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Re: [LeadersWorkshop] SUKH ME SUMIRAN


Perhaps Dr. Sidharth is trying to bring out a scientific parallel - the law of attraction is a physical reality in the form of gravity: all bodies attract each other and the force of attraction between them is a function of their masses, and proportional to their individual masses.

In a metaphoric, symbolic way, Sant Kabir's particular doha referred to may be interpreted as a parallel - if a human being's consciousness were a physical body, and if dukh and sukh were also physical bodies, it can be considered that if a human being constantly kept his/her attention on either (dukh or sukh), that is what will be attracted. So, if we were to constantly think about sukh, we will attract sukh.

But human beings by nature are always spending their mental energies on dukh, rather than sukh. So, positive thinking will attract positive outcomes - sukh: that is perhaps the interpretation suggested by Dr. Sidharth.

Whereas, traditionally, we have been taught that the doha is telling us that when we are sad, we remember God, but when we are happy we forget Him - if this is the case, how come when we are praying even in our situations of happiness dukh still strike us out of nowhere? Hence the attempt to rethink on the meaning!!

Original, and logical, Dr. Sidharth! (I do believe the "dr" in your email ID represents "Dr."!!)

From: Pramita <sspramita2005@gmail.com>
To: LeadersWorkshop@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sat, May 1, 2010 10:41:32 AM
Subject: Re: [LeadersWorkshop] SUKH ME SUMIRAN


true siddharth. its about being connected with god (almighty). as long as the connections with the mains remains one finds true happiness/ joy. one must practice this and expereince the bliss.

On 1 May 2010 00:09, sidharth <drsidharth_a@ yahoo.com> wrote:

Just was wondering.what Sant Kabir actually meant when he said:

Dukh me sumiran sab kare sukh me kare na koi
Jo sukh me sumiran kare dukh kahe ka hoi

Becoz thats not what you see in reality.For every 'sukh' occasion people do remember God .organize poojas.etc.

Hope somebody sees through.

I think Kabir was referring to LAW OF ATTRACTION.

Most of us keep worrying albeit in thoughts about problems.fears, incapacities, poverty etc.ie.DUKH so dukh stays in our lives.

However it is very difficult to maintain thoughts of abundance,hope, health ie.SUKH

If one is able to keep in thoughts(SUMIRAN) ie. SUKH WHY WOULD dukh appear.

JUST A THOUGHT..... ......... ...

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