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[LeadersWorkshop] Re:~~~~~~~~ Meditation..For Prosperity..~~~~


Date: Friday, August 10, 2007, 4:42 PM

Meditation for Prosperity
Make yourself comfortable

Take 3 big deep breaths & sigh heavily

In your minds eye you see a meadow, covered in soft, green grass. Dotted through the soft, lush, green grass are flowers of all colours. See your self walking through the meadow. Feel your feet embraced in the coolness of the grass. Feel how soft and delicate it is on your feet. The sky is clear and blue and rays from the sun gently caress your body, filling it with warm waves of energy, allowing you to be totally relaxed. Breathing gently and easily now, you see tall majestic trees reaching to the warmth and light of the sun. The leaves and branches sway to and fro in the gentle breeze. Approaching the trees, you come to a crystal clear, babbling brook. Walking alongside the brook, you hear birds chirping, flitting from tree to tree. The sun's rays shine through the branches of the trees, directing and guiding you to move further downstream.

Before you is waterfall. Water is cascading and caressing the smooth rocks surrounding the falls. A fine, delicate mist rises as the water falls to the brook below. Moving closer, you see a pathway under the waterfall. The water is purifying, cleansing and refreshing. Move along the path under the water. Feel it pour gently over your body from the top of your head, through your body and out through your feet. This crystal clear, warm water cleanses away all old beliefs, all fears, all resentments, all apprehensions, and especially washes away all feelings of lack. Feel these being washed away completely. Stay in this space awhile. Feeling or perhaps seeing what is being washed away. See it all dissolved. You are very comfortable with this. Don't be concerned if you don't see anything now, it will come.

I release all ideas and beliefs of lack in my life.
I now open myself to receive my divine abundance.
I choose and accept an abundance of prosperity into my life now.
I am prosperous in good health. I am prosperous in love.
I am prosperous in wealth. I am worthy to receive thes

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Be a light to others and you wont stumble on your own path. Practice meditation for one minute every hour will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.
Please email your thoughts, suggestions, opinions and inspirations to


1b. Meditation for Prosperity

Love All Equally Meditation (to be done as a group)

Sitting comfortably, on the floor cross legged or on a chair with feet flat on the ground. Rest your hands palm down on your knees and connect the thumb and the index finger.

Take a look around the room and take a mental photo of everyone in the room, where they are sat, etc.
Close your eyes and take three consecutive deep breaths.

Breathe in deep, breathe out long
Breathe in deep, breathe out long
Breathe in deep, breathe out long
Return to breathing normally

Be aware of the breath coming in and the breath coming out. Feel the air coming in through your nostrils and going out.

If thoughts arise, don't fight them, just observe them as if they where distant clouds, and they will eventually fly by. Just focus on your breath, for 5-10 minutes

Now, recall that mental image of the room. Visualize peoples faces.

Now bring to mind a person whom you love intensly, like, your mum, you, girl/boy friend, Husband/wife.
Think of how warm this person makes you feel, their kindness and their generosity.

Imagine that everybody's face in the room, transforms into the face of your loved one.
The room is filled by loved ones, imagine how nice the world would be if everyone was this nice, this loving, this kind.

Just, focus on your breath and sit in the company of your loved ones.for a while.
Realise that everyone is in fact capable of such love and kindness, for we are all equal, we are all made of the same vibrating energy, that is the fabric of the universe.

You become aware that you can feel love towards anyone in the same way as you love your mum, dad, etc, for they are the same.

Sit observing your breath come in, and go out
When you are ready you may open your eyes, and sit in quiet contemplation.
Hope this was as enjoyable for you as it is for me.

Meditation by Ian Radcliffe


Be a light to others and you wont stumble on your own path. Practice meditation for one minute every hour will enhance the quality of your life and those around you.
Please email your thoughts, suggestions, opinions and inspirations to 




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