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[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~..Handling Your Promotion.!!.Newyork Times Article.




Promotion can be a double-edged sword


Q:        my problem may not seem like a problem to you, but it has me completely panicked.  My last project was considered "huge" success, and as a result, I was promoted up three rungs to run department.  I don't have the experience or the knowledge to do this job.  What should I do?

--Anonymous, Hartford, Conneticut


A:        Congratulations.  You've stumbled upon one of the best-kept secrets about work.  Getting promoted is a double-edged sword:  thrilling, yes, but terrifying too. Everyone is calling you with hearty congratulations and slapping your back, saying you deserve it, and you're smiling away for them all, feeling a lot less jovial than you look.

            It doesn't matter if it's your first managerial stint or you move into the CEO's office.  You are the only on e who truly comprehends how little you know about the new job, especially when compared to the big, bold expectations your bosses keep mentioning.  Whatever happened, you want to scream,  to the perfectly logical idea of a grace period?

            It's best not to scream, of course.  After all, you've been told that leaders need to appear clam and in control, and that's true.  Leaders should look and act like leaders for the sake of their people's respect and confidence and the organization's forward momentum. 

            But being a leader doesn't mean you can't ask questions: Good leaders are, by definition, insatiable learners, relentlessly probing the mind of people at every level for ideas and insights.  They are voracious relationship builders too, and make sure they get  to know everyone in the business who can open their eyes to the who, what and when of the job.

            Obviously, you don't ever want to seem clueless, and we can't imagine you would, given your past success.  You want to appear deeply inquisitive about every aspect of your business and passionate about helping your people to achieve everything necessary to win.  Those traits won't undermine your authority.  They'll enlarge it.

            Are we asking you to fake it? No. we're asking you to reinvent your self-perception according to reality.  Right now, you're experiencing the same feelings that most new leaders do.  Do you think that a president feels any different when he's made the leap from say, running a little southern state to having his finger on the nuclear trigger? Being in charge of something new starts the game all over again, no matter what you've done before.

            You dub yourself "not ready."  We're saying that you should dub yourself "normal."  And you will eventually learn what you need to know to do your new job.  Six months or a year from now, there will even be days when you feel on top of it all.  But business today changes too fast and has too many variables for any manager to ever have the sustained sense of security you yearn for.  Indeed, part of being a leader circa 2007 is being able to live with an "uh-oh" feeling in your stomach all the time.

            Don't let that panic you more! Instead, consider the proposition that continually feeling a bit overwhelmed and under informed is a positive thing for both you and your business.  Everyone knows that too much confidence can lead to arrogance and inertia based on "that's how we do it around here." The flip side is an insatiable hunger for new ideas and better ways of doing things – a hunger that makes you fight like hell to win. 


 ------------The New York Times news Service.








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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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