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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~ A Few Roadsigns On The Path of Success Thru.Spiritualism... ...


 A few roadsigns on the path of pathlessness by Mohanji



A Few Roadsigns on the Path of Success Thru Spiritualism.

* There are no do's or don'ts. Just live a selfless life, without resisting, judging or criticizing oneself and others.
* There are no binding expectations, including expectation for a specific result for one's word or action.
* Always operate rooted in the spine. Do not sway with fleeting emotions.
* Complete Non-Violence – in thought, word, action, food, as well as in all your other expressions.
* Respect and perform the individual karma as well as dharma (duty) towards own family and dharma towards the society, with perfect equanimity and zero expectation.
* Purity in thought, word and action. This also means perfect self-less-ness and equanimity in pleasure and pain. Serve selflessly. No discrimination at all, on any basis.
* Divinity is Simplicity. Lead a simple life full of love and benevolence. Always feed the hungry with what you have. Always protect the helpless, old and abandoned with what you have. See the spark of God in every being.
* Do not worry about what you do not have. Rejoice at what you have. Never compare yourself with another.
* Avoid anything that binds you, irrespective of whether the habit is positive or negative. If you cannot live without something, it is definitely a binding for you. This could be even a bed tea or a particular person. It could even be your Guru. It could be an alcohol addiction or even meditation.
* Live in the present. Act in the present. Keep time. Do not waste even a moment, because, time in existence is specified, measured and un-extendable. Do what ever your current tasks are – right now – never postpone or procrastinate.
* Understand all individuals as karmic beings. Everyone lives their karma. Each pattern is unique. Respect it.
* Never censor your thoughts. You are what you are. Accept yourself with all your strengths, weaknesses or "imperfections" that you think you have. In absolute sense, there are no imperfections.
* Observe. Be a witness to your own thoughts, words and actions at all times. You will stay liberated from all of it. Objective observation is liberating. Involvement is binding. Remember this always.
* Every being on earth has a definite purpose. No creation is by accident. Respect every being, animate and inanimate. Never disturb or destroy. Live and let live.
* Emotions, guilt and regrets are ropes that bind us to earth. Have nothing to do with it.
* Love is the most beautiful of all feelings. Express it unconditionally.
* Do everything with full application, sincerity and objective commitment. Never do anything absent mindedly or half-heartedly. Avoid all such actions. You will always be true to yourself and life will be regret free, ego free and fulfilling.
* In our path, Gurus are just roadsigns. Gurus are perfectly unconditional. They never bind a seeker to themselves. They never interfere in your experience or your journey. They never criticize, judge or censor. They are objective and truthful. Gurus never display their powers to attract and control. Gurus never demand anything from any seeker. Gurus lead a liberated existence and they lead the seeker to liberation as well.




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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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