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[LeadersWorkshop] What Program is on Your Inner TV?


What Program is on Your Inner TV?

by Dr. Margaret Paul

What's playing on your inner TV? Your inner TV is the screen in your mind upon which you create various scenarios. Perhaps the channel is Reliving the Past. Maybe it's Controlling the Future. Is your channel on Obsessive Thinking where you are ruminating over and over about a situation or about how you want to handle something?

Our mind tends to go on and on making up stuff, as if what it is thinking is always the truth. However, the mind has been deeply programmed since childhood to think and believe in ways that often have nothing to do with truth.

Truth is that which comes from the source of truth, which is Spirit. We are able to access truth when we are present in this very moment with a deep desire to learn about truth and love. When we are present to this moment - to our inner experience and our surroundings - we are present with Spirit, so Spirit is able to communicate with us.

When our deepest desire is to be present with the truth, love and reality of this moment, we stop our obsessive or programmed thinking, which is always a way to control. When we are present in this moment, we have surrendered to Spirit. We have let go of control and are in faith that we are being guided and supported in our highest good. We don't need to put our limited mind in charge because we know that we will receive whatever messages we need from our Guidance. Our inner TV is OFF!

So, is your inner TV on or off? How often is your inner TV on the Control channel?

For example, let's say that you know that you need to speak with your boss about a problem you are having with another employee. You probably spend some time thinking about what you're going to say. If you're on the control channel, then your wounded self has possession of the remote control of your inner TV. On this channel you are thinking about how to make your point, how to be heard and understood, how to win, how to be right, how to convince, and so on. You might be preparing your defense should your boss disagree. Perhaps you rehearse this over and over, rerunning the video you have recorded. You want to make sure you get it right.

If your loving Adult is in charge of the remote control, then your inner TV is off. Your mind is not coming up with a pre-recorded video. Instead, you are opening to learning about what is in your highest good in this particular situation and asking Spirit for guidance. Is it best to just present the situation and ask for help or feedback with an intent to learn? Is it best to state the situation and state what you plan on doing to take care of yourself? Is it best to try to work it out with the other employee and not go to your boss at all? When your Adult is in charge, you are relying on Spirit rather than on your own mind to determine the action that is in your highest good.

If you do speak with your boss or with the other employee, who is in charge? Does your wounded self take over out of fear, or are you loving yourself enough to show up as a loving Adult connected with your Guidance?

Some of us find ourselves connecting with our Guidance just fine when we are meditating, dialoguing, creating, working with others in a supportive capacity. It's very easy for me to stay connected with Guidance when I'm working with clients or conducting an intensive. I couldn't work any other way because my mind doesn't know the answers regarding how to help others, but Spirit does. Spirit comes through the moment my intent is to be helpful.

The challenge comes in when it's just about taking care of myself with myself and within my personal relationships. That's when my wounded self wants to grab the remote control. She thinks she can figure things out to control the outcome with people and events. She thinks she's so smart, and she wants to create scenarios in order to control. I find I need to be vigilant in terms of who is in charge of the remote control. The minute my wounded self grabs it and clicks on the control channel, my joy is gone. The moment I surrender and allow Spirit to guide me, my inner TV is off and my joy is back. To me, that's a great motivator, since I love being in joy!

So is your inner TV on? If so, what program is on? Who has the remote - your wounded self or your loving Adult? You might want to start to notice this, for the rewards of switching off your inner TV are really great!

Dr. Margaret Paul is the author/co-author of several best-selling books, including Do I Have to Give Up Me to Be Loved By You?, Inner Bonding and several others. Her books have been distributed around the world, and have been translated into eleven languages. Margaret is a noted public speaker, workshop leader, educator, chaplain, consultant and artist. She has appeared on many radio and TV shows, including the Oprah show. She has successfully worked with thousands of individuals, couples and business relationships and taught classes and seminars since 1970. To explore more of her wonderful work, please visit her website, innerbonding.com.

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