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[LeadersWorkshop] personality devlopment


The god has a made two thing in the world and the two thing working parallel in the world one side positive and second side negative but some time we needs also second side. here is a some example like two things sun moon - day night -summer season - winter season hot cold - green dry - man woman like these.

How to create our personality in our job/business/public service or any other field.
Nature : People worked with his nature in every field but if he thought about his nature and want to some changese so it is possible to way of success open for him.

here is a some topics our nature has been sociable and halpful in our field our skill communication must be sweet and much better if our communication is respectfully and effective so we can able to success in our field. our nature is always thought positive about work, people, customer comapny customer so all atmospher should be positive and after some time we can received the positive result in our field. It is very importence that first to understand other person or customer and after give your replay whithout understaning the chance of success is going loss or there is creat the problem.

so try to best to understand our customer or people with very sweet language humility humbleness and good feeling it is the best policy also to devlop our personality.

In job/ business/family relationship
do the best work give total efforts better work co -ordination with our coordinate our friends and in our family. co ordination is better understanding and explanation. also some time develop the filling of let go and compromise with our family and our relation ship and these type of nature I think that this is the platform of progress and better good life and also our work place we can do job with very peacefully.
In our family the lovely atmospheric and and take proper interest in our home and talking clear and complete with our life partner and our children . the platform of trust been increase and we lived happy and peaceful life

In short if we want to create our personality be care full and follow following point

coordinate nature. positive thinking. helpful nature. try to best and perfect work on time.in business care to our customer and give better and best service after sales the product. be clear and clean with our family life. great good and helpful mentality I trust that we enjoy our life and become success our field.

all the best

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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