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Re: [TSPStrategy] How low to go.

The fact is the Baby Boomers didn't breed enough, the fat-cats that fund politicians depend on the cheap labor, and the vast majority of people on this forum have never spent any time doing hard manual labor alongside illegal immigrants.  I have, in various industries, as a full-time job, not just as a volunteer or part time.

GW was no better than the current administration when it came to illegal immigration.

Illegal Immigration isn't a partisan issue.  What is partisan about it is the motivation each side has on why they allow it.

I would feel much better if every male crossing the border was given a Selective Service number, told if we go to war their being instantly drafted, and if they do fight honorably they get citizenship.

All that being said I would MUCH rather have our illegal immigration problem than Europe's.  Columbus sailed to help the Spanish Queen avoid the ancestors of the European illegal immigrants who had just finished closing the Silk Road.

Oh, and from a long-term investment perspective, on a trip to see Machu Picchu I met my wife.  My kids won't be just bilingual, they will be bi-literate.  THAT is hedging a bet.  And she is the best wife and mother I could have ever hoped for.


On Sun, 30 Jan 2022 10:22:27 +0300, "Scott" <rossman26@gmail.com> wrote:
You are clearly misinformed.  Most of our traditional aloe and in the United States are from visa overstays however that is not true for new arrivals. I would suggest we work in the realm of facts and not any of the information that has been pedaled by the various media outlets.
Here are the official statistics from CBP.  As you will see FY21 (01OCT20 through 30SEP21) there were 1,956,519 apprehensions, up from 646,822 the year before.. so more than 200% increase.  As for this FY, there have been 590,899 in just the first three months.  While many of those should, emphasis on should, have been expelled bac kto Mexico under Title 42 authority and in accordance with the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), the hard cold fact is they are not.  Just watch any of the most recent videos where buses and planes are being filled by illegal aliens bound for interior cities.  Here's one brief report and please note that ICE doesn't deny the allegations however it is clear that many of these individuals are single adult males who, on face value, should have been removed. https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/migrants-with-criminal-records-among-those-being-released-in-the-us-ice-agent/ 
How do you think they are getting to these locations and who do you believe to be paying for them?  Flights cost money and many are flying commercial.  Ask anyone living in South Texas about what the air travel looks like of late.  They'll tell you, planes are mostly illegal aliens.  Let's set aside the travel side of things.  Border Patrol has multiple soft sided holding and processing facilities..  Those cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $800,000 per month to operate.
Once those illegal aliens are in their new home, do they just live on the streets?  No.  They are provided shelter, food, access to school systems for their children, free meals at those schools.  When they get sick they go to the local ER for treatment, using our emergency care system as their primary physician.  Here's a report from 1997 which then measured the bill for illegal aliens using social services at $1.1 Billion.  https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GAOREPORTS-HEHS-98-30/html/GAOREPORTS-HEHS-98-30.htm Here's another from 2016 which estimated 63% used welfare systems. https://cis.org/Report/63-NonCitizen-Households-Access-Welfare-Programs
As someone who has worked in this space for near three decades, I can attest to the veracity of those reports and would add I believe them to be low estimates.  Of course the common retort is that illegal aliens are not allowed to use those systems by law...  well of course, they are also precluded from entering and residing here illegally, but that didn't stop them either.  When you have social activists working within the system and enabling their access, it's a very difficult problem to resolve.
I would encourage you to read up on the situation and not just believe what the MSM is feeding the general public. The problem is FAR worse than what is being reported and it's only getting worse.
On Sun, Jan 30, 2022 at 12:11 AM <jdinvesting@kh11.net> wrote:
1.9 million crossing into the US?? and ???...most of our illegals are overstays.  No one is walking across the border and hitching free rides.  Initially folks try to rush the border, but that is not happening.  We have arrested and./or deported at a record pace.  The Border folks are doing their job and that does take tax dollars.  Show me the current numbers from a credible source that they are just eating off our social services.  

On Fri, Jan 28, 2022 at 09:36 PM, Scott wrote:
I would argue that while not all things are to be laid at the feet of the current President there are several which have directly contributed to our current state of the economy.  Under the last administration we achieved fuel independence and our gas prices reflected that.  We all know the decisions that were made on day one and we are now living the consequences and paying for those decisions.
Under the last administration our borders were the most secure they had been in decades.  The current President made it clear his stance on illegal aliens and as such, as soon as he won the election the numbers started growing exponentially… to the point where we have now had more than 1.9 million illegals Ross our border.  If you don't think that has a direct impact on our economy and society then I'm not really sure what to say.  Bus tickets, flights, subsidized housing, eduction, meals at school, subsidized food, healthcare, etc…
Another already addressed the point of GDP so no need to beat that dead horse.  It's amazing to me that no matter who is in office, it's ALWAYS the last party's fault with no acknowledgement that their own terrible decisions may have real consequences.
Much of this situation is most certainly not the fault of 45.  He's not faultless by any means but he left the country in a pretty damn good place.  Had this administration chose not to go scorched earth on anything with his name, maybe they could have mitigated some of the situation were in now. 
On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 7:44 AM <jdinvesting@kh11.net> wrote:
Versus the recession we came out off in 2020....GDP is the best since 1984.  Hiring out paced the last administration.   But you think after year in office the WH has created this mess??  I think you should look at other news sources and read books on economics instead of parroting talking points.  





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