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[LeadersWorkshop] Inhouse Training Program on Business Communication Skills


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In-House Training Program on

Effective Business Communication Skills

Communicating with Confidence for Commitment and Listening to Understand


Communicating Effectively in Business is perhaps the most basic critical skill for an individual's successes in the organization as well as personal life. The biggest factors in Communication are Misunderstanding, Miscommunication, Reactions, Perceptions, Generalization, Assumptions and Distortions which can have disastrous consequences in Business and people.


Imagine the cost involved when ideas in organization don't get across colleagues, superiors and subordinates? Or simply people do not understand the expectations from other individuals and teams?


Effective Communication in Business is not just about speaking well. It is what you speak and how you speak that needs to be worked on. It is also about what you don't speak, since your Body Language speaks louder than your words.


Well, Effective Business Communication is all about connecting with people, its about understanding and being understood. The strongest influence on the outcome of all communications is the ability to Listen effectively.

Objectives of the Workshop





Ø       To Communicate with Confidence and Commitment

Ø       To overcome Misunderstanding and Dysfunctional Communication

Ø       To overcome Communication Barriers

Ø       To Listen and Respond with purpose

Ø       To express thoughts and feelings openly, directly, clearly and effectively

Major Topics of the Workshop




Ø       Communicating using the 3E's

Ø       Dynamics of Communication Process

Ø       Elements of Communication – the 3V's

Ø       The major Barriers

Ø       Building Gateways to Communication

Ø       Listening - the most neglected in communication

Ø       Giving and Receiving Feedback

Ø       The Power of Non-Verbal Communication

Ø       Styles of Communication

Ø       Communicating Assertively

Ø       Conflict Resolution Strategies

Ø       Communicating with difficult person


Training Methodology





Ice-breakers, Energizers, Case Study, Parables, Paradox, communication exercises and games, personal feedback on the communication style and improvements required.





2 days 9:30am to 5pm 




Shabbar Suterwala

A Corporate Soft Skills Trainer,  Coach and NLP Practitioner

Contact: Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Workshop

Email: ShabbarSuterwala@hotmail.com , Mb: +91-989 222 5864


email: shabbarsuterwala@hotmail.com,
Mb: +91-989 222 5864
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YahooGroups: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/LeadersWorkshop/
Blog: http://leaders-workshop.blogspot.com/
Website: http://shabbarsuterwala.com

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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