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Re: [TSPStrategy] tsp website

w regards to individual stocks, resist the desire to trade
you _cannot_ beat the High frequency traders, the algorythms, the con artists, the market makers who can literally manufacture virtual stocks to buy and sell
pick a few winners.
how do you pick winners? research. where do you think the future will be?

personally, I see the end of the fossil fuel era because manufactured energy (renewable) is far less expensive than extracted (use once)  energy
food. what is cheaper?  do you see the beginnings of manufactured food & perhaps milk?

beware get rich quick schemes, avoid Cramer like the plague infotainment at best

want 22,400 shares AAPL ?  go back in time and buy 100 before the splits and do nothing, AAPL split 224:1
want 28,800 shares CSCO?  same thing CSCO split 288:1
want 1,500  shares TSLA? same thing TSLA split 15:1

do prices go up and down? yes.

I used DCA, "dollar cost averaging" same amount of money to accumulate stocks.
I would literally be 20x richer IF I HAD NOT TRADED like a casino but just accumulated

I started in the markets over 40 years ago, in 1983, before the mini crash in 1987, which is a blip on the charts you can barely see

beware "rent seeking" financial advisors who continuously want money from you
(rent seeking, you pay a fee all the time for occasionally dubious advice)
(I and some aquaintaences, got told to sell one of my stocks 2019, just before its runup around 11x in 2020, which I ignored to my profit)

On Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 07:21:47 AM EDT, Thomas Wellock <thomas.wellock@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm not a fan of advisors, but if you want one, seek out someone who charges you an hourly rate to set up a plan. Once you have that, I would not pay an advisor an annual fee. It is not unusual for advisors to charge 1 to 1.5 percent of your assets under management. That might not sound like much, but to pay that every year will reduce your portfolio 20-30 percent over 20 years. It is a rare advisor who gives you a positive return above fees, unless they are also correcting bad habits like talking their clients out of panic selling during every downturn.

Your TSP is a very effective and simple vehicle to grow wealth. Just put it on autopilot and contribute regularly. Buy and hold. It may be dull, but dull wins.

On Thu, Jul 27, 2023, 5:57 AM Diane Flynn <moonweez@gmail.com> wrote:
Any financial advisor recommendations?

On Thu, Jul 27, 2023, 1:33 AM JOHN WATTS <johnnasa2035@outlook.com> wrote:
My recommendation is to engage a financial planner now.  Retirement planning should be started as soon as you can.  Hiring an advisor now will help you diversify savings strategies into areas that may be a current blind spot. And, it will be less painful now then waiting until retirement is knocking. 

This includes
- setting up  Roth IRAs now with after tax income. 
- buying individual stocks
- insurance 
- buying rental property 

Our economic future looks nothing like the past 20 years. Under Biden with the help of Republicans we carry more debt then can be repaid. And there is NO SPENDING CAP.  This stupidity signals to the world that we don't value our currency so why should they. 

Japan should be a lesson to the US but we are woefully ignorant (or arrogant). Read about Japan's lost decade. 

I suspect that the US is entering into a lost decade of economic growth. 
For a deeper understanding of the economy look up the work of Dave Brat. He's a former congressman and now Dean of the Liberty University Business School. 
If you watch the above links you will discover that none of this information is covered in the media bc the business media is superficial. 

You must dig around for the real financial news.  Watching Cramer (and the rest) is nothing more than idle entertainment. 

Do your homework. Look beyond the headlines.  Consider the promised financial changes coming from the government. 

Notice that we are quickly losing cashiers and cash registers (Lowe's  Home Depot, Walmart). They are not disappearing for our convenience. We are moving to a digital currency controlled by the USG. 

Change is being thrust upon us. To counter this we must get involved in local elections. 

On Jul 25, 2023, at 5:01 PM, Paul Jones - AOL2 via groups.io <jonesh2o=aol.com@groups.io> wrote:

Their is a TSP Facebook I belong to.  They offer good advice and help.  The link is https://www.facebook.com/groups/thriftsavingsplan

On 7/25/2023 3:48 PM, JOHN WATTS wrote:
I had and have similar issues. 

Call the TSP main #

Also check to see if there is a reliable TSP Facebook chat group for advice. 

No transactions are available prior to the new system release in June 2022(?). 

Any other financial institution would be w put in receivership by the SEC. 

I hope this helps!

On Jul 24, 2023, at 8:28 PM, Ken Johnston via groups.io <KJohns4456=aol.com@groups.io> wrote:

 Time to join the lawsuit against TSP and Accenture

On Monday, July 24, 2023, 8:18 PM, judd <judd@ionsky.com> wrote:

What else is wrong??  How about the Mutual Fund window which doesn't provide a way to evaluate the funds on traditional financial measures like ROI over 1, 5, 10 yrs and instead has an ESG score search which isn't a financial measure at all but instead is a measure of how able to survive in a socialist / communist system a company may be.  Does anyone know if someone has compiled traditional financial measures for the Funds in the Mutual Fund window and has it published someplace??

On Mon, 24 Jul 2023 23:58:09 +0000 (UTC), "winfield100 via groups.io" <winfield100=yahoo.com@groups.io> wrote:
Is there any central place where folks having trouble with the new TSP website can get help?
I apparently have no data prior to around July or so last year, even though it should be available
ALL my TSP beneficiary and my spouses TSP beneficiary data was "vanished" as we both have TSP accounts.
It was extremely difficult to get my daughters back in as beneficiaries, get their _correct_ addresses in, get their Social Security numbers in.
When I entered the SS number for 1 daughter I was informed I could not use that number as it was already in use I finally got them in by doing a tiny bit saving, logging out, logging back in, repeating for my TSP.
My wife's TSP was just as difficult, except I'm of "unknown  sex", I was apparently born 1/1/1800 and live elsewhere.
at least 1 other was born 1/1/1800
We have tried 10 times and the telephone help cannot resolve the problem.
They said not to worry, it will get fixed.
It's a legal document and I'm a bit concerned at what is a cavalier attitude in  my opinion.
What else is wrong?
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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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