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[LeadersWorkshop] Where our B-schools have gone wrong - Article

[LeadersWorkshop] Where our B-schools have gone wrong - Article


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Rajesh Diwan

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From: Rajesh Diwan <rxdiwan@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 31, 2010 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Where our B-schools have gone wrong - Article

Abhijit Bhattacharya

Besides offering too few electives, the Indian B-schools are indulging in too much of teaching


According to a Chinese saying, "In pursuit of knowledge, everyday something is acquired and in pursuit of wisdom, everyday something is dropped." Our business schools do not seem to agree. To remain relevant in a fast changing world, our B-schools want to teach more so that their students acquire more and drop less. In the process, the students are facing the danger of becoming increasingly less wise.

Generally, an MBA curriculum aims at achieving the integration of diverse academic disciplines for creating managers capable of making ethical and commercially viable decisions in an interconnected world. Hence, the curriculum of a B-school focusses on diverse functional areas such as economics, operations and marketing, and also deals with interpersonal leadership and communication skills that are essential for managerial effectiveness. Considering the fact that the different streams which go into the management discipline have achieved a high level of sophistication and that many students often join MBA programmes from diverse background without any prior knowledge of those areas, the B-schools normally offer some core courses. These compulsory courses build the foundation for taking up specialised courses by students later as per their individual choice.

For providing more time for absorption and creative thinking and maximising the freedom of choice, good B-schools try to optimise the teaching load by offering a less number of compulsory courses and a large number of electives. For example, Wharton and Harvard offer only 10 core courses (at the the Sloan School of Management in MIT the number is only five) and a huge number of elective courses. Harvard offers about 100 electives while in Wharton the number reaches almost 200. In most cases, the students need to select about 10 courses from these electives. In a way, the number of electives defines the level of academic competition within a business school. Different courses have to compete with each other for survival. Students in many U.S. B-schools are even allowed to take a few courses from other schools or universities, thus raising the level of competition even higher.

A quick glance at the MBA curricula of Indian B-schools reveals that competition is relevant only for classroom discussions. The programmes in all schools are overloaded with a large number of compulsory courses. This is true not only of a run-of-the-mill B-school, but also of the Indian "Ivy League" — the IIMs. IIM-Lucknow teaches 24 core courses and offers only 15 electives; in IIM-Kozhikode the numbers are: 24 core and 48 electives. IIM-Calcutta teaches 25 core courses in the first year and offers about 80 electives. The leader, IIM-Ahmedabad, teaches 33 core courses (a total of 25.5 credits) and offers only about 80 electives against Harvard's (whose model it is supposedly following) 10 core vs. 100 electives.

Besides offering too few electives, the Indian B-schools are indulging in too much of teaching. For example, if about 20 courses are the norm in most of the top U.S. B-schools for a two-year MBA degree, IIM-Bangalore teaches 18 courses in the first year itself. In some B-schools the total number of courses goes almost up to 60! Obviously, with such a high teaching load our B-schools can nowhere come near their international counterparts in terms of quality teaching, research and breakthrough thinking. There is no time available for creative thinking and innovation. The large number of assignments and evaluation that go with every course is making our students only experts in cutting and pasting. Probably, only the AICTE is happy with the situation because of its total faith in quantitative criteria for providing accreditation. Compulsory teaching of too many subjects and mass proliferation of B-schools are forcing many of them to completely rely on visiting faculty. Such pure transaction-based model cannot help build quality institutions.

For ensuring quality, our B-schools must drastically reduce the teaching load of compulsory courses. More electives must be offered to give a wider variety of choices to students and maintain pressure on instructors to keep their courseware marketable. This is critical in today's environment since the knowledge revolution is making courses obsolete very fast and, at the same time, creating scope for many exotic electives.

Excessive teaching is also adversely impacting the development of strategic focus areas. If Kellogg is known for marketing, Stanford for technology and Harvard for general management, then our B-schools are not known for any such focus. Out of the 10 core courses taught in the Harvard Business School in the first year five courses are: leadership and organisational behaviour, strategy, the entrepreneurial manager, leadership & corporate accountability and business, government & international economics (BGIE). Most of the electives offered in the school are also designed around these courses. It is no wonder why Harvard is known for its strength in general management. Many a time, institutes may teach similar core courses, but the large basket of elective courses offered from one area make their focus visible. By teaching everything to everyone and with a very less number of electives, Indian B-schools generally are not able to develop a high level of expertise in any single area.

Lack of focus also impacts the income generating capability of the institutes. It is believed that a two-third's of Harvard Business School's income comes from non-fee collections, namely from executive training and publishing. But for most of the Indian B-schools, fee collection is the sole source of revenue. The IIMs earn a good amount of revenue from executive training and consultancy though, it mainly comes from government and quasi-government organisations which have more to do with bureaucratic risk-hedging than actual competence.

Once the Foreign University Bill is passed, many global brands will come to India for capturing the existing market for reputed international MBA degree at affordable cost. In the emerging red ocean current, leaders may not face many problems for some more years because of their established brand image and infrastructure facilities. Other B-schools with good infrastructure can survive by offering their facilities to foreign institutions and thus converting themselves to real estate provider from education provider. And for the rest, the day of reckoning has come and it is time to migrate from MBA education to the next emerging field of education business.  

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Rajesh Diwan

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[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~..Confidence Is Within You.

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~..Confidence Is Within You.



Imagine it's a random Tuesday and you stop to grab a coffee before work. The barista accidentally makes an extra latte, so he gives it to you gratis. A little while later, you walk into the elevator and, even though you wouldn't normally flirt at 8:30 a.m., you exchange smiles with a cute guy.

He gets out a few floors below yours and just before the doors close, he asks your name. When you give a presentation that afternoon, still glowing thanks to Elevator Guy, you totally nail it. You might think you're having a lucky day, but psychologists say it has "The law of cause and effect doesn't just apply to physics. It rules your everyday life, says Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D., a psychologist who specialises in confidence building and author of A Cure For The Common Life. "When one positive thing happens, it gives your optimism and confidence a boost, which prompts you to seek out more good experiences.
Translation: one smile-inducing interaction can snowball into the kind of killer confidence that scores you the guy, the job, or whatever else you happen to want. The trick is knowing how to get that snowball started. We talked to experts to find out exactly how this 'confidence momentum' works, how you can kick-start it, and what to do when you hit a setback.
The Domino effect explained.
The best aspect of confidence momentum is that the tiniest thing can get you started-like that coffee or finding an earring you thought you had lost. "That's because when someone makes you feel good or something goes your way, you take on a whole new attitude, explains Susan Axtell, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles, US. "For instance, if it's a guy asking for your number, you'll walk away thinking, 'Well, that guy liked me, so other people will too.'
That thought in turn makes you less afraid to try new things because you get into a mindset where you expect things to work in your favour. Think about it: if someone tells you that you look especially gorgeous, you'll be more willing to see and be seen, which means you'll be more likely to go to a work party that you might normally skip. And if you're feeling good at the party, you'll have the guts to introduce yourself to people you don't know, making new contacts who might just lead to awesome new opportunities.
"When that second and third positive thing happen, they leave you exponentially more confident, so you feel like you can take a slightly bigger risk and put yourself out there even more, says Axtell. "And when you take a bigger risk, there's the possibility of a bigger payoff, so it just keeps going on and on.
Not only does confidence momentum motivate you to seek out beneficial situations, but it also causes good things to happen to you. "When you exude confidence, other people are more likely to be drawn to you and think of you as being capable, says Cardinal. For example, if you're coming across as ultra-confident at work, your boss might be more likely to trust you with bigger tasks and view you as a candidate for that promotion.
Even strangers can feel the pull. "Confident people hold themselves differently: They stand up straighter, smile more, and actually look brighter and happier, says psychotherapist Beverly Engel, author of The Nice Girl Syndrome."Those traits make you look confident, so people who don't even know you assume good things about you.
Start your own winning streak.
Of course, you can't exactly force people to give you free stuff or shower you with compliments. But there are little things you can do that set the stage for it to happen. "Simply the act of not sitting back and waiting can set things in motion, says Axtell." People who wait for things to happen usually feel out of control, but those who actively seek out new situations feel more powerful.
Start by taking small risks. "When you keep the risk modest, you're more likely to succeed and have a positive outcome, says Engel."So you'll get that little jolt of confidence, which will spur you on.
Your move could be as subtle as giving a quick smile to a guy across the bar and seeing if he returns it. Chances are, he will-it's a natural reaction to smile at someone who's smiling at you. And in spite of the fact that you started it, that smile inflates your ego a little.
If all else fails, fake it till you make it. "It's really about how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you, says Engel."If you act confident by standing tall and asserting that you know what you're doing, you will really start to believe it and other people will too.
Once you do get your confidence flowing, ride the wave. "You can take full advantage of it by trying new things when you're on that confident kick, says Cardinal. If you've always wanted to try salsa dancing or a fiction-writing class, now's the time. The assurance you've already built up will give you a running start. "This is also the time that you should be direct about what you want, because people are more likely to give it to you, says Axtell. That means asking your friend if you can borrow the dress you've been coveting or requesting another 10 percent off an already discounted pair of designer shoes. "It sounds simple, but most people don't think to ask for what they want, says Engel."When you have enough confidence to ask, people are more likely to say yes simply because they're attracted to that gusto.
Bounce back from a crappy situation.
Here's the bad news: confidence momentum can work in reverse. When something upsetting happens, it can erode your self-assurance, which can lead to more disappointments. "A bad experience, like being reprimanded at work, makes you feel terrible and puts you in a down mood, says Axtell. After that, it's easier to look at everything in a negative way. And when you're giving off that vibe, people tend to avoid you. The trick is to stop that negativity quickly so you don't launch into a downward spiral. "It's crucial not to dwell on the bad thing that happened, advises Cardinal. If you need to vent because your boss was mean, call a girlfriend and talk it out. But after the bitching session is over, swear off the subject. If you keep going over it, it becomes harder to move on. So make sure you force yourself to deal with each thing as it comes. Easy to say, but how do you do it? One way to break the cycle of negativity is to treat yourself to something you know you love, like a manicure or a brownie from your favourite bakery. It's practically impossible to feel bad when you're pampering yourself. Those little indulgences can also make you more relaxed and optimistic...and suddenly, things are picking up again.

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[LeadersWorkshop] When Half is Enough [6 Attachments]

[LeadersWorkshop] When Half is Enough [6 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from fayyaz included below]

Dear all, 

I think we all should say "Alhamdolillah" and make sure we keep offering Thanks to Almighty Allah s.w.t very frequently, after seeing the below message.


"Half Man - Half Price Store"
The Story of Peng Shuilin

It is inspiration for all. We should not have excuses in our life..........after seeing this message!!!!

In life we keep complaining about what is or why we don't have.
Half the time we seem dissatisfied, though full-bodied and free to choose. Fat people say,"I want to be slim." Skinny people say,"I want to be fatter."
 Poor people want to be rich and rich are never satisfied with what they have.

PENG Shuilin is 78cms high. He was born in Hunan Province , China .
In 1995, in Shenzhen, a freight truck sliced his body in half.
His lower body and legs were beyond repair.

sewed up his torso.
Peng Shuilin, 37, spent nearly two years in hospital in Shenzhen, southern China ,
undergoing a series of operations to re-route nearly every major organ or system inside his body.
Peng kept exercising his arms, building up strength, washing his face and brushing his teeth.

He survived against all  odds.
Now Peng Shulin has astounded doctors by learning to walk again after a decade.

Considering Peng's plight, doctors at the China Rehabilitation Research Centre in   Beijing
devised an ingenious way to allow him to walk on his own,
creating a sophisticated egg cup-like casing to hold his body, with two bionic legs attached.

It took careful consideration, skilled measurement and technical expertise.
Peng has been walking the corridors of Beijing Rehabilitation Centre
with the aid of his specially adapted legs and a resized walking frame.

RGO is a recipicating gait orthosis, attached to a prosthetic socket bucket.
There is a cable attached to both legs so when one goes forward, the other goes backwards.
Rock to the side, add a bit of a twist and the leg without the weight on it advances,
while the other one stays still, giving a highly  inefficient way of ambulation.
Oh so satisfying to 'walk' again after ten years with half a body!

Hospital vice-president Lin Liu said: "We've just given him a checkup; he is fitter than most men his age."
Peng Shuilin has opened his own bargain supermarket, called the Half Man-Half Price Store. The inspirational 37-year-old has become a businessman and is used as a role model for other amputees. At just 2ft 7ins tall, he moves around in a wheelchair giving lectures on recovery from disability. His attitude is amazing, he doesn't complain.

"He had good care, but his secret is cheerfulness. Nothing ever gets him down."  

You have a whole body. You have feet. Now you have met a man who has no feet. His life is a feat of endurance, a triumph of the human spirit in overcoming extreme adversity. Next time you want to complain about something trivial, don't.
Remember Peng Shulin instead.


Attachment(s) from fayyaz

6 of 6 Photo(s)

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Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~ Top Ten Misspelled Words

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~ Top Ten Misspelled Words

 ~~~~~ Top Ten Misspelled Words

 Top Ten Misspelled Words



[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~ Beautiful Corporate Message.......Serious jokes................

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~ Beautiful Corporate Message.......Serious jokes................

 Beautiful corporate Cartoons..................
On Some Real life Situations...... ......... ..

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~ Fw:Secreat of Happy Marriage.. - worth viewing - ......

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~ Fw:Secreat of Happy Marriage.. - worth viewing - ......


Marriage secret

A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years.
They had shared everything. They had talked about everything.
They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little
Old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had
Cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.


For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but
One day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said
She would not recover.

In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took
Down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside.
She agreed that it was time that he should know what was
In the box. When he opened it, he found two knitted dolls
And a stack of money totaling $95,000.

He asked her about the contents.

'When we were to be married,' she said, ' my grandmother told me
The secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that
If I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and knit a doll.'

The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two
Precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two
Times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with

'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the dolls, but what about all of this money?
Where did it come from?'

'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.'






[LeadersWorkshop] Skills Abudance & shortage : Sweetner or Salty (Pink Slips)

[LeadersWorkshop] Skills Abudance & shortage : Sweetner or Salty (Pink Slips)


18 months ago we're in the midst of the now infamously-named  dark times of our lives, (Global Financial Crisis for those of you who have just peered out from under a rock), and everyone was panicking about job retrenchments, pay cuts and unemployment figures, depressing economy, and the next,  18-20 months past, we're hearing about the skills shortage again.

Do we have a forecasting tool to forecast (structured) or do we need an astrologer, (quizzical), in about 18-20 months, countries rolling in loop, some coming back...or atleast showing some sign and some going down.......but future for payrise lies in your skill set.

Past :

It wasn't long ago that employers were sweetening deals all over the place and importing skilled professionals from overseas in order to fill jobs that were going begging because of the booming economy.


Then, the GFC kicked in and everything went back to boringly normal; no lurks, no perks, you were lucky to have a job.

And ... we're back! to past in future.


"As the job market continues to improve, the big challenge is going to be finding ways to keep good people without incurring huge wage cost blowouts, and shortage / abudnace skills". I cannot forecast...but some people can....they will not. They will use tools and, we dont know. 

So basically, it's not time yet to be extending your hand in the hope that an extra  frills will cross your palm at the end of each week, but the current future's a little rosier,/ and little damper, at least (for now) in terms of recognition and keeping your job.

For employers, the need to retain staff is as important as it's always been,, but you should be wanted, and skilled, and knowledgeable, to avoid the extra costs involved in employing new staff.

But finding which skill will be in short supply in future and which skill in abundance, is the challenge.

There is one skill that will be shortage in future .........astrologers, to predict our future correctly, this skill will surely be in demand.

Do have a macro level HR Tool for knowing shortage of skills, in advance? Yes  or No?

Or ar we going to play yo-yo on short supply

We come to know teachers are short supply in US, we start teachers course, there is short supply in masons in Saudi Arabia, we turn our head towards that direction. Do we have skill shortage forecasting tool to forecast future skill shortage?

or the infamous demand-supply system will work for future, we will not be able to predict shortage before shortage?

Rajesh Diwan

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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[LeadersWorkshop] `Not To-do' Plan

[LeadersWorkshop] `Not To-do' Plan


I have a friend who keeps on coaxing me that I keep on doing that makes life too cumbersome, and are not too important and do things that dont matter too much. I guess he is right! We do a lots of things that we can avoid.

His idea is to bring focus in my efforts for some gainful and productive activity, which will harness my profession and my goals. I think, that is why supervisors, boss, trainers, teachers and parents and children are for.

He is a great dude for getting you back on track and focus on activities that needs to be done for fostering your life and career goals.

What he said made complete sense to me, I came up with a idea to see how much time i spent on things that could have been done without my help....self assessment. I came across that of all more that 50% of hours I work,  go on spending doing not directly related to my job in any way.

I can complete my day in 5 hours and focus on other things, productive and gainful for me and the society.

So I made "Not to do" Plan

Surprised? I had a problem to come up with the name. There are things we should not be focusing on. You would have come across only to do list and plan. We write many things which we want to do on that day or during that week.  We dont have a "Not-to-do" plan at all.

Having a not to-do Plan is useful and important.  If you carefully analyse a day, you may come across activities which you need not have done.  If you had avoided those activities, it would have given you a chunk of time which you could have used for some productive purpose.


I came across a story, which will explain this.  There was dirt

adjacent to a road, many people passed by and did nothing.  A

potter went through that way and looked at the dirt, He wanted

to carve a beautiful pot out of it.  He started collecting dirt and after several days of work, he made a a great pot. Now there was a pot in the place where the dirt stood, glaring at others.

Others asked him how he saw a pot in the dirt while they saw only  dirt in the dirt. For this, he replied that he did not bring

anything new into the dirt and the pot already existed in the


All he did was that he looked at the dirt and removed and every portion of the dirt which did not resemble a pot. What remained was a pot!


Like that potter, we should remove every activity, which does

not facilitate our goal.  If you do this, you can also carve a

pot of gold in your life!

In our home, office, business, HR profession, we spend a lot of time doing a whole lot of things that are not important for yourself, your profession, your business, and others. If we prepare, not-to-do-plan, we could really do a lot. It is really difficult, but essential for professionals and self employed and especially in organisations where people engage in not useful activies.

Hence a suggestion, before doing any activity, ask the question to yourself:  "Should I spend my time doing this activity?", and follow the triple test formulae.

If the answer is `no', don't do it.

Rajesh Diwan

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