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[LeadersWorkshop] Now is the time to begin...


Now is the time to begin...

You can achieve everything you have ever wanted to have, experience, or become. The power has and always will be within you, but nothing will happen until you get motivated to make something happen. The following tips and ideas will help you to get and stay motivated to change your life and achieve your desires.

1. Let Go of the Past
Before you can create a better future, you must let go of the pains in your past. Failing once does not mean you will fail forever. Learn from your history, but don't let it stand as an obstacle between you and your dreams.
2. Remember Success
Just as important as learning from and overcoming past failure is recalling past success. It doesn't matter who you are, you have succeeded at something at sometime in your past. Don't gloss over these moments. Use them to remind you that you can in fact achieve your goals.
3. Accept the Possibilities
It's possible. The dreams you hold in your heart but push to the back of your mind are within your reach. Accept the fact that you can create a better life. This will serve as the springboard of belief you need to succeed.
4. Dream the Big Dream
In order for dreams and desires to inspire you to action and achievement, they need to be big. If you don't get excited about what you have planned for the future, you will never find the inspiration you need to change your life. Powerful dreams can move the soul, and when you dream the big dream, you will be driven to make the compelling picture a tangible reality.
5. Small Steps to Great Success
While the nature of your dreams needs to inspire, you must also recognize the fact that it takes only small steps to create amazing changes. The dream will lead the way, but it won't come in one giant leap. Small steps, carried out each day, will bring you to the destinations you seek.
6. Impossible to Fail
People are more than capable of creating compelling dreams, but the fear of failure often clouds the path. To avoid this pitfall, imagine that it is impossible to fail. What dreams and desires would you pursue if you were guaranteed success?
7. Write in a Journal
A million thoughts may rush through your mind each day, but if you do nothing to capture them, they often disappear as quickly as they came. Take time to write in a journal each week. This will not only help you overcome obstacles you are facing in your life but also help you discover what you really want.
8. Fast Forward
Think ahead. Imagine living your ideal life in ten years. What would you be doing? With whom would you be doing it? What would your life look like on a daily basis? Use the picture of a future life to create goals and desires in the present.
9. The Moment
Remember a time when everything seemed to be going just right? When nothing could get you down? When you thought to yourself, 'This moment, right now, is what life is all about.' We all have moments in life when we feel we are at our best, but most people don't utilize them. Use the special moments in your life to bring to light goals and desires that are sure to fulfill your needs. Learning from and building on these times will help you create magic moments on a daily basis for the rest of your life.
10. Get Specific
In order for you to create lasting change in your life, you have to be super specific about what you want. Vague ideas just won't cut it. The more specific you make your desires, the easier it will be to act on them. Cloudy hopes create obstacles. You have to know exactly what you want, down to the smallest detail.
11. Write it Down
Write down everything you want to have, experience, and become. The simple act of writing your desires down on a sheet of paper will bring them one step closer to reality. Saying something is one thing, but when you actually see the words written down...it's an exhilarating moment.
12. Share the Excitement
Don't keep your plans for a better future to yourself - share the excitement with those who will not see it as bragging or your ego taking over. This will make the dream more tangible, and include others in the picture who will ask about your progress and keep you heading in the right direction.
13. Educate Yourself
The more you know, the more you'll grow. Information is the greatest resource you have as you work toward creating a better life. Facts help to increase your confidence, break down fear, and inspire you to action. Learn all there is to know about what you want and you will never be without the drive and energy you need to make it happen.
14. What's In It for Me?
As you begin taking steps toward the things you desire, you will meet with many obstacles along the way that have the potential to knock you off course forever. To ensure this doesn't happen to you, answer the question: What's in it for me? Knowing exactly why you are reaching for more will serve as a constant source of energy and excitement to keep you going strong in the face of short-term setbacks.
15. Search for Success Stories
The stories of individuals overcoming all odds and achieving their dreams surround you. Seek out and make these stories a part of your life. You are not alone in your search for happiness. Knowing that others have succeeded in the past can be enough to motivate you to succeed in the future.
16. The Smallest Piece
Can you make a phone call? How about type a single word? If you can do these simple tasks, you have what it takes to create massive and lasting change. Every goal you have can be broken down into extremely small pieces that are easily within your ability. Break down your goal into its smallest parts and you will have the confidence you need to proceed.
17. Essentials of Change
It doesn't matter what you want, someone at sometime throughout history has desired and achieved the same thing. Not only does this prove that your dreams are possible but also that you have what it takes to make them happen. People have done so much with so little, proving that the essential requirements of creating change are within you.
18. Take Ownership
Before positive changes can take place, you must take responsibility for your position in life. You are in control of your future and are the only one who can guarantee a better life. If you play the role of a victim, giving up control and ownership of your life, you will never enjoy the amazing opportunities that life offers to us all.
19. Create a Specific Strategy
When you know exactly what you want, you have to know exactly how you are going to get it. Just as a vague idea of what you want will never lead to success, a hazy notion of how you will achieve your dreams will bring about the same fate. Super specific strategies will result in success. Anything less will make improvement difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy.
20. Use a Timeline
Your dreams need a timeline. This includes not only a deadline but also a time to begin. Without a definite timeline, potentially rewarding and fulfilling goals may
silently slip away until they become only distant memories. When will you begin working toward your dreams? When will you achieve them?
21. Step by Step
Eating an entire meal in one bite, at least for the majority of individuals, is impossible. Such a task would turn off even the most confident person. The same is true of tackling a desire all at once. Break your goals down into smaller segments, just as you do with a meal, and you will find it much easier to stay committed and achieve the dream.
22. Measure Your Progress
As you begin putting the pieces of your desire in place, be sure to measure your progress along the way. Doing so will help to keep you motivated to achieve the goal as you see real improvement taking place. You will also be able to recognize troubling areas that need more attention or successful methods that could be spread to others aspects of the goal.
23. Tools of the Trade
To accomplish the task above, charts and checklists are the way to go. Charts are the perfect tool to measure incremental goals such as a savings or investment plan. If your desire is more sequential in nature, simply list the steps in a checklist along with their deadline to keep you right on track from start to finish.
24. Thinking Your Way to Change
No matter how bad you want it to happen, change will never result from thinking alone - you must take action. The world is swimming in dreamers, but only those who act on their desires achieve truly remarkable results.
25. The First Step
A single step in the right direction is all it takes to put in motion great things. Every written masterpiece begins with a single word on a page. Every long journey begins with a single step. The things you desire most will be no different.
26. Now or Never
People have a gift for rationalization and procrastination. Take away these dangers with an attitude of 'now or never.' How would you do things differently if you were certain that today was your last chance to change your life?
27. Intelligent Action
Action is key to change - but not just any action. Eating unhealthy foods is action, but it is definitely not the kind of moves you should be making if your goal is to get in shape. The secret is to take intelligent action. Learn how to make the right moves and you'll be on your way to enjoying an amazing quality of life.
28. Windows of Opportunity
What you see today will not necessarily mirror the picture of tomorrow. In other words - things change. You can never know for sure how long the opportunity to act will offer itself. It could vanish tomorrow or in twenty years. The point is: Today is the certainty in your world. Make the best of it.
29. Use Your Time Wisely
The one thing we all desire more of but lose every day is time. Because of this, you need to take steps to ensure your time is being used wisely. Discover where your time goes each day and how you can better utilize each minute and hour.
30. Organize Your Space
A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind. Taking a few hours to clean up your common work areas will go a long way in helping you maintain clarity and focus while working toward your goals.
31. What Company do You Keep?
Most often, people mirror their environments. The friends and family members you associate with play a major role in your life - both positive and negative. Ask yourself if the people in your life are helping you become the person you want to be or are standing in the way of progress.
32. Take a Walk
As simple as it sounds, taking a walk around the block is sometimes all it takes to clear your mind and regain the energy you need to make changes in your life. It's quick, easy, and effective.
33. Get Active
An inspired mind is of little use if you lack the physical vitality to execute your plans. Get active and get moving. Whether this means a daily exercise program or simply riding your bike to work, think of as many ways as possible to be active in your daily life.
34. Maintain a Healthy Diet
Just as important as an active lifestyle is a healthy diet. You can't expect to have the energy and drive necessary to live an extraordinary life if you continue to fill your body with unhealthy foods. What you put in your body has an enormous impact on your motivation to improve.
35. Get Enough Rest
Your body cannot perform at its peak levels if you don't give it the time it requires for rest and repair. Four hours of sleep each night will eventually catch up with you. Get the rest you need and you'll have no problem working with passion toward your desires.
36. Choose to Think About What You Want
With everything you have to think about each day, the things you desire won't always get the time they deserve. You have to choose to think about what you want to change in your life, or your dreams will very likely be left behind.
37. Watch Inspiring Movies
Movies are made to move us. When you feel that your willpower is lacking, watch a movie that you find inspiring. This is a quick and easy way to regain your drive and you'll have a great time doing it.
38. Collect Your Favorite Quotations
The written word can be just as powerful as movies. When you come across a quotation that motivates you to achieve your goals, don't let it go! Write them down, save them on your computer, or do whatever works for you to keep them close at hand.
39. Place Reminders in the Home and Office
Place powerful reminders around your home or office about the goals and desires you are working to achieve. With the hectic pace of life in today's society it's easy to forget about the truly important things. Placing pictures in your home of the ideal body you are dreaming about or the home you wish to build are effective tools to keep you going strong.
40. The Process of Improvement
Always remember, improvement is a process. It takes time and effort to change your life, and any hopes for instant tangible results will only lead to disappointment. However, intangible changes such as improvements in your attitude, confidence, happiness, and joy can occur in an instant.
41. Learn from Your Mistakes
When things don't work out exactly as you had planned (this will happen) don't waste the opportunity to learn something. A short-term failure is a good thing - it teaches you how 'not' to do something, which will bring you closer and closer to the solution you seek.
43. Constant Curiosity
Be curious. The world can be a truly amazing place when you take the time to look around and learn about it. Read, converse, observe, listen, and discover the miracles that surround you. Constant curiosity is the habit that is sure to get you excited about your world, your life, and your future.
43. Spend Time with Children
Spending time with kids is a great way to let go of your worries and reconnect with your more innocent past. As adults, we have learned to hide our true emotions and keep a reserved attitude. Children have a great lesson to teach us - have fun and enjoy life. Maintain your youthful ways as you continue to grow older.
44. Focus on Others
There is no better way to improve your life than to help others do the same. To give is to get, and when it comes to spreading happiness and joy to others, it has never been more true. As your focus turns from yourself to those in need you will find that your own problems seem less important and may even disappear altogether.
45. Volunteer Your Time
An effective method to help others is volunteering. Your time is the most precious resource you have, and giving it to someone else is a truly rewarding experience. Contact your local churches, community center, or public schools for volunteer opportunities.
46. The Ups and Downs
You will not always be motivated to succeed. We all have our ups and downs, and expecting anything different will create frustration and anger. We all get upset, encounter setbacks, and have bad days, but here's the secret: you can visit, but just don't live there.
47. Your Contribution
What are you going to contribute to the world after you have gone? Living an extraordinary life requires thinking beyond yourself and giving back to the world in some way. What will your gift to the world be?
48. Be Grateful for What You Have
Take time out of each day to be grateful for the things you have in your life. Simply being alive and well is an amazing gift - anything more is just icing on the cake. Appreciate what you have and you will discover a renewed passion to achieve the desires you have yet to experience.
49. Starting in the Right Direction
You may not realize it, but you've already taken a massive step toward success. Simply reading these words demonstrates your desire to enhance the quality of your life. Now that you've taken the first step, keep it going day after day, month after month, year after year.
50. Get Excited!
You are on your way to getting everything you have ever wanted! Now is the time to get excited and inspired about what your future holds. Imagine living your ideal life - now make it happen!
When Should You Begin?
It's decision time.

You can continue to dream about the things you want or you can do something about them. You can let routine run the show or you can make a change. You can put off your happiness until another day or you can begin doing the things you know you are capable of doing.

The choice is yours.

It's easy to fall into the trap of 'someday.' Someday I'll do it, but right now I have so much to take care of. The truth is, you will always have things to take care of, people to see, and places to go. You have to make time for a better life because it won't fall into your lap.

Perhaps you've even said you'll start making changes:

...next week
...next year
...when the kids get out of school
...when the kids go back to school
...when there is more time
...when things settle down
...when the moment it right

Today is the day to begin. If you're ready to start getting more out of life, or need a push in the right direction, visit the address below to learn how you can discover hundreds of quick and easy tips to help you get motivated to live a happier, more successful life!

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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