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Re: [TSPStrategy] How low to go.

Well, I have been a member since 2007. Sara and Tex have been a wealth of information, including TSP transfers and retirement information.
I think the group has taken a turn over the past 2 years and I would like to say thank you to Sara and Tex. 
I am out, with the new generation wanting to be spoon feed and not looking at the data to make an informend desision based on thier risk and time line. (No Emotion)
If I had to do it all over again, when the TSP reset all the numbers for dollar cost averaging in 2003ish at $10 per share across all the TSP Funds. 
I would have invested like my buddy, ALL in C for 30 years never moved, and yes Over 1 mil. for him. 
 2008 was a horrible time, however by 2015 he was very happy.
He never moved his money until the day he retired into the G fund, for a sure lock.
If you are a chief, just put your$$$ in the crock pot and let it simmer. 
You never lose or gain unless you move it.
I hope everyone on this email has a wonderful career and their investments are off the charts!

On Jan 28, 2022, at 23:36, Scott <rossman26@gmail.com> wrote:

I would argue that while not all things are to be laid at the feet of the current President there are several which have directly contributed to our current state of the economy.  Under the last administration we achieved fuel independence and our gas prices reflected that.  We all know the decisions that were made on day one and we are now living the consequences and paying for those decisions.

Under the last administration our borders were the most secure they had been in decades.  The current President made it clear his stance on illegal aliens and as such, as soon as he won the election the numbers started growing exponentially… to the point where we have now had more than 1.9 million illegals Ross our border.  If you don't think that has a direct impact on our economy and society then I'm not really sure what to say.  Bus tickets, flights, subsidized housing, eduction, meals at school, subsidized food, healthcare, etc…

Another already addressed the point of GDP so no need to beat that dead horse.  It's amazing to me that no matter who is in office, it's ALWAYS the last party's fault with no acknowledgement that their own terrible decisions may have real consequences.

Much of this situation is most certainly not the fault of 45.  He's not faultless by any means but he left the country in a pretty damn good place.  Had this administration chose not to go scorched earth on anything with his name, maybe they could have mitigated some of the situation were in now. 

On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 7:44 AM <jdinvesting@kh11.net> wrote:
Versus the recession we came out off in 2020....GDP is the best since 1984.  Hiring out paced the last administration.   But you think after year in office the WH has created this mess??  I think you should look at other news sources and read books on economics instead of parroting talking points.  

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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