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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~..Thoughts, Full Of Energy

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~..Thoughts, Full Of Energy



Packets Of Thoughts, Full Of Energy

by Shivi Dua 

    Each thought is a prayer and every prayer is answered. So, watch your thoughts. Each thought creates certain vibrations in and around us thereby reaching the Omnipresent naturally. Each prayer is answered as soon as it is heard and each prayer is heard as soon as it is said. The effort that we do need to make, however, is in ensuring that all our thoughts are positive so that our prayers do not keep cancelling each other's effects. 
    Everything that we think about receives energy through our thought. When we 
accept our power, we also learn to send our power packets to the all that give us happiness. We stop sending them to those that upset us because we don't want to energise them and increase their role in our lives. 
    At times, when we are praying, we might be asking the Creator to help us forgive those who have done us wrong while at other
times we might be busy condemning the person for doing the same. Brooding over the past in this manner will give rise to anger and possibly, revenge. In our ignorance, we are sending our power packets to the wrong that we experienced, the person we believe wronged us and to the emotions of anger and revenge. These will then easily negate those we sent during our prayer for forgiveness. Later, we might even find it convenient to blame the Creator for not answering our prayers. 
    Accepting the past and whatever unpleasant may have taken place helps us integrate it in us. Reminding ourselves 
that the other person in question is entitled to his own way of looking at things and handling his life helps us accept whatever happened between him and us in a neutral manner and move on. Only then we can continue to create positive vibrations to 'forgive and forget'. It really should be 'accept and forgive'. Accept them as they are and forgiveness follows naturally. Trying to forget only makes us remember it some other time. Accepting it actually frees us of the burden. 
    It was about four months since we had moved to Chandigarh when one morning on her way to school, the bus my daughter was travelling in met with an accident. A 
truck hit the bus and a windowpane broke and fell on my daughter's hands, leaving her with cuts and scratches. While narrating the incident, she also told me that all the children in the bus were concerned about her. She said despite the blood and the pain, she felt good. 
She recollected earlier incidents in other places we had 
moved to where it was through some sort of suffering that she got to make friends in the new place. She finally said: "I knew something like this will happen and i will make friends here also." Needless to say, i pointed out to her that it was this belief of hers that was creating this misery for her time and again and that she deserved to make friends wherever she went easily and effortlessly… All you have to do is to believe in your power to create your life afresh and send the right power packets out to the Universe.
Extract from the writer's book: Let The Power Be With You.


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[LeadersWorkshop] Worldwide Organizational Chart...

[LeadersWorkshop] Worldwide Organizational Chart...



  Worldwide Organizational Chart...  

  You   will   agree to it...




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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~..Be.Human.

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~..Be.Human.


You have to develop human values. Without this, you are human merely in form.
Man is filled with qualities such as anger, desire, greed, jealousy, etc. These are animal qualities.
Anger is the nature of a dog.
Wavering mind is the quality of a monkey.
You are neither a dog nor a monkey.
When you are in a fit of anger, remind yourself that you are not a dog and your anger will diminish.
Many animal qualities are rampant in human beings today.
What we need to cultivate are the human qualities of compassion, truth, forbearance, empathy, etc.


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[LeadersWorkshop] Should You Write Your Own Promotion Plan?. [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] Should You Write Your Own Promotion Plan?. [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Karthik (HOME -Amritkala) included below]

A very good article.

Also I am attaching a file I came across interesting on retention; more so in today's context where this is a big challenge considering the growth in local scenario.........


A reader asks:

I work at a small start-up developing enterprise software products for global markets (< 200 people) as a Director of Engineering. I have been knocking on the door of a VP level position for about 8 months now, but those plans were put on the back burner by my manager when the downturn hit us and we went into a consolidation phase. Now, after about 9 months of hard work, things started turning around for us and I once again opened up the topic with my manager. He expressed his appreciation of the work I've done and agreed that I should be made a VP. But then, he asked me to lay out a set of goals and a roadmap for making me a VP.

My question to you is: how should I approach this rather crucial communication with my manager, where I myself have to set goals for promotion?

A promotion plan for an employee is usually the responsibility of the promoter, not the promotee. That's because a promotion means a role with greater responsibility — managing a new project, replacing someone who has left, or expanding a current job with more staff or tasks. The need for that new or bigger role is decided by the higher-ups as part of solving a business problem in line with the company's goals.

Since it's not typical for the goals of the organization to be set by an employee, we know your boss is playing some kind of game by making you guess what it will take to get promoted.

I see three possibilities here:

A. Your boss does want to promote you, and has some ideas, but no specific bigger role for you. He therefore is looking to you to help him make a case to convince other executives, and his boss, to agree on a VP job for you.

B. Your boss doesn't really want you promoted because it isn't going to do anything useful for him or his career. As far as he's concerned, he's better off with you remaining right where you are.

C. I'm a completely jaded old man and the boss isn't being sly, he simply wants you to show some initiative and suggest how you would help the company if you were promoted.

In all the cases, your boss hasn't been 100% honest with you. He hasn't let you know why you need to come up with "goals" and a "roadmap." How you should respond now depends on which of these three situations you're facing, and whether or not your boss's interest aligns with yours. You'll need more information to move ahead.

Option A

To find out if you boss is in situation "A," ask him who else will see your goals and roadmap document. Tell him you need to know because writing for him will be different than writing for a larger group, and you want to be sure to add enough context for them to understand your proposal.

If you boss says yes, others may review your plan, then ask him what those people might be looking for in a roadmap. Are there business goals that they feel are important and that, as a VP, you could address?

It's not the ideal way to get promoted, and your boss's inability to tell you in the first place what the firm needs and how you might get promoted shows he is either a poor manager or in a weak position in the organization himself (or both). However, he's trying to help, and that's not all bad. What's bad is option B.

Option B

If your boss says that he alone will review your plans, then what you suspect in your heart is likely true — there will be no promotion now or anytime soon. In option B, the boss sees no political advantage for himself in your becoming a VP, and thus, you will not become a VP. The work he's assigned you is just to keep you occupied and out of his office for a few days.

You'll know you're facing option B if you deliver a short list of a few potential goals as bullet points and he finds issues with them. "I'm not sure this is really in keeping with what the company needs." "Why do you feel that you could achieve these goals?" "How will you handle the extra work?"

All those are questions the boss should be, in this case, answering with your help, not demanding you solve on your own.

If you want to get to the next rung of the company ladder, you're going to need more than a roadmap document. You're going to need a real sponsor.

No one gets promoted as a reward for what they've done — they get promoted for what someone hopes they will do. (That's why doing a good job can result in the opposite of promotion. If you're valuable where you are, a bad boss will not want you to move up and away.)
That someone is your sponsor. If it isn't your boss, you need to find someone else in the organization. Look for a person with a new problem to tackle, and you will find your him or her.

Option C

Perhaps your boss genuinely wants to help you but is relying on you to suggest how he do that. As with option B, I would seek a sponsor in the organization to tell you what things the company values, and put those on your roadmap.

I am curmudgeon and jaded by many years of witnessing bosses and employees place trust in people who didn't deserve to be trusted. But maybe, this time, I'm wrong. The only way to find out is to make your list of things you can do for the company, give them to the boss, and then listen carefully to the message for signs that he can (or can't) be trusted.

What do you think? A, B, or C, or is there a D? Kobayashi Maru, anyone?

B Karthik &Lalitha Karthik
"AMRITKALA"; #A 801; Renaissance Park III; I Main Road; Subramanya Nagar; Malleswaram (W). Bangalore 560 055.
Cell Phone +91 98440 26214. / +91 80 65464585
Take it Easy and Take care. Live Consciously.
MY BLOG: www.Karthikkaraikudy.blogspot.com
My Linkedin Profile:- http://www.linkedin.com/in/karthikkaraikudy


Attachment(s) from Karthik (HOME -Amritkala)

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[LeadersWorkshop] 50 PRACTICAL TIME SAVERS [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] 50 PRACTICAL TIME SAVERS [1 Attachment]

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[LeadersWorkshop] Types of Directive Leadership behaviour [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] Types of Directive Leadership behaviour [1 Attachment]


Attachment(s) from fayyaz

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[LeadersWorkshop] I Will Wait

[LeadersWorkshop] I Will Wait



A big flood hit a village. Everyone was evacuated and
fled for safety, except for one man who said, "God will
save me. I have faith." As the water level rose, a jeep
came to rescue him but he refused help and said, "God
will save me. I have faith." As the water level rose
further, he went up to the second story, and a boat
came to help him. Again he refused to go saying, "God
will save me. I have faith." The water kept rising and
finally he climbed to the roof. A helicopter came to
rescue him, but he said, "God will save me. I have
faith." Finally he drowned. When he came face to face
with his Maker he angrily commented, "I have complete
faith in you. Why did you ignore my prayers and let me
drown?" The Lord replied, "Who do you think sent the
jeep, the boat, and the helicopter?"


We must be accountable for what we do and not blame
others for our shortcoming. We have to take the
necessary action to help ourselves, rather than
waiting, wishing and wondering what is happening in
life. Nobody will help you unless you first decide to
help yourself.

Take action right now and do not waste any minute. You
are responsible for your own failure or success!!


"Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find
that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other
people, things and other people will alter towards

Nisreen Dr. Sk. Abbas Merchant*
 NLP Master Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapist
(specialising in Behaviour Modification)
Corporate Trainer
+91 9869553372

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[LeadersWorkshop] Food as Medicine

[LeadersWorkshop] Food as Medicine

Shabbar's Mission: "To help others to see the best in themselves"

Food   as Medicine  


Eat   plenty of fish -- fish oil helps prevent  headaches..
So  does ginger, which  reduces inflammation and pain.  


Eat   lots of yogurt before pollen season.  
Also-eat honey from  your area (local  region) daily.

  DRINK   TEA!  
Prevent   build-up of fatty deposits on artery walls  with regular  doses of tea.  (actually,   tea suppresses appetite and keeps the  pounds from  invading....Green tea is great  for our immune  system)!  

Use honey as a tranquilizer and  sedative.  

EAT   ONIONS!!!!  

Eating   onions helps ease constriction of  bronchial tubes.  (onion   packs place   on chest   helped   the respiratory ailments and actually made   breathing   better).

Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines  actually  prevent arthritis.  (fish   has omega oils, good for our immune   system)  

   BANANAS   - GINGER!!!!!  
Bananas   will settle an upset stomach.
Ginger  will cure morning  sickness and nausea..  


High-acid   cranberry juice controls harmful bacteria.  

Bone fractures and osteoporosis can be  prevented by the  manganese in pineapple.  


Oysters   help improve your mental functioning by  supplying  much-needed zinc.  


Clear   up that stuffy head with garlic.  (remember,   garlic lowers cholesterol,  too.)

A substance similar to that found in  the cough syrups is  found in hot red  pepper. Use red (cayenne) pepper  with  caution-it can irritate your tummy.  

   EAT   Wheat, bran and  cabbage
Helps to maintain estrogen at healthy  levels.  


A   good antidote is beta carotene, a form of  Vitamin A found in  dark green and orange  vegetables.  

Cabbage contains chemicals that help  heal both gastric  and duodenal ulcers.  

Grate   an apple with its skin, let it turn brown  and eat it to cure  this condition.  (Bananas   are good for this  ailment)


Mono   unsaturated fat in avocados lowers  cholesterol.  

Olive oil has been shown to lower  blood pressure.  
Celery contains a  chemical that lowers pressure too.  


The   chromium in broccoli and peanuts helps  regulate insulin and  blood sugar.  

  Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of  potassium,  magnesium, Vitamin E &  fibre. It's Vitamin C content is  twice  that of an orange.  

  An apple a day keeps the doctor away?  Although an apple has  a low Vitamin C  content, it has antioxidants &   flavonoids which enhances the activity of  Vitamin C thereby  helping to lower the  risks of colon cancer, heart  attack &  stroke..

  Protective fruit. Strawberries have the  highest total  antioxidant power among  major fruits & protects the body  from  cancer causing, blood vessels clogging   free radicals. (Actually,   any berry is good for you..they're high in  anti-oxidants and  they actually keep us  young...........blueberries are the best  and  very versatile in the health field........they  get rid  of all the free-radicals that  invade our  bodies)

Orange :
  Sweetest medicine. Taking 2 - 4 oranges a  day may help  keep colds away, lower  cholesterol, prevent  & dissolve kidney  stones as well as lessen the risk  of colon  cancer..

  Coolest Thirst Quencher. Composed of 92%  water, it is also  packed with a giant dose  of glutathione which helps boost  our  immune system..  They are also a key source  of  lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant.   Other  nutrients    
Found in watermelon are Vitamin  C  & Potassium. (watermelon   also has natural substances [natural SPF  sources] that keep  our skin healthy,  protecting our skin from those darn UV   rays)

Guava   & Papaya:
  Top awards for Vitamin C. They are the  clear winners for  their high Vitamin C  content. Guava is also rich in fibre  which  helps prevent constipation.  

  is rich in carotene, this is good for your  eyes.  (also   good for gas and  indigestion)  

are   very good as a preventative measure for  men, keeps those  prostrate problems from  invading their  bodies......GOOD   AS MEDICINE..





