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[LeadersWorkshop] FW.:~~~~~~~~~~~..The Secreat Of Money....


The monetary system with interest at its base and debt as its collateral theme strikes at the base of democracy.
Since we have this system, there is no democracy in the world.

Money is essentially a creation of Mind.
Money is a vital force, mentally organized, spiritually sanctioned acting in the material plane.
If we can widen ourselves and see money related to us as related to the wider social collective,
we are part of, money will flood all the participants.

The more we perceive the social power of money and align ourselves with that wider
social movement in a given moment, the more we become instruments for its arrival,
both for ourselves and the collectives we are part of.

Every human organism will have something which others don't have,
and lack something which others possess. This creates the need for interchange.
This constant and repeated interchange driven by this law of interdependence creates a
 circulating force in the vital life of humanity. A fluid force of circulating interchange is the
 essential nature of the money-force. Thus we can see that money is a universal force proceeding
from a universal law of life.
No one seeks money, except a few foolish misers, for its own  sake. We seek money because it
fulfills some human need or desire. The nature of this need or desire changes as we progress
 in the path of human evolution.

Thus, Money or the financial force has three dimensions.
 First is the material dimension, which is the currency note or dollar;
 Second is the vital dimension, which is the circulating force, created by the interchange
of goods and services;
Third is the psychological dimension made of desire for fulfillment.
In a quantitative sense, the velocity of circulation of the vital force behind money
is an important factor in the prosperity of a community.
The more it circulates, and faster, the more it grows
But for a balanced prosperity it must be a productive circulation which adds tangible
wealth to the community or fulfill legitimate human needs and not a speculative circulation
which fills the pockets of a few financial manipulators. When the needs are predominantly
physical, as in most of the tribal communities the economy is simple and primitive.
If the desires are mainly material or sensuous enjoyment and the driving motives are the
greed for wealth, power, enjoyment or self-interest of individual and collective ego, the
quality of the economic life still remains gross, though less primitive and simple. If the
 technological and pragmatic mind of the community is well-developed, the economy
 may be more efficient and productive, but if the desires and motives of people are
 material, sensuous and exclusively centered around the competitive self-interest and
 greed of the individual and collective ego of the vital being in man, then it will not
 lead to any qualitative improvement in the economic life; it will also be subjected to
all the turmoil, turbulence and instability of this part of our human nature, full of scams,
 meltdown, depressions, swings in "sentiments" leading to irrational booms and busts in the stock-market.

And truly Money has no value unless it circulates.
For each and every one, money is valuable only when one has spent it....
 But the most generous man in the world could give nothing if  he had nothing to begin with...
.One must have the power to accumulate in order to have the power of spreading.
 If you have only one of the two, that causes an imbalance.
One must have both in a balanced, rhythmic movement-the equilibrium we just spoke about.
What is the motivation fueling this circulation?
It is the motivation that needs to be addressed to produce better money.

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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