAFE or night school



Go to a café and have coffee on your own




















Worst that could happen??

Will I or won't I?

Try your hand at running a "Soul Food" night or church service – ask someone to pair up with you!



Invite a non-church friend to church



Go in to a ritzy designer-label shop and confidently browse



Try a radical new hair style or cut



Buy an item of clothing you've always wanted to buy but weren't sure about



Give Karaoke a go (you know you want to!!)



Take up a brand new hobbie for the new year
























Worst the could happen??

Will I or won't I?

Go sky diving or bungee jumping



Go for a trip somewhere on your own and meet people along the way



Open your heart to love someone



Pray that God uses you for some extreme ministry, and be prepared to drop everything to follow God's calling



If you have a good idea, look into starting a small business




















Failure is just one step in the right direction to the ultimate goal of growth and success. Don't be afraid to try new things, stretch beyond your comfortable limits and stray off-course. The worse that can happen is that you'll fail, learn from that instance and have to try something new. So, dust off those rollerblades, go take that snowboarding lesson, or go sign up for that class, life is too short to play it safe all the time. Go fail, er I mean learn! (from www.ezinearticles.com)
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

By Paula Friedrichsen

It's exhilarating to try something new. Studies show that when a person of any age tries something new, the mental stimulation can actually improve brain health. Many people get stuck in the rut of doing the exact same thing, the exact same way, at the exact same time, every day. And while routine has its benefits, it can also hinder us from being open to new things.

I have seen the Lord move in exciting ways in my life when I was willing to take few risks. Just as Jesus beckoned Peter to step out of the boat, walk on water and come to him, I believe Jesus beckons each one of us to step out of our comfort zone and walk by faith. God provides each of us with many opportunities for us to get out of our boat and walk on water. Life can be a continual adventure if we open our eyes to the endless possibilities with God.

But make no mistake, fear will always rear its ugly head, screaming at us to "get back in the boat and stay safe!!"

Fear is that horrible, sick, sinking feeling that can immobilize us and prevent us from experiencing the abundant life that Christ desires for each one of us. Each of us will face the temptation to turn back, tuck tail and run at some point in our lives. The failure is not in being tempted to run, but in the running.

I am inspired by what Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his first inaugural address, "So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyses needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."

So, when you feel like you're at the top of a roller coaster with a huge scary drop right before your eyes - that is not the time to retreat. That is the time to advance. That's the time to put a big smile on your face, scream if you need to, hug those you love and advance into the new adventures that God has in store for you.

Paula Friedrichsen is a dynamic Christian Speaker and newspaper columnist from Mammoth Lakes, California. She has developed "The Abundant Life Seminar" to educate and inspire women toward greater fulfilment – spiritually, physically and relationally. To schedule her for your upcoming conference / retreat, or to learn more about this presentation (or other topics Paula speaks on) go to her website www.pfministries.com – or call 760-935-4295.


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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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