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Re: Re: [LeadersWorkshop] 100 quotes from "The Secret", Law of attraction


Thank u very much for the good quotations



On Fri, 23 Dec 2011 17:02:45 +0530 wrote

Thank you so very much for such info enlightenment :):)

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 1:09 PM, fayyaz wrote:


quotes from "The Secret", Law of attraction

We all work
with one infinite power

The Secret is
the Law of Attraction (LOA)

Whatever is
going on in your mind is what you are attracting

We are like
magnets - like attract like. You become AND attract what you think

Every thought
has a frequency. Thoughts send out a magnetic energy

People think
about what they don't want and attract 
more of the same

Thought =
creation. If these thoughts are attached to powerful emotions (good or bad)
that speeds the creation

You attract
your dominant thoughts

Those who speak
most of illness have illness, those who speak most of prosperity have

It's not
"wishful" thinking.

You can't have
a universe without the mind entering into it

Choose your
thoughts carefully .. you are a masterpiece of your life

It's OK that
thoughts don't manifest into reality immediately (if we saw a picture of an
elephant and it instantly appeared, that would be too soon)

your life you have attracted …accept that fact .. it's true.

Your thoughts
cause your feelings

We don't need
to complicate all the "reasons" behind our emotions. It's much simpler than
that……Two categories …: good feelings, bad feelings.

Thoughts that
bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track. Thoughts that bring
about bad feelings means you are not on the right track.

Whatever it is
you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of

You get exactly
what you are FEELING

Happy feelings
will attract more happy circumstances

You can begin
feeling whatever you want (even if it's not there)... the universe will
correspond to the nature of your song

What you focus
on with your thought and feeling is what you attract into your

What you think
and what you feel and what actually manifests is ALWAYS a match - no

Shift your

create your own universe as you go along"   Winston Churchill

It's important
to feel good ( ( ( (((good))) ) ) )

You can change
your emotion immediately .. by thinking of something joyful, or singing a
song, or remembering a happy experience

When you get
the hang of this, before you know it you will KNOW you are the creator

Life can and
should be phenomenal .. and it will be when you consciously apply the Law of

Universe will
re-arrange itself accordingly

Start by using
this sentence for all of your wants: "I'm so happy and grateful now that....

 You don't
need to know HOW the universe is going to rearrange itself

LOA is simply
figuring out for yourself what will generate the positive feelings of having
it NOW

You might get
an inspired thought or idea to help you move towards what you want

The universe
likes SPEED. Don't delay, don't second-guess, don't doubt..

When the
opportunity or impulse is there .. ACT

You will
attract everything you require - money, people, connections. . PAY ATTENTION
to what's being set in front of you

You can start
with nothing .. and out of nothing or no way - a WAY will be provided.

rules on time .. the more aligned you are with positive feelings the quicker
things happen

Size is nothing
to the universe (unlimited abundance if that's what you wish). We make the
rules on size and time

No rules
according to the universe .. you provide the feelings of having it now and the
universe will respond

Most people
offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing
(bills in the mail, being late, having bad luck...etc.. )

You have to
find a different approach to what is through a different vantage point

"All that we
are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha

What can you do
right now to turn your life around?? Gratitude

Gratitude will
bring more into our lives immediately

What we think
about and THANK about is what we bring about

What are the
things you are grateful for? Feel the gratitude.. focus on what you have right
now that you are grateful for

Play the
picture in your mind - focus on the end result

Rehearse your future

See it, feel it! This is where action begins

Feel the joy ..
feel the happiness :o)

An affirmative
thought is 100 times more powerful than a negative one

"What this
power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists." Alexander Graham Bell

Our job is not
to worry about the "How". The "How" will show up out of the commitment and
belief in the "what"

The Hows are
the domain of the universe. It always knows the quickest, fastest, most
harmonious way between you and your dream

If you turn it
over to the universe, you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered
.. this is where magic and miracles happen

Turn it over to
the universe daily.. but it should never be a chore

exhilarated by the whole process .. high, happy, in tune

The only
difference between people who are really living this way is they have
habituated ways of being.

They remember
to do it all the time

Create a Vision
Board .. pictures of what you want to attract .. every day look at it and get
into the feeling state of already having acquired these wants

"Imagination is
everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions."

Decide what you
want .. believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible
for you

Close your eyes
and visualize having what you already want - and the feeling of having it

Focus on being
grateful for what you have already.. enjoy it!! Then release into the
universe. The universe will manifest it.

"Whatever the
mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" W. Clement Stone

Set a goal so
big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.

When you have
an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it.

How can you
become more prosperous?? INTEND IT!!

'Checks are
coming in the mail regularly'.. . or change your bank statement to whatever
balance you want in there... and get behind the feeling of having it.

Life is meant
to be abundant in ALL areas...

Go for the
sense of inner joy and peace then all outside things appear

We are the
creators of our universe

Treat yourself the way you want to be treated by others .. love yourself and
you will be loved

Healthy respect
for yourself

For those you
work with or interact with regularly.. get a notebook and write down positive
aspects of each of those people.

Write down the
things you like most about them (don't expect change from them). Law of
attraction will not put you in the same space together if you frequencies
don't match

When you
realize your potential to feel good, you will ask no one to be different in
order for you to feel good.

You will free
yourself from the cumbersome impossibilities of needing to control the world,
your friends, your mate, your children....

You are the
only one that creates your reality

No one else can
think or feel for you .. its YOU.. ONLY YOU.

Health: thank
the universe for your own healing. Laugh, stress free happiness will keep you

Immune system
will heal itself

Parts of our
bodies are replace every day, every week…etc... Within a few years we have a
brand new body

See yourself
living in a new body. Hopeful = recovery. Happy = happier biochemistry. Stress
degrades the body.

Remove stress
from the body and the body regenerates itself. You can heal yourself

Learn to become
still .. and take your attention away from what you don't want, and place your
attention on what you wish to experience

When the voice
and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on
the outside, then you have mastered your life

You are not
here to try to get the world to be just as you want it. You are here to create
the world around you that you choose.

And allow the
world as others choose to see it, exist as well

People think
that if everyone knows the power of the LOA there won't be enough to go around
.. This is a lie that's been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy. that's
been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy.

The truth is
there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go

All of this
abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it's own infinite
nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. It will show up for

So let the
variety of your reality thrill you as you choose all the things you want.. get
behind the good feelings of all your wants.

Write your
script. When you see things you don't want, don't think about them, write
about them, talk about them, push against them, or join groups that focus on
the don't wants... remove your attention from don't wants.. and place them on
do wants

We are mass
energy. Everything is energy. EVERYTHING.

Don't define yourself by your body .. it's the
infinite being that's connected to everything in the universe.

One energy
field. Our bodies have distracted us from our energy. We are the infinite
field of unfolding possibilities. The creative force.

Are your
thoughts worthy of you? If not - NOW is the time to change them. You can begin
right were you are right now. Nothing matters but this moment and what you are
focusing your attention on. 


priyanka manjari

May I know the fulfilment of making all that I touch, joyful.....

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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