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[LeadersWorkshop] Customer First & StarGetSales


Customers come
and Customers go
Like wave upon the sand

    Like day and night
Like birds in flight
Like snowflakes when they land

But my customer and I are something else
Our relationship's here to stay

    Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks
It never goes away!

A customer is a person
to laugh and cry with,
An inspiration,

Someone who lends a buying hand,
though customer may not be forever,

And they may not end up together,
the memories of a true client relationship will
last forever.

A customer is not a shadow
nor a servant

    But someone who holds
a piece of your product / service in his heart.

Someone who shares a smile,
Someone who brightens up your day
What makes a customer a friend?

    Is by saying your passion for service
will stay. Customer First and StargetSales are

two Customer realated programs your people must attend to learn how to improve Customer relations, learn how to delight them and retain them as loyal customers. Email shoba@oscarmurphy.com or call 91 80 41161534 / 35 for details.


Here is help for you to learn how to attract customers to your business!


Best wishes, 

Director - Oscar Murphy International, Singapore & India
Behavioral Trainers, Coaches & Attitudinal Change Catalysts
Reg Director (Asia) - AATD - Accredited Alliance for T & D, USA
Email: sree@oscarmurphy.com
Gain a Intl Certificate, a Diploma or Accreditation in T & D
Phone: Mobile: 91 9901983545 Office: 91 80 41718771 / 772
Web: http://www.theassessmentworld.com & www.oscarmurphy.com
Changing Attitudes Reaching Effectiveness

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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