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[LeadersWorkshop] You Have Inside Your MInd!


YOUR INNER GENIUS - Jonathan Parker, Phd
Perhaps it's no coincidence that the word "genie" is related to the Latin word for "genius." A lot of people think of genius only as a rare phenomenon found in a few gifted individuals - a term applied to a brilliant scientist, a master artist, a musical virtuoso. In reality, each and every person is born with an inner genius which, like a magical genie, can release inner forces enabling us to accomplish far more than we ever believed possible. That's because genius is really just a natural way the human mind works to solve a problem or meet a challenge - any challenge, including weight loss. The key is knowing how to tap into your own inner genius.
The source of your genius is your inner or subconscious mind, which has had a powerful effect in directing every aspect of your life from the time of your birth up until now.
Of course you only have one mind. But, as you probably know, it consists of two different levels of activity, two "systems:" the conscious and the subconscious.
Your conscious mind is the logical, reasoning portion of your mind with which you are most familiar. It uses the five senses to gather information that enables you to learn about your physical environment. IT represents your awareness of yourself, other, and your surroundings Most of your daily activities also fall under its direction. You talk to your friends, go about your business, and do whatever you normally do, mainly through consciously determining to take certain actions.
Apart from directing ordinary activities, the conscious mind is also the source of your intellect and reasoning capabilities. It's what in most cases you are referring to when you say, "I think." V The conscious mind allows you to analyze data and approve at logical conclusions. This reasoning process is used when solving problems, writing letters or reports, working on the job, building a house, balancing your checkbook - for just about anything you might do day in and day out.
As important as your conscious thought processes and actions may seem, however, they are to a very great extent guided by a much deeper level of mental activity - your subconscious mind.
According to the dictionary, one of the definitions of "genius" is "a guardian spirit." In many respects this accurately describes your subconscious or inner mind. Over 90 percent of your mental activity is subconscious - yet its work is done without you even being aware of it. It's on the job while you're awake and asleep, 24 hours a day.
It is the builder and sustainer of your body, the seat of your knowledge, emotions, and habits, and it has a powerful effect on the events that take place in your life. In fact, William James, the father of American psychology, said, "The power to move the world is in the subconscious mind." What he meant is that it is not what is outside of us that really determines what happens in our lives - how prosperous we are, whether we are happy or not, our health, and yes, even our physical appearance, including weight - it is all what is on the inside that determines out lives.
You can expect more such contributions to help empower life potential at win-within-yourself group on yahoo, Linkedin and facebook.
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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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