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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~Secreat of good scores in test.~~~~ The Training Psychology of Directive Communication


      The secreat of getting good score.


When you were in school, did you ever notice that some students did not study at all and still obtained good marks? While you on the other hand needed to study hard to obtain the same results. Yet some classes you had to study less than others to get the same results. There are various psychological and motivational causes why this is so, but the significant influence is the difference in brain processing between the student and the teacher.

Suppose a classroom full of students. And each student in the class is wearing colored glasses. The teacher is also wearing glasses but the teachers glasses are colored green. As the teacher goes around the room describing the different models and structures, he describes them from his "Green" perspective. He may even explain them very clearly and accurately, but it seems that a large number of students in the class fail to understand. He becomes frustrated with some of the students because when he looks at them through his green perception, they also are wearing "Green" glasses and therefore should be capable of perceiving it as he does. So he may "tag" some students as stupid or unmotivated and continue teaching in his green way while some students find it difficult on their own to learn the lessons.

While this may be common in school, it is equally as common in the workplace. Managers, supervisors and staff are all the time misinterpreting each other, reacting to these misinterpretations, labeling each other, and increasing gaps in productivity and job fulfillment.

If we could only remove our tinted glasses!

Recent genetic psychology research (a 25 year study by Sandra Segal and David Horn combined with Research by C. Cloninger and Ned Herrmann) has shown that we are running very particular Genetic Processors in our brain. When combining these three studies and finding the thread of commonality, the notions of profiling to determine "Behavior Style" or "Personality" are replaced with "Processor and Environmental Adaptation" to determine individual and group dynamics related to communication, leadership, and productivity.

Through the science of "Directive Communication™" Psychology (DC)we can discover how to remove our tinted glasses and teach, learn, lead, persuade, and promote greater productivity in our work and personal life. The colored glasses model is based on the four distinct genetic processors that are fundamentals for the way we interpret the world around us communicate to ourselves. It is NOT personality! Trainers who have gone through and intensive Train the Trainer Course to achieve their DC Traner Certification   know that if you compare your brain to computer processor, you may find that some people possess a PC processor, while others may have a Mac processor. Each of these processors can run similar applications such as Microsoft Excel or Adobe Photoshop, and while these have the same function and similar appearance, each requires different programming to run the same type of software because each processor runs the programs differently. For example, a PC will run Excel in a very direct and fast manner, but will run Photoshop in a slower and roundabout way. The Mac on the other hand is just the opposite. But, if you try to run Excel for Mac on your PC, it won't work and vise versa. Our brains function similar to the idea of a PC processor compared to a Mac Processor.

For example: If you are a green brain person (random, interactive processing) trying to do a red brain (linear objective processing) function, you will find it difficult to do it in the same way that a red brain person does. As you struggle to get the point, understand the information, or truly empathize with another, it then becomes essential to process your red brain outcome in a green brain way.

The problem is that most of us do this by means of trial and error. We normally don't realize what processor we are running. To make it worse, we may have been taught that the "Red" brain way is the only way to approach things, so we don't even try to assess a "Green" brain process, and through this difficulty we may figure that it's just too difficult and give up trying.

To explore the genetic processing patterns of a person's brain, we can make use of the Directive Communication 'Colored Brain Communication Inventory', or CBCI for short. Once you have knowledge of your own communication pattern, it becomes obvious in how to maximize your own capacity to learn, communicate, influence and develop good habits that have difficult in the past.

Take the complementary CBCI at Colored Brain Psychometric Profiling or go to www.coloredbrain.com

This has little to do with "personality", a friend, as the eldest daughter of 2 doctors was shaped and guided to become a professional. Her family influenced her to desire and study towards a professional discipline since she was 4 years old. While her genetic substructure was blue brained, she was steered into a very red brained education, upbringing, and career as she decided to become a lawyer. Because of her upbringing, she acted and behaved much like red brained person and everyone (including her) assumed she had the "personality" for this line of work. And while she became successful in her firm and her family's aspirations were satisfied, there was something missing. She was feeling unhappy, she felt unfulfilled in her achievements and did not connect well with other lawyers at the firm. It wasn't until she uncovered her blue brain orientation through personal discovery, that she was able to place her red brain flexibility in the right point of view. She then quit her firm and made use of her current skill sets as a "blue brained" attorney to work for Club Med. She is presently successful AND happy.

Our education, our career, and our environment are exhibited by means of the color of our glasses. Through consciousness of how we and others process information, we get greater insights on how to learn better, how to develop talents not natural to our genetic ability, what career to choose, and how to appreciate and bring out the best in the people around us.

While the other half of the equation, our emotional drivers, is subject to our environment and evolves with experience, knowing the color of your brain is the foundation for creating Brain Software for your unique processor. It is the foundation for not only better learning, but better and faster implementation of what you learn.



Ref.:Arthur F. Carmazzi, Principal Founder of the Directive Communication Methodology and Voted as one of the world's top 10 Leadership Professionals by Global Gurus International on FREE Leadership Training videos at: www.betheguru.net

www.directivecommunication.com and www.carmazzi.net


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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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