Planning refers to the process of determining on what to do, why to do thing, when to do thing, how to do thing, who to do things and for whom to do thing to reach the best result. Due to the fact that the world is a natural challenge, many organizations have to make effective strategic planning so as to withstand the strong competition in this uncertainty environment. Taking example in coca cola industry planning has to be in the following step
1. Identifying the organization mission, vision and goal
It is a stage where the missions which define the purposes of being in business are formulated. Vision which is a dream of business is also formulated and the needs of business are clearly identified. Example Coca-Cola vision can be to become the largest company in the world; mission can be to improve the quality of their product by increasing ingredient.
2.Analysis of external environment
The performance of a business always depends on the way it interacts with external environment. Some factors may become threat to the business while other may become opportunity to the business. For example increase of technology can help to increase in efficiency in production while legal intervention can interfere the working of the company if there is government control on the economy such as price control of Coca-Cola drinks which can be low compared to the production cost
3. Analysing the internal environment
Under this the general weakness and strength of the business is generally identified, clearly stated by the organization and various methods on how to overcome those weakness are identified. In the business operation weakness can be used by other competitors as their strength. Example coca cola and Pepsi are business rivals, if coca cola fail to satisfy customer's needs and wants at a time due to lack of effective distribution channel and proper information system, Pepsi can use the weakness to increase its satisfaction to customers by providing customers value at a time by improving distribution channel and information system to customers such as the use of mail and direct contact with customers
4. Formulation of alternative and related strategies
Company member need to develop various possible alternatives that will help to reduce the weakness and increase the strengths. The possible alternatives developed must have the ability to provide the competitive advantage against the competitors. Related alternatives will help to make the main goals into practical and reality for example budgeting strategy, policy strategy which act as guidance, procedure strategy which provide sequential step, method strategy which provide manner of doing work. For example coca cola can use direct method of contacting customers, increasing budgeting in distribution function so that to ensure timely delivery of good to the customers
5. Implementing strategy
It is a stage where the formulated strategy are really put into action where by various resources are distributed and directed to use, also various methods are adopted where by various new resources are hired. For Coca Cola Company it can buy new distribution vans, hire new resources such as computer that can help to improve the information system. In this stage the process of timely delivery of goods is effectively done.
6. Evaluation the result and review
Under this stage, the result for the implemented strategy is waited and when the result comes out comparison between results and standard takes place. For the coca cola company they can start to measure whether customers are satisfied with the services provided, this can be done through making interview with customers and asking on how they feel with the service delivery.
From: amit agrawal <>
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 1:25:43 AM
Subject: [LeadersWorkshop] Discuss: Steps of Planning with any company example..?
Hi Sir, can u suggest me steps of planing with any company example...
thnx.keep sending such motivational msges.
--- On Tue, 14/9/10, Rajendra Deshpande <> wrote:
From: Rajendra Deshpande <>
Subject: [LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~ Don't Ever Stop Dreaming...!!!!!!
To: "Passion. Hr.YHgrp" <>, "LEADERS. WORKSHOP." <>, "hrbeans.YHGRP HRGRP" <>, "humanresourceexperts. YHGRP" <>, "MTHR Global. YHGRP." <>, "Trainwers. forum" <>
Date: Tuesday, 14 September, 2010, 11:32 AM
Don't Ever Stop Dreaming!
Dreams are a big part of our Lives
And You must do whatever it takes
To make them a Reality;
By the plans you make,
The course you take,
And the things you do.Don't dwell on past mistakes.
Leave yesterday behind,
Along with all it's problems,
Worries and doubts.Realize you can't change the past,
But you can start a new tomorrow.
Don't try to do everything at once;
Take one step at a time,Don't ever be afraid to try the Impossible
No matter what others may think.
Remember you are Unique
In your own special way.Don't ever stop Dreaming!
Don't ever stop wanting what's right for you! RAJENDRA.DESHPANDE.
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