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[LeadersWorkshop] Your Subconscious Power


Jonathan parker, Phd
One of the biggest jobs of your subconscious is to control all your autonomic bodily functions such as breathing, heartbeat, eye-blinking, and digestion. It also controls metabolism, which is the process whereby the living cells of your body are provided vital energy by the assimilation of food substances.
If such tasks were left to your conscious mind, think of how literally mind-boggling something as simple as breathing would be: "OK, I've got to remember to breathe. Now, it's time to inhale. Now exhale Uh oh, look over there - there's my fiend. He looks pretty still. I bet he forgot to breathe again. I'd better poke him."
Even while you are asleep, the ceaseless action of your subconscious mind controls your dream state, keeping your eyes, ears, and other senses active. In fact, many great scientists and inventors have "seen" the answers to perplexing problems in a dream.
Your subconscious is naturally geared toward preserving your life and maintaining balance in all of your bodily systems. It's just that other factors, as you will soon see, interfere with this natural process.
The subconscious is the storehouse of your memory. In fact, some scientists believe every detail of every event that's ever happened to you is recorded in your inner mind.
Like a video recorder, your subconscious accurately takes in virtually everything you experience. This means that, technically speaking, you don't really forget anything.
If you were to think of the subconscious as a giant filing cabinet, imagine that stored within it are the memories of everything that's ever happened to you, including everything you've ever read, learned, or been taught. When you want to consciously remember something, you send a signal to the subconscious. In turn the appropriate 'files" are opened, read, and sent to the conscious mind. Sometimes, though, for various reasons, the signals get confused and the subconscious doesn't respond by sending the information to the conscious mind. The conscious mind then perceives it has forgotten something. In reality you haven't forgotten. You've simply been unable to retrieve the information from the subconscious. You can't consciously direct your subconscious to release detailed information about "forgotten" events. But certain techniques that involve deep relaxation can enable you to bypass the conscious mind, directly access the subconscious, and search for information there.
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