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[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~..Excercise..For you.~.Visualisation.



Imagine that you put two sheets of paper one above the other with a piece of carbon paper

between them as if you wanted to write something in duplicate. Now imagine that you fold

this assembly in half with the crease running from left to right bringing the lower half under

the top. If you write your name on the top half of the top sheet, how many copies will make,

where will they appear (front, back, top bottom, first sheet, second sheet) and how will they

be oriented?

 - Extra hand

Sometimes we say that 'I am single-handedly working,' 'If I have more hands (people) I will

do much better' etc.

Imagine you are really gifted with an extra hand, over and above the two you already have.

How advantageously you can use it?


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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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