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[LeadersWorkshop] Time Travel with Your Subconscious Mind


Time Travel with Your Subconscious Mind

by Dan Millman 

The following method enables you to engage both your conscious and subconscious mind to make a better-informed decision about career (or any other facet of life.) In a way, you're about to experience a form of time travel that engages your imaginative capacities in any decision-making process.

With practice, this time-travel process becomes simple and straightforward, and it represents an investment of just ten to fifteen minutes. You simply let your imagination travel through time. This process can help you choose the best of two, three, four, or more options. But for the sake of presenting the process, let's say someone's choosing between A and B.

Examples are Kristen deciding between two colleges; Mahmoud weighing whether to look for work in his current city, where his girlfriend lives, or to accept a good job overseas; and Maliha considering the offers of two admirers who have both proposed to her. Or there's Caleb and his start-up software company, which is beginning to take off, and he can either expand or accept a buyout from a software giant; Samantha can accept a high-paying corporate accounting job or start her own firm; Curtis has to choose whether to undergo expensive, high-risk surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation or settle his affairs and let go; and Sarah must decide whether to take an early-retirement package and minimum Social Security payments or to push on for a few more years so she'll receive maximum Social Security benefits.

The decision you face may be similar to or quite different from the examples above, but the process is the same. So here's the time-travel exercise.

1. Choose A. Settle into the idea that you have fully committed to A. This step is essential.

2. Ask yourself this three-part question:

Having committed to A, What will I be doing, what will I be feeling, and what will I look like one hour from now?

Ideally, write down the answers to the three parts of the question. Your answers may be brief, but write them down. At the very least, imagine the answers vividly. See what comes up. It's not likely to be too difficult to imagine one hour from now.

3. Ask yourself the same three-part question, but instead of one hour from now, imagine one day from now. Again, write down the responses that come up.

4. Same three-part question, but imagine one month from now.

5. Same three-part question, but imagine one year from now.

6. Same three-part question, but imagine ten years from now. At this point, you may feel like saying, Wait a minute. How can I possibly know what I'll be doing, be feeling, and look like (having committed to A) a decade hence? That's just my imagination.Right. It's your imagination - a bridge to intuitive sight. After all, why do you imagine one thing and not another?

When this process is complete, repeat it for option B. That is, say to yourself, What was I thinking? Clearly, B is the best choice! And commit to that. Feel into it. You have chosen B. Now go through all the steps just mentioned.

When you've written down (and/or vividly imagined) all your responses for both A and B (and C, if there's a third option), you will have transformed tunnel vision into a more expansive, intuitive depth and breadth of vision. This doesn't mean you will now have absolute certainty, but you'll be better prepared to make a firm decision.

Dan Millman, a former world champion athlete, coach, martial arts instructor and college professor, is author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior (adapted to film in 2006) and 12 other books read by millions of people in 29 languages. Dan teaches a way of living with a peaceful heart and a warrior spirit. His books, seminars, and trainings have influenced a wide range of people, including leaders in the fields of health, psychology, education, business, politics, sports, entertainment, and the arts. His website can be found at www.peacefulwarrior.com
From the book The Four Purposes of Life, Copyright 2011 by Dan Millman. Reprinted here with permission of H. J. Kramer / New World Library, Novato, CA, 800/972-6657 ext. 52.





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