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[LeadersWorkshop] Wings to Fly


Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

It's an old story that we've all read about, but it's a good reminder as found in the following parable about "a new mother who discovered a butterfly struggling mightily to escape its cocoon through a tiny opening at the top. She became concerned when the creature seemed to give up after making no progress. Certain that the butterfly wouldn't make it out without help, she enlarged the hole slightly.

"On its next try, the butterfly wriggled out easily. But the young woman's joy turned to horror as she saw its wings were shriveled and useless.

Her well-intentioned intervention turned out badly because it interrupted a natural process. You see, forcing the butterfly to squeeze through a small opening is nature's way of assuring that blood from the creature's body is pushed into the wings. By making it easier, she deprived the butterfly of strong wings."

The same thing happens to children when parents over-protect them by doing too much for them, by spoiling them, or doing for them what they can and need to do for themselves, and by making decisions for them that they are capable of and need to be making themselves.

This is exactly what happens with subordinate and supervisor relationship. It is either too protective. There can be a fine line knowing when to hang on and when to let go, but it's important to realize that, as parents, as trainers, as boss, as peers, as suboridnates, as friends, it is our responsibility to train up kids, employees, subordinates, peers,bosses, friends so that by the time they come to face real life or meet a complex situation, they are capable of and responsible for taking care of themselves and are healthy, interdependent and make their on decision.

True, good parenting requires parents to protect their children from harm, but being overprotective can cause children to grow up being emotionally immature or even emotionally crippled.

It's the struggles of life that make all of us strong and healthy. But it is guidance of silent mentors, teachers, coaches, parents, children, employee, bossess, subordinates, friends, peers, and HR and training professionals, business leaders who work hard, give blood and sweat to train, educate and progeny to take new challenges, fight the toughest battle, crush the sound of chaos, and try to bring change to make us all strong and healthy.

We should salute teachers, trainers and educationist. Michael Jackson song states it all in his great song "make it a better place" - make it a better place, for you and for me, and the entire human race.

As blind and deaf Helen Keller once said, "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Not without guidance of a teacher. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved."

Our parents, children, employees, teachers, bosses, subordinates provide us Wings to fly.

Thank you,

Rajesh Diwan


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