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Re: [TSPStrategy] Where is Sarah?

Many have asked this same question but there is never a meaningful response.   


TSP Strategy should be just one data point and not the holy grail for managing funds.   


There are other free or low fee TSP advisory services available.  I suggest researching them and adding them to your stable of advisors.  I like TSPWealth and its free!  It is very active.  TSPWealth will text and mail updates to your phone when a change is recommended.  And again, take their advice as one of several inputs. 


Keep in mind, return results will vary.  Also keep in mind that, often, more is lost trying to time exits and entries.     


Here is TSP Wealth's latest advisory notice, delivered today:

     TSPWealth Update 1/23/22



Jan 23



New allocations for the TSPWealth System are: 100% G-Fund. This marks the 2nd interfund transfer for the month of January. The year-to-date return is -6.79%.  This interfund transfer is a result of rapidly deteriorating conditions in the financial markets. www.tspwealth.com .  Activity this past week raised numerous warning flags.  At the same time sentiment has sufficiently deteriorated to the point that the markets may experience a strong bounce depending on the message from the Federal Reserve at upcoming meetings.   

TSPWealth is transitioning to publishing on Substack and Telegram.  Follow our Substack posts here:  www.tspwealth.substack.com.

Follow the link: https://t.me/+Va4dFcCL5OAxNGYx to our Telegram Channel.        





Sent from Mail for Windows


From: dls1958@gmail.com
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2022 8:23 AM
To: TSPStrategy@groups.io
Subject: Re: [TSPStrategy] Where is Sarah?


I have been wondering the same thing for quite awhile. If she is no longer able or interesting in moderating this group, perhaps she should turn the reigns over to others or shut the group down?


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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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