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[LeadersWorkshop] The Only Daughter's Parents Club



The Only Daughter's Parents Club


It is a known fact that since time immemorial, male chauvinism has been dominant one. Whether it is the field of sports or science, going to the moon or exploring newer lands, politics or beurocracy, it is the man who has been taking the lead role. In many religions women are not given equal status. India is no exception to this reality. Reasons may be many, but the fact is that women are considered to be second to men. In fact, men make conscious efforts to see that women do remain behind them. In many states in India, a female child is not encouraged for education. Probably, this is one of the reasons of backwardness of women there. They are at the mercy of men.

Overall mindset is such that when a girl child is born, there is hardly any celebration in the family, while whole world comes to know when a male child is born. So much so, there are many reports of female faeticides and infanticides in our country. This is in spite of the fact that Government of India has enforced many laws.

Enforcement of law is not the only solution as it is the mindset towards female child which is culprit. It is the attitude of the parents that is the culprit. The irony is that wife also joins her husband in generating love for a male child and `no love' for a female child. May be, her overall bringing up and grooming is oriented towards usefulness and importance of males. Otherwise, how is that a mother feels proud when she delivers a male child; and is not happy and sometimes even sad when she delivers a female child. It is sheer nonsense, but is a truth.

There is a need to understand the psychology of the parents so that awareness programs are created in order to change their mindset. We need to explore the blocks in the minds of the parents so that the methods are developed and designed in order to make them mentally liberal and open to accept the reality. We need to identify the kind of people who oppose the `female-hood' so that appropriate measures are taken in order to generate respect for a female child. 

                       Current Aims & Objectives :

·         Spreading the message to respect the girl child

·         Generating & consolidating confidence in the girl child

·         Counselling by senior girl children to the younger ones for carreer planning

·         Supporting each other in the time of need during studies, health problems, marriage etc

·         Suggesting suitable matrimonial alliances

·         Having get-togethers of the children

·         Having networking amongst them

·         Exhibiting and sharing talents amongst each other



The " Only Daughters Parents Club" is exclusively for the people with only daughters, to spread the message that "the girl child is the best thing to happen to a couple".

We all have a reason to believe in the same. We daughters have made our parents proud for us, its only their upbringing and values that are imbibed in us, has made us an achiever.    There are still many educated couples who get depressed over a girl's brith. Moreover, though instances of female foeticide are reported all over, no one seems to do much to curb it.

I am the fourth daughter to my parents but never ever found my parents complaining over the same, infact had been raised with the same enthusiasm, with which my eldest sister was brought up.But     have seen my neighbour who had just one daughter, who had loads of complains against GOD for not granting him a son, who can take the "VANSH" ahead.

That is how I got inspired to launch this club. This club has multi-pronged objectives. It will not only build a social network among parents with daughters but also hold seminars to sensitise people       about the girl child. It will help in generating funds for studies or weddings of members' children.

 "We also plan to have sessions where daughters of members, who are successful professionals can interact with other girls and bolster their confidence. In addition, the club will also be a platform to suggest matrimonial alliances."

Become a member and help in for good cause. There is no membership fees.













Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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