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[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~..Overtaking The Barriers..!!!


Crossing Frontiers across the Seven Oceans

and Multiple Time Zones


How often do we actually come across an opportunity to overcome hurdles and obstacles around the corner be it in our house, place of work or marketplace. We are always short of time, ideas, concepts to do the same and enter our lives into drudgery, monotony, lack of effectiveness and efficiency and since everyone around us is also wading in the same waters and struggling we feel life is just this and accept our failures and treasure them close to our hearts and souls. What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did God create human beings to function worse than animals that live by the laws of nature and have full faith in nature and its forces!!!!!!!!!! As humans we are supposed to be thinking intellectuals who keep instinctive behavior at bay and progress on account of our higher capacities and capabilities!!!!!!! The irony of the situation is that we  just don't justify our wrong actions we also celebrate it and hence we suffer from innumerable problems and calamities and we hold the almighty responsible for that or shift the blame on some person and give ourselves false reassurances that we have done our duty!!!!!!!!!!! What a farce!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless come out of this vicious cycle and take responsibility of all our actions we will continue to live lives worst than animals and then it will become our destiny for lives to come or probably we will never enjoy another life altogether because even animals, birds, trees and nature in toto has forsaken us altogether!!!!!!!!!!! As forests on our planet are becoming scarce many animals take birth in human form and are given an opportunity to do good and be good and we let go off that opportunity and adapt animalistic attitude and then for pacifying ourselves do some religious rituals which have been rendered useless for animals by nature unless they overcome their animalistic instincts. Stop pacifying yourself!!!!!!!! Stop denial and defensiveness!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the armour of fools and only buffoons use this for their gaeity without any results!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arise!!!!!!!!!! Awake!!!!!!!!!! And stop not till the goal is reached!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(As rightly said by Swami Vivekananda). No one will come to hold your hand and help you till you continue to be in this vicious cycle and keep on sowing your own misery and pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the creator of your sorrow!!!!!!! Unless you accept it, you cannot go beyond it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do what may; you will only push yourself into further pain and agony!!!!!!!!!!! Hence time has come to walk the in the shoes of great ones and follow the legacy and legitimacy of their extolled and divine actions and intentions!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be the pioneer of your happy present and future and walk the talk of the wise ones rather than falling below the standards of the animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make your human endeavors flourish by the mercy of divine grace without which humans are walking, talking corpses!!!!!!!!!!! Make humanity and divinity collaborate and then watch miracles unfold in your life, at every moment and savor the advantages of being a true human being!!!!!!!!!!!!! The multiplicity of human and divine merger can only leave you spellbound and speechless!!!!!!!!! Create your beauty and bounty!!!!!!!! Love yourself in the truest sense by truly being good human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch and observe silence make a mania and enjoy the blessings of the divine every moment of your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        First understand the difference between being good and acting good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Being good comes from the core within you and acting good is superficial, artificial and done for a show!!! Acting good can fool humans of animalistic nature which abound and comprise 95% of the total human population on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you are good from the core divinity flows and floods your life!!!!!! You are at peace with life itself and all its extensions and subsidiaries!!!!! This peace is a divine gift that you enjoy!!!!!!!!! All your noble intentions are rewarded by gifts no matter how many people stop your path ,they only make you go nearer to God every second and makes you only more grateful and thankful for the bereavement from materialistic matters as you enjoy a higher plane of existence which is beyond the zones understanding and feeling of the mortals!!!!!!!!! No matter how much they attempt to decipher their efforts are washed down the drain!!!!!!!! As it is said you have to taste it to experience it and people who have not known the taste of nectar can only hypothesize and argue to their folly!!!!!!! Truth unfolds in silence and can only be experienced through deep silence and surrender!!!!!!!!!


        By putting this into practice you can cross all barriers and hence are able to cross all frontiers across oceans and time zones!!!!!!!!!!! As you live in "NOW" and are cut off from the bondages of past and apprehensions of future. As rightly said by some great soul "The past is history, the future is mystery, so why worry."Be there in this very moment and lead divinity to make paths of joy and grattitude..
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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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