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[LeadersWorkshop] Exit


I met a young turk from a banking industry and found he was quitting a job, amazing to see the process. It is one of the US companies, they dont have practices to make an exiting employee happy, unlike the traidition I have seen.I saw the the pain in this young man, everybody has sidelined him, he is one the top performers, and everyone is instigating to injure him emotionally.

I wonder why exit is not considered as a branding tool, by organisations or supervisors, as an employee seperates, or are managers trained or capabale to handle exit. The managers are no really prepared or trained to handle exits, exit causes anxiety in supervisors.

The exiting employee takes with him knowledge, learning and skills, is this a pain for the company as it is losing skills, and on top of it, if it doesnot treat its employees well, it is also losing brand image. 

As such I have not seen that this is organisation driven phenomena. It is supervisor driven. If you give him something for his achievement, he may like to display it. I think, we can use exit as a branding tool to attract new employees, if your exiting employee is joining your competitor.Exiting employees, leave behind friends and peers, and superiors. Exiting employee was once a team member of your team. He will have friends and will make new friends, so if you leave a good impression on him on exit, he will talk about his experience and it will be an indirect marketting of your company.

I feel as a matter of fact, the exiting employee should get a good farewell and something to remember, for him and his family, so that he can say good things about the company, he is leaving and will have new colleagues. He will talk about the way you program his exit and how professional it was. Word of mouth is a good.

Even, keep the door open for a while for old good employees, may be check his status afetr 3,6,9 months.

It deems that there should be an exit program. This requires investing time and money.

My question to august group.

Is Exit process in a company, a branding tool, If yes, How effectively is it being used in your companies?

I have met many who are quitting, feel the pain of quitting. Why?

Is your company ready to invest time and money to develop exit systems?


Rajesh Diwan

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