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[LeadersWorkshop] Principled Negotiation - Roger Fisher Model

[LeadersWorkshop] Principled Negotiation - Roger Fisher Model


Getting to YES: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In is a best-selling 1981 non-fiction book by Roger Fisher and William L. Ury. Reissued in 1991 with additional authorship credit to Bruce Patton, the book made appearances for years on Business Week's "Best Seller" list

"Getting to Yes" describes a method called principled negotiation to reach an agreement whose success is judged by three criteria:

  1. It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible.
  2. It should be efficient.
  3. It should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties.

The authors argue that their method can be used in virtually any negotiation. Issues are decided upon by their merits and the goal is a win-win situation for both sides. Below is a summary of some of the key concepts from the book. The four steps of a principled negotiation are:

  1. Separate the people from the problem
  2. Focus on interests, not positions
  3. Invent options for mutual gain
  4. Insist on using objective criteria

In principled negotiations, negotiators are encouraged to take the view that all the participants are problem solvers rather than adversaries. The authors recommend that the goal should be to reach an outcome "efficiently and amicably." The steps can be described in more detail as follows.

Step 1: Separate the people from the problem

All negotiations involve people and people are not perfect. We have emotions, our own interests and goals and we tend to see the world from our point of view. We also are not always the best communicators; many of us are not good listeners.

Getting to YES outlines a number of tools for dealing with the problems of perception, emotion and communication. However, the authors stress that separating people from problems is the best option. The keys to prevention are: "building a working relationship" and "facing the problem, not the people."

Think of the people you negotiate with on a regular basis. Generally, the better we know someone, the easier it is to face a negotiation together. We tend to view people we don't know with more suspicion: just what is "Bob" up to? Take time to get to know the other party before the negotiation begins.

Think of the negotiation as a means to solving a problem and the people on the other side as partners helping to find a solution. Ideally both parties will come out of a negotiation feeling they have a fair agreement from which both sides can benefit.

If the negotiation feels like a situation of "you versus them", the authors suggest a couple of options:

  1. Raise the issue with [the other side] explicitly…'Let's look together at the problem of how to satisfy our collective interests'.
  2. Sit on the same side of the table….Try to structure the negotiation as a side-by-side activity in which the two of you – with your different interests and perceptions, and your emotional involvement – jointly face a common task.

Step 2: Focus on Interests, Not Positions

The authors use a simple example to explain the difference between interests and positions:

"Two men [are] quarrelling in a library. One wants the window open and the other wants it closed. …. Enter the librarian. She asks one why he wants the window open: 'To get some fresh air [his interest]'. She asks the other why he wants it closed: 'To avoid a draft' [his interest]. After thinking a moment, she opens wide a window in the next room, bringing in fresh air without a draft."

The interests of the two men are the desire for fresh air and the desire to avoid a draft. The men's positions are to have the window opened or closed. The authors say we need to focus, not on whether the window in their room is opened or closed, but on how we can meet both the need for fresh air and the need to avoid a draft. More often than not, by focusing on interests, a creative solution can be found.

In this little example, each man has one interest but in most negotiations, each party will have many interests and these interests will likely be different than yours. It's important to communicate your interests to the other party. Don't assume they have the same interests as you or that they know what your interests are. Don't assume you know what interests the other party has. Discussion to identify and understand all the interests is a critical step in the process.

Step 3: Invent Options for Mutual Gain

The authors feel that a common problem with many negotiations is there are too few options to choose from. Little or no time is spent creating options. This, they feel, is a mistake.

There are four steps to generating options:

  1. Separate inventing from deciding. Like in any brainstorming session, don't judge the ideas people bring forward, just get them on the board.
  2. Broaden the options on the table rather than look for a single answer. Remember the men at the library? The only option they saw was opening or closing the window in the room they were both sitting in. In fact, there are many options: borrow a sweater, open a window in another room, move to a different spot, etc.
  3. Search for mutual gain. In a negotiation, both sides can be worse off and both sides can gain. Principled negotiations are not about "I win" and "you lose".
  4. Invent ways of making the other party's decisions easy. Since a successful negotiation requires both parties to agree, make it easy for the other side to choose. This is where putting yourself in the other person's shoes can be very valuable. What might prevent "Bob" from agreeing? Can you do anything to change those things?

Step 4: Insist on Using Objective Criteria

Principled negotiations are not battles of will. There is no winner and you don't need to push your position until the other backs down. The goal is to "produce wise agreements amicably and efficiently".

Use of objective criteria helps remove the emotion from the discussion and allows both parties to use reason and logic. You may have to develop objective criteria and there are a number of ways that can be done, from "traditional practices", to "market value" to "what a court would decide". Objective criteria "need to be independent of each side's will."

Once objective criteria have been developed, they need to be discussed with the other side. The authors provide some guidelines:

  1. Frame each issue as a joint search for objective criteria.
  2. "[Use] reason and be open to reason" as to which standards are most appropriate and how they should be applied.
  3. "Never yield to pressure", only to principle.

Common Challenges

Following these steps should lead you to a successful outcome, but it isn't always that easy. The authors then go on to address three types of common challenges negotiators face.

Sometimes the other party is more powerful than you:

"The most any method of negotiation can do is to meet two objectives: first, to protect you against making an agreement you should reject and second, to help you make the most of the assets you do have so that any agreement you reach will satisfy your interests as well as possible."

To protect yourself, develop and know your BATNA: Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement. "The reason you negotiate is to produce something better than the results you can obtain without negotiating." The result you can obtain without negotiating is your BATNA.

"The better your BATNA, the greater your power" so it's essential to know your BATNA and take time to make sure it's as strong as it could be. The same will hold true for the other party. There are three steps to developing your BATNA:

  1. Invent a list of actions you might take if no agreement is reached"
  2. Improve some of the more promising ideas and convert them into practical alternatives
  3. Select, tentatively, the one alternative that seems best

Sometimes the other party just won't play:

In a principled negotiation, you don't want to play games with the other party and you don't want them playing games with you. The authors advocate three approaches to getting things back on track in this situation:

  1. Concentrate on the merits: talk about interests, options and criteria
  2. Focus on what the other party may do: try and identify the other party's interests and the principles underlying their position
  3. Focus on what a third party can do: bring in a third party to assist if steps 1 and 2 aren't successful

Sometimes the other party uses dirty tricks:

You may encounter a party who won't shy away from using dirty tricks. The process for dealing with this type of tactic is to follow the process for principled negotiations:

  1. Separate the people from the problem
  2. Focus on interests not positions
  3. Invent options for mutual gain
  4. Insist on using objective criteria
  5. If all else fails, "turn to your BATNA and walk out"

The authors close with three points:

  1. "You knew it all the time." Much of what goes into a principled negotiation is common sense. The authors have developed an understandable framework to share the approach with others.
  2. "Learn from doing." You won't become a better negotiator unless you get out there and practice.
  3. Winning: "The first thing you are trying to win is a better way to negotiate – a way that avoids your having to choose between the satisfactions of getting what you deserve and of being decent. You can have both."

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] Non Verbal Communication

[LeadersWorkshop] Non Verbal Communication



Our Non-Verbal Communication generates many signals and 'sends' them to the other party. Every internal thought that we have is transferred externally through our non-verbal communication and behaviour.

When we speak we can say anything we want to. We can tell the truth, lie, be vague, be forthright. Our body language, on the other hand, does not lie. There are hundreds of messages that our body gives away and the meaning of them taken by the audience in most cases takes priority over what we say.

When negotiating, we must be aware of our body language and voice tone and how we should use it and control it. We should also be observant and understand what the customer's body language is telling us (refer to calibration). When we are negotiating and communicating, we should be aware of the signs that are being shown by the other party, for example, agreement, uncertainty, indecision etc. This is also important when we receive questions and/or objections; for example, if the objection is valid it is unlikely that deceit will be shown.


VOICE - 38%
WORDS - 7%

The table above clearly illustrates how our voice tone and body language shows itself when compared with verbal communication.

It's not so much what we say, it's more how we say it and the image we create while saying it. Of course, what we say must be accurate and true, however, if our voice sounds hesitant and our movement and physiology suggest that we are unsure or nervous, the party will be influenced by the meaning attached to them.


DECEIT: Mouth covering and nose covering may increase. Fidgeting or shifting on the seat may increase. Eye contact will be poor, probably looking down towards their feet or the floor. Generally there will be little or no animation.

SUGGESTION: This pattern may be common during false complaints, accusations or objections that are not real.

INSECURITY/NERVES: Fidgeting and nail biting increase; 'self stroking' and rubbing of the hands increase. Stroking or playing with rings/jewellery on the hand may increase. Clearing the throat, hands covering mouth when speaking and rubbing/tugging at the ear.

SUGGESTION: Do not offer new ideas or untried products to anyone showing these signs. Offer reassurance, guarantees, and peace of mind.

BOREDOM: Finger tapping, fidgeting and looking at watch or clock may increase. If sitting, the person may 'turn away', sit towards the edge of the chair and/or hold on to the chair arms or the edge of the table. The eyes will wander and eye contact will be poor.

SUGGESTION: Either bring them back into the conversation by asking an opinion based open question or wind up the conversation and leave.

INDECISION: Shifting on seat or fidgeting may increase. Scratching, rubbing the head or 'pinching' the nose may be shown. Looking upwards indicates that they are thinking or reflecting.

SUGGESTION: When presenting new ideas, solutions or offering alternative options, this pattern is normal. Reassurance statements maybe necessary, e.g. guarantees, refunds, etc.

RELAXATION/OPENNESS: Relaxed posture and breathing naturally accompanied with a natural smile. Nodding
of the head and good eye contact. A lack of body stiffness or tightness. Open hands, uncrossed legs and moving towards the edge of the chair if seated.

SUGGESTION: This is a key pattern to look for or work towards. Try and aim for this when solving problems/handling complaints or dealing with objections.

EVALUATION: Sitting forward in the chair, head slightly tilted and supported by one hand with elbow resting on the desk adopting the 'Thinker' posture. Head slightly tilted and stroking the chin is also common.

SUGGESTION: This pattern may show when presenting ideas, discussing options. If this pattern is shown but the person is reclined in their chair, it may indicate negative evaluation.

DEFENSIVENESS/DISAGREEMENT: Arms crossed on chest, fists clenched under the arms or hands groping biceps. Legs crossed either one over the other or in a 'figure four' position. The body may lean away from you when this pattern occurs.

SUGGESTION: In a sales or negotiation presentation, if we observe this pattern we must try and bring this person into a positive frame. Trading concessions or offering benefits may be difficult when this pattern is shown.

UNCERTAINTY/UNSURE: Closed hands and rubbing thumbs against each other. Sticking pen or pencil in the
mouth to chew/suck. Pinching the fleshy part of the other hand and/or picking cuticles may also be observed.

SUGGESTION: Offer solutions that have no or low risk attached to them. Give assurance; show evidence of success and/or safety.

CO-OPERATION: Sitting forward on edge of chair with good eye contact. Hand supporting head and head slightly tilted indicates that they are listening and showing interest. The unbuttoning of a coat or jacket is also a positive sign.

SUGGESTION: Try and encourage these signs when looking for a commitment or negotiating.

CONFIDENCE: When standing the stance will be erect and 'proud'. Less hand to face movements when talking and the eyes will blink less. When seated the hands may form a 'steeple' shape. The higher this position is shown; for example, up to eye level, may indicate the more confident the other person is feeling. Indicators of personal space and 'power' are: Leaning back while sitting with both hands clasped behind the head and legs crossed in a 'figure four' position. Leg over the arm of a chair or foot placed on the edge of a desk/drawer.

SUGGESTION: This pattern may indicate that the person is very relaxed and listening to you. It may also indicate that this person feels superior to you and therefore may try and dictate and/or take control.

ACCEPTANCE/AGREEMENT: Nodding the head, good eye contact and warmer facial expressions. Physical
contact, for example, touching our arm or shoulder may increase or be noticed. Moving closer towards us when standing or when seated, pulling the chair closer to the table or us.

SUGGESTION: We should look for this pattern when reaching agreement, closing the deal or requesting concessions.

"The meaning of the communication is the response that you get"

Non Verbal Communication BEHAVIOURS TO AVOID

We may be in the habit of using some non-verbal patterns that run the risk of creating a poor impression of us.
Set out below is some common 'negative' patterns that we should seek to avoid.

· Not looking at the other person(s)
· Avoiding eye contact or looking away immediately when eye contact is made

· Clenching of fists
· Crossing arms
· Constantly rubbing an eye, nose or ear

· Leaning or turning away from the other person(s)
· Crossing of legs
· Swivelling feet towards the door when seated

· Blinking eyes frequently
· Licking lips frequently
· Clearing the throat

· Opening and closing hands frequently or 'rubbing' hands
· Covering mouth with hands while speaking
· Tugging or rubbing an ear

· Fidgeting when sitting in chair
· 'Swinging' feet up and down
· Over use of 'pacing the floor'

· Staring at the other person
· Having a wry "I've heard it all before" type smile
· Raising eyebrows in exaggerated way
· Looking over the top of spectacles
· Taut mouth/narrowing of lips

· Pointing finger at the other person
· Thumping fist on table
· Rubbing the back of the neck

· Standing while the other person sits
· Striding/pacing around

Posted By Shabbar Suterwala - Helping People to see the best in themselves to Communication Skills PPT Communication Videos Communication Skills Articles at 5/31/2011 10:37:00 AM

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Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
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[Attachment(s) from Rehan Afzal included below]

Im quite surprised at how much interest my comments generated, which was the exact opposite of what I had intended. Anyways the PPT is attached. Pl cintact Mr. Rajendra Deshpande for more details, i.e., it you make any palpable sense of it.


On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 9:10 AM, <Ddossani@worldbank.org> wrote:


I was quite interested when I saw the email. Is it possible to please get the powerpoint attachment that was there with the email but I did not get it? I would like to go through the presentation to understand better.

Many thanks.

Inactive hide details for Rehan Afzal ---05/30/2011 04:09:08 PM---As someone who has been deeply engulfed in Palmistry for almoRehan Afzal ---05/30/2011 04:09:08 PM---As someone who has been deeply engulfed in Palmistry for almost 25 years, I can vouch for the follow


Rehan Afzal <me@rehan.com.pk>




05/30/2011 04:09 PM



Sent by:


As someone who has been deeply engulfed in Palmistry for almost 25 years, I can vouch for the following:

Human beings are a machine that wants to identify patterns leading to conjecture. It could be stars, lots, casting dies, palmistry or dermatoglyphics !

I for one have found my peace !


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Rajendra Deshpande <rajuixu@yahoo.com> wrote:

You may be aware Dermatoglyphics is a new and latest technique of scienficaly
testing intiligence ,abilities of an Individual.
What are my abilities?? what am I suitable for ??. 
How To identify talents at younger age??.
Health ,Physical abilities,art sports all the questions that parents ,students,
Counsellors,HR Professional Get answered for.
 A PPT On Introduction To dermato glyphics is enclosed here with.
Being A trainer I Plan to set up  centres for this testing in parts of Maharashtra
& Neighbouring states.
Pls reply On This mail.ID.
Rajendra Deshpande.


Best Regards

Rehan Afzal


Best Regards

Rehan Afzal


Attachment(s) from Rehan Afzal

1 of 1 File(s)

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~ Try to believe in yourself

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~ Try to believe in yourself


 Try to believe in yourself.

A man went in a search of truth. A first religious man he met was sitting under tree, just out side his own village.

He asked, " i am searching for true master. pl tell me the characteristics,
His description was very simple. He said,
" you find him sitting under such and such tree, sitting in such and such posture, his hand making such and such gestures- that is enough to know he is the true master,

The seeker started searching, It is said that thirty years passed while he wandered the whole earth. He visited many places but never met the master,

He met many master but none were true master. He return to his own village completely exhausted,.

As he was returning he was surprised, he could not believe it, that old man was seated under the same tree, and how he could see that this was the very that the old man had spoken of
"...... he will be sitting under such and such tree ....." and his posture was exactly as he had described. "It was the same posture he was sitting in thirty years ago-
was i blind ?
That exact expression on his face, The exact gestures.

He felt at his feet saying
" why didn't you tell me in that first place ?
why did you misdirect me for these thirty years ?
why didn't you tell me that you are the true master ?"
The old man said,I told you, but you were not ready to listen.

You were not ready to come home without wandering away, you had to knock on the doors of a thousand houses to come
to your own home, only then could you return, i said it every thing- beneath such and such tree.
I was describing this very tree, the posture i was sitting in, but you were too fast, you couldn't hear correctly, you were in hurry.

you were going some where to search. searching
was very important for you. the truth was not so important.
" But you have come! I was feeling tired, sitting continuously in this posture for you.

you were wandering for thirty years, but think of me sitting under this tree , I know some day you would come, but what if i had already passed away ? I waited for you, you have come , you had to wander for thirty years, but that's your own faults, the master was already here.

" It happens many times in our life that we cannot see what is near & inside us, and what attract us, is the distant drum which sound sweeter, we are pulled by distant dreams.

Try to believe in yourself and try to see inside, you will not believe you will find a Master within you.






Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com





I was quite interested when I saw the email. Is it possible to please get the powerpoint attachment that was there with the email but I did not get it? I would like to go through the presentation to understand better.

Many thanks.

Inactive hide details for Rehan Afzal ---05/30/2011 04:09:08 PM---As someone who has been deeply engulfed in Palmistry for almoRehan Afzal ---05/30/2011 04:09:08 PM---As someone who has been deeply engulfed in Palmistry for almost 25 years, I can vouch for the follow


Rehan Afzal <me@rehan.com.pk>




05/30/2011 04:09 PM



Sent by:


As someone who has been deeply engulfed in Palmistry for almost 25 years, I can vouch for the following:

Human beings are a machine that wants to identify patterns leading to conjecture. It could be stars, lots, casting dies, palmistry or dermatoglyphics !

I for one have found my peace !


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Rajendra Deshpande <rajuixu@yahoo.com> wrote:

You may be aware Dermatoglyphics is a new and latest technique of scienficaly
testing intiligence ,abilities of an Individual.
What are my abilities?? what am I suitable for ??. 
How To identify talents at younger age??.
Health ,Physical abilities,art sports all the questions that parents ,students,
Counsellors,HR Professional Get answered for.
 A PPT On Introduction To dermato glyphics is enclosed here with.
Being A trainer I Plan to set up  centres for this testing in parts of Maharashtra
& Neighbouring states.
Pls reply On This mail.ID.
Rajendra Deshpande.


Best Regards

Rehan Afzal

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] This GUY is CRAZY..! Don't Miss this Opportunity..!

[LeadersWorkshop] This GUY is CRAZY..! Don't Miss this Opportunity..!


Hello Friends,

My friend Murtaza Badri, a well renowned Speaker, Trainer and Life Coach
is giving away 1000's worth of training value for peanuts!

He is offering his 3 day signature live event "Alive and Fearless Intensive" this June for peanuts.
He is basically doing this because he is a nice person & loves to serve.

For more details visit=>> www.aliveandfearless.com

I have personally experience his training and I must say he delivers with

Having the privilege of being associated with him I would love to offer
all my friends, members, participants, colleagues and partners the opportunity to participate.

1) 3 Day life transformation experience in the live event
2) Opportunity to walk bare feet on broken glass
3) Opportunity to bend an iron rod with your neck
Bonus 1) 4 Advance video training sessions
Bonus 2) 1 live tele-seminar every month for 1 year.

He is offering all these at an unbelievable price.

To add to the already insane offer he is giving away 3 FREE Online Videos
where he is actually training on a topic. click on the link to get the free videos.

check all this craziness at www.aliveandfearless.com (FREE VIDEOS)

....and yes my apologies for the delay in presenting you this opportunity.. so you better hurry for this 3 day signature Live Event..!!

Best regards,
Shabbar Suterwala
Corporate Soft Skills Trainer
Mb: +91-989 222 5864

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~~ GOLDEN GEMS OF THE WEEK

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~~ GOLDEN GEMS OF THE WEEK







success is like UR own shadow..
if you try to to catch it U will never succeed..
Ignore it & walk on, it will follow U..
Good morning..

share the winning experience with youngsters as they can follow U..
Share the losing experience with elders as they can guide you..
Good morning..

whatever b the situation, if there is a fire in the belly,
nothing seems impossible..
Good morning...

UR own value is determined not bu what U RÂ ,..
But by what U R able to make of UR self..
Good morning..

Earnest & constant seeking does yield results even in the most unlikely situations,
 from the most unlikely individuals..
Good morning..

U will never reach UR destinationÂ
If U stop and throw stones,At every dog that barks..
Good morning..

Its easy to spend the most time on things that matter least..
Make time for the most important things in life : People..
Good Morning..

Look for the inner beauty of the people,
the touch of The DIVINE..
Good morning..

Target must be simple & challenge able
Thoughts must be Pure & positive,
 which makes always the life meaningful & beautiful..
Good morning..


Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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Find useful articles and helpful tips on living with Fibromyalgia. Visit the Fibromyalgia Zone today!


[LeadersWorkshop] Urgent Requirements in Mohali

[LeadersWorkshop] Urgent Requirements in Mohali


Hello All,

We are immediately requiring 2 PHP/Mysql Developers having following skills.

1. Good knowledge of OOPs
2. Knowledge of Template power and Smarty
3. Ajax and J Query will be added advantage
4. Very good knowledge of database handling and RDBMS
5. Good knowledge of html and css, website development
6. Knowledge in Joomla, Wordpress and other open source technologies will be a plus

Experience: Two Developers Having 1 or 2 Years Experience.

Salary: Starting Package which we will provide to the candidates we offer 10000 - 15000 Depending upon his/her Skill

We are immediately requiring 8 Freshers with distinction (MCA Preferred)

We will give 45 Days paid Training to all candidates and training fees will be refunded back after 3 months of their joining in the company. We offer 100% Job Garranty after Training. This offer is only for the candidates which will Qualify Interview. Note: Candidate must have good Programming logic in C, C++.

Salary: Starting Package which we will provide to the candidates after Training will be between 6000-7000 Depending upon his/her Skill.

Placement Agencies who can fulfill our requirements can contact us at details given:

Bir Innovators, SCO - 34, Basement, Phase - 1 Mohali.
Mobile : +91-9872355261, +91-172-4026498
Email: Resume@birinnovators.com

Tanbir Singh

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com
