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[LeadersWorkshop] Careers & Soccer Ball, What's the Connection?


Careers & Soccer ball, what's the Connection?


What happens to a soccer ball?

It gets kicked around from one to another and yet another. Soccer ball by itself is not in control of its future. It allows itself to be kicked and kicked and kicked time and again. But can we allow that to happen to our own careers? Can I take the responsibility for my own career as well as those of others in my team, organization and the family?


Yes, the latest advances in the field of Psychology offers help to both the interviewer and the interviewee. Most candidates do not know their inherent personality strengths that lay hidden most of the time. If at all they know their strengths, still they may not know how to project it for an impact so as to make the right impression at the right time on the right people who matter.


Not knowing strengths of self and others around is one key factor but worse still is working on apparent weaknesses, most often unknowingly and unintentionally. But weakness is a weakness and by not realizing it and using it due to lack of awareness puts pressure on one's life and career as it is bound to land the person in more and more frustration.


We are all good at masking our behaviors so as to hide certain aspects of oneself that we do not wish others to know. So most people, who present themselves as candidates tend to mask their true behaviors in order to tell you what you like to hear. So the major problem that most interviewers face while interviewing candidates is in not being able to learn about the inner mind of the person.


The inner mind store many significant factors like motives, beliefs, ethics, habits, mindsets and attitudes. While a lot is written about different techniques of interviewing, it is a fact that most of them focus on understanding the technical / domain knowledge and the relevant skills they possess. Behaviors too are studied but more by observation which always carries the risk of subjective bias. Assessment centers help with a varied mix of methods but still cannot get real insights into glue-like mindsets, die-hard habits and concrete-wall-like attitudes.


Most scientific solutions come from understanding the Psychology of individual behavior which is a result of heredity as well as environmental influences.  Scientific measurements of the mind and its motives, influences, values, processes, habits and attitudes today can be understood with well researched combination of frameworks. The contribution to this unraveling of the human mind of all its uniqueness and diversity comes from extensive work done by well known researchers like Carl Jung, William Marston, Eric Berne, Douglas McGregor,  B F Skinner, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Howard Gardner, Boyatzis, Schrodder, Kurt Lewin, John Dewey, Jean Piaget, albert Bandura and many more.


Learn the simple tricks and techniques of Unmasking Attitudes at Interviews and you will benefit all the way and truly your organization will be on the road to a learning organization. Immediate benefit is improvements in people's morale and interpersonal dynamic directly resulting in enhanced productivity and performance. Learn to be Proactive to overcome problems of reactive behaviors at interviews.


If keen to learn more, please feel free to contact for greater details.



Best wishes,


Director - Oscar Murphy International, Singapore & India
Behavioral Trainers, Coaches & Attitudinal Change Catalysts
Reg Director (Asia) - AATD - Accredited Alliance for T & D, USA
Email: sree@oscarmurphy.com
Gain a Intl Certificate, a Diploma or Accreditation in T & D
Phone: Mobile: 91 9901983545 Office: 91 80 41718771 / 772
Web: http://www.theassessmentworld.com & www.oscarmurphy.com
Changing Attitudes Reaching Effectiveness

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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