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[LeadersWorkshop] Wings

[LeadersWorkshop] Wings




There was once a lonely girl who longed desperately for love. One day while she was walking in the woods she found two starving song birds. She took them home and put them in a small gilded cage. She nurtured them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a marvelous song.. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever.

One day the girl left the door to the cage open. The larger and stronger of the two birds flew from the cage. The girl watched anxiously as he circled high above her. She was so frightened that he would fly away and she would never see him again that as he flew close, she grasped at him wildly. She caught him in her fist. She clutched him tightly within her hand. Her heart gladdened at her success in capturing him. Suddenly she felt the bird go limp. She opened her hand stared in horror at the dead bird. Her desperate clutching love had killed.

She noticed the other bird teetering on the edge of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom.. His need to soar into the clear, blue sky. She lifted him from the cage and tossed him softly into the air. The bird circled once, twice, three times. The girl watched delighted at the bird's enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss.


She wanted the bird to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest melody, she had ever heard.


The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tight, the best way to keep love is to give it – WINGS,make it Free.~~.


Nisreen Dr. Sk. Abbas Merchant*
 NLP Master Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapist
(specialising in Behaviour Modification)
+91 9869553372

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[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~~~~..Small..Business...success..factors..

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~~~~..Small..Business...success..factors..


 Leadership in a Small Business

Practicing positive successful leadership in a small business, especially for the founder/owner, takes great skill and talent. In order to know what to do successfully in the start up phase and beyond takes understanding and self analysis.

Some entrepreneurs do not know themselves well enough to see their own faults. These faults can and will interfere in the success of the business.

The most crucial point in a small business where self analysis of the leader is necessary is during the transition to the professional management stage. The three important elements of people management, planning and the customer are built around the vision, mission statement and values of the company. As the entrepreneur grows the company, the leader must identify his/her need for control, sense of distrust, need for applause and defensive operations, also known as the "darker sides of the entrepreneur".

These characteristics if not monitored or unbeknownst to the leader can result in distorted reasoning and action making the transition (which is necessary for organizational growth) extremely difficult, if not impossible. Due to the leader's inability to recognize his/her destructive behaviors, the organization may be destined for perpetual smallness or destruction. Needs such as hiring more employees, growing additional branches and hiring managers to oversee teams of employees begin to appear. As a small business earns success and recognition, issues arise.

The entrepreneur generally desires such growth and success and happily appoints managers to continue training and developing and maintaining business relations. If the leader is unable to relinquish control, the managers will be unable to accomplish goals in alignment with the vision and mission of the leader. A large part of providing a successful mission statement is emulating the freedom to accomplish those actions as well as relinquishing control to those the leader hired. Inconsistencies and deficiencies of the leader are well documented factors which limit the growth of entrepreneurial firms. An entrepreneur struggles with issues of authority and control and structure can be stifling. If the leader is unaware of this behavior, the employees will disengage and eventually leave, which costs the company money in recruiting and training of new employees.

If the control issues are allowed to continue, the leader may attempt to pull back the reins on those he/she hired to manage his/her small organization's growth. Thus, micro-managing and removing any control or power from the managers themselves. As entrepreneurs sometimes do, planning is done on a gut instinct. The transition to a professional management organization is no longer based solely on gut instinct. This transits the organization to rely upon several professionals sharing their knowledge and experience to guide the small business planning. If the entrepreneurial leader is unable to allow this to happen, the transition to a professional management organization ceases.

This behavior also affects customers. The integrity and enthusiasm that once existed deteriorates with the controlling, distrusting and defensive characteristics of the entrepreneurial leader. As customers receive lower quality service, unmet expectations and dissatisfied employees, the overall organizational reputation may be lost. The darker side of the entrepreneur negatively affects the small business, the employees and customers. It is vital for a leader to analyze his strengths and weaknesses in order to maintain a successful small business.

About The Author:
Robert II Smith has spent more than 19 years working as a professor at New York University. Now he spends most of his time with his family and shares his experience about English papers. Robert II Smith is a right person that can help you with Management papers.

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[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~.Update...CONFIDENT..You..!!!

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~.Update...CONFIDENT..You..!!!


Ways to raise your confidence

Is your confidence intensity is where you'd like it to be?

Many relationship issues occur from a short of of confidence or low self-esteem. little self-confidence can put in withdrawal, lack of closeness and even unfaithfulness in a relationship.

So, how can you amplify your confidence? Well, self-confidence is not a product that can be plucked from a tree or pulled from a bookshelf. You see, having advantage for ones self is all about self-love and that comes from inside. So, in numerous ways achieving self confidence is an expedition within.
However, there are various things you can do that will help to catch you the right track. To get you moving in the right path I've included the following "Ways to raise your Confidence"…

1. Think about a name that is confident and act, speak and walk similar to him or her. mock-up their mannerisms and activities. It works for them; it will work for you.

2. Smile a lot added. That doesn't stand for putting a silly grin on your face! But smile when you walk down the lane, when you meet up people and generally be better-off even if you're not feeling that way.

3. Gain knowledge from the past; don't bang yourself up about it. It's gone; it's by no means coming back. Instead learn from it for next time.

4. Purchase yourself some new clothes, get your locks done, and care for yourself to something new. It will make you feel superior and will give your ego a boost.

5. Are you ready for situations? Are you prepared enough to meet up any test that may come up? Are you geared up for that meeting, that presentation, that job interview, when you meet somebody for the first time? If not, get to it.

6. Cooperate to your strengths. Know what you are excellent at and expose yourself to these opportunities at all opportunities - because you're superior at it, you'll enjoy it and have more poise.

7. Look up your weaknesses. Know and understand what these are and put a plan in place to improve them over time.

8. Gain knowledge of how to say no to people. Don't be frightened, you've got nothing to be afraid of. Just watch the response on their face after you've said it the first time and there will be no going back.

9. Be positive. Gaze on the "can do" side of things rather than the "can't do". You've proficient lots in your life and you will accomplish lots additional in the future.

10. Be in charge of your opinion at all times. What is a thought? It's just a query that you've asked yourself and the consideration is you're answer. If you're having negative thoughts, you're probably asking a negative issue. Alter the questions to be more positive.

11. Whenever you experience a negative thought coming, discontinue, THINK, and say is this really vital in the grand scheme of things. A lot of the instance it isn't. A lot of people in life major in minor things!

After you have done the superlative you can to address the connection issues, you can go back to the reasons you are having these discussions in the first place — the raise, help, change in job responsibility or shift you have been seeking. Only now you will find a human being with whom it is much easier to deal. Where earlier there may have only been stony silence, worry and stress, there should be extra open dialogue and difficulty sorting.

Efficient and good operational relationships are essential to productive negotiations. If they do not survive, you have to take time to expand them. It will never be trouble-free, but it is always priceless.

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[LeadersWorkshop] You Just Never Know

[LeadersWorkshop] You Just Never Know


You Just Never Know
Author Unknown
Bill worked in a factory on a production line, he was a big, awkward, homely guy. He dressed oddly with ill-fitting clothes. There were several fellow workers who thought it smart to make fun of him.
One day one fellow worker noticed a small tear in his shirt and gave it a small rip. Another worker in the factory added his bit, and before long there was quite a ribbon of cloth dangling. Bill went on about his work and as he passed too near a moving belt the shirt strip was sucked into the machinery. In a split second the sleeve and Bill was in trouble. Alarms were sounded, switches pulled, and trouble was avoided.
The foreman then summoned all the workers and related this story:
In my younger days I worked in a small factory. That's when I first met Mike. He was big and witty, was always making jokes, and playing little pranks. Mike was a leader. Then there was Peter who was a follower. He always went along with Mike. And then there was a man named Murray. He was a little older than the rest of us - quiet, harmless, apart. He always ate his lunch by himself.
He wore the same patched trousers for three years straight. He never entered into the games we played at noon, wrestling, horseshoes and such. He appeared to be indifferent, always sitting quietly alone under a tree instead. Murray was a natural target for practical jokes.
He might find a live frog in his lunch box, or a dead spider in his hat. But he always took it in good humour. Then one autumn, when things were quiet in the factory, Mike took off a few days to go hunting. Peter went along, of course. And they promised all of us that if they got anything they'd bring us each a piece.
So we were all quite excited when we heard that they'd returned and that Mike had got a really big buck. We heard more than that. Peter could never keep anything to himself, and it leaked out that they had real whopper to play on Murray. Mike had cut up the buck and had made a nice package for each of us. And, for the laugh, for the joke of it, he had saved the ears, the tail, the hoofs - it would be so funny when Murray unwrapped them.
Mike distributed his packages during the lunch break. We each got a nice piece, opened it, and thanked him. The biggest package of all he saved until last. It was for Murray. Peter was all but bursting; and Mike looked very smug. Like always, Murray sat by himself; he was on the far side of the big table. Mike pushed the package over to where he could reach it; and we all sat and waited.
Murray was never one to say much. You might never know that he was around for all the talking he did. In three years he'd never said more than hundred words. So we were all quite astounded with what happened next. He took the package firmly in his grip and rose slowly to his feet. He smiled broadly at Mike - and it was then we noticed that his eyes were glistening. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down for a moment and then he got control of himself.
'I knew you wouldn't forget me,' he said gratefully, 'I knew you'd come through! You're big and you're playful, but I knew all along that you had a good heart.'
He swallowed again, and then took in the rest of us. 'I know I haven't seemed too chummy with you men; but I never meant to be rude. You see, I've got nine kids at home - and a wife that's been an invalid - bedridden now for four years. She ain't ever going to get any better. And sometimes when she's real bad off, I have to sit up all night to take care of her. And most of my wages have had to go for doctors and medicine.
The kids do all they can to help out, but at times it's been hard to keep food in their mouths. Maybe you think it's funny that I go off by myself to eat my lunch. Well, I guess I've been a little ashamed, because I don't always have anything between my sandwich. Or like today - maybe there's only a raw turnip in my lunch box. But I want you to know that this meat really means a lot to me. Maybe more than to anybody here because tonight my kids' ... as he wiped the tears from his eyes with the back of his hand ... 'tonight my kids will have a really good meal.'
He tugged at the string. We'd been watching Murray so intently we hadn't paid much notice to Mike and Peter. But we all noticed them now, because they both tried to grab the package. But they were too late. Murray had broken the wrapper and was already surveying his present. He examined each hoof, each ear, and then he held up the tail. It wiggled limply. It should have been so funny, but nobody laughed - nobody at all.
But the hardest part was when Murray looked up and said 'Thank you' while trying to smile. Silently one by one each man moved forward carrying his package and quietly placed it in front of Murray for they had suddenly realised how little their own gift had really meant to them, until now.
This was where the foreman left the story and the men. He didn't need to say any more; but it was gratifying to notice that as each man ate his lunch that day, they shared part with Bill and one fellow even took off his shirt and gave it to him.

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Changing Attitudes Reaching Effectiveness

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[LeadersWorkshop] Critical Skills in Conflictual Communication [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] Critical Skills in Conflictual Communication [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from fayyaz included below]

Critical Skills in Conflictual Communication


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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: - Stop being  Scared Of Death...~~~~

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: - Stop being Scared Of Death...~~~~


- Stop being Deathly Scared

Stop being  Scared Of Death.

by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

IF YOU start looking at your own death, you will definitely become spiritual; there is no other way.
Today you are here. and everything is so real - you, your wife/husband, your child, your property, your work, your ideas, your ego. Each and everything is real. Today you are here. appearing so real. Tomorrow morning, if you are dead, what will happen to you?
Where are you then? Where did you go? Your body is a 'nuisance. Once you are dead, would anybody want (Q keep your body? If even the most loved one in your family dies, will you keep the body in your bedroom? Like Sankara says, "Bharya Bibyarlzi Tasmin Kaye", Meaning. ''Tomorrow if you die, that person who loved you very much or who seemed to love you, even she will be scared of this one (the body)".
This is only a body, so don't get attached. You do know lhat if we bury you here, you become earth. If we burn you, immediately the results are there for you to see. If we bury you, it takes a little longer. But what happens . to you? This needs probing. It defi nitely needs looking into, isn't it? Because this man who is here today, so real, tomorrow if he can suddenly evaporate, disappear, it is your business to know what happened, because it is going to happen to you also. Definitely, it is everybody's business to know, isn't it? So that's where the first step is. 
The first step is you start looking at death. And if you start looking at your own death, you will definitely become spiritual; there is no other way. Unfortunately, today, in our society you avoid the word death itself. Even children cannot use that word. You say "Rama, Shiva". The word "death" is banned at home because you are scared. Just the word, the reminder, scares you. Many people are scared to even see a funeral procession in their streets because it reminds them of their own death. Whatever you may shut yourself off to, are you really going to shut off death? Once you are in physical fonn, there are certain laws, because the whole physical matter has to be under a certain law. The very creation happens on a certain basis. How long the life of the body extends depends on various factors - kannic factors, physical factors and energy factors. And there is another thing, the ultimate thing, that the time's over. Once time is up, there is no business for that being to be here anymore. It is finished.
Jo J Vancheel Toh Tay Laho

जगा सारखे वर्तावे l आपले अंतरिचे कळू न द्यावे ll
जनी असोनी जनार्धन व्हावे l येणे रिती राहता ll
परमहंस शंकर महाराज


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[LeadersWorkshop] Ten Commandments for Collaborative Team Work [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] Ten Commandments for Collaborative Team Work [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Shabbar Suterwala included below]

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Dear Friends,

Greetings from Shabbar Suterwala

Ten Commandments for Collaborative Team Work
For your team and various other cross functional teams which works collaboratively to achieve the common goal of your organization.
Reflect on the Commandments and Share this with your team, trust it will help bonding of the team further.
Please do share your insights and feedback on the same.
Thanks and Regards
Shabbar Suterwala
Corporate Soft Skills Trainer
Ph: +91-989 222 5864


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[LeadersWorkshop] 328 Pearls

[LeadersWorkshop] 328 Pearls



328 Pearls 

  1. If you are not living by faith, you are just spitting in the wind.
  2. The worst bite a pastor can receive, is sheep bite.
  3. Each generation needs regeneration.
  4. If you don't dream big, you are thinking too small
  5. If salt doesn't leave the shaker, it is useless.
  6. There is no impact without contact.
  7. Salvation might be eternal, but we don't have eternity to preach it.
  8. If Satan can defeat your thoughts, he can defeat your faith.
  9. The Spirit of God sets you free and the Word of God keeps you free.
  10. My future is so bright I have to squint to see it.
  11. If David only killed a dwarf, he would never have been anybody.
  12. Pay day is coming.
  13. Jesus didn't say "By their suits and ties they shall know them".
  14. Taking an interest in what God is doing pays the best dividends
  15. Don't allow Satan to use your past failures to ruin your future successes.
  16. Prayer is long range artillery
  17. Christians are not an endangered species
  18. God has never asked us our opinion on how He should run anything. 
  19. The devil always has an ulterior motive
  20. Christianity requires people to come down out of the grand-stands and on to the playing field.
  21. Joseph may have lost his coat, but at least he kept his character.
  22. The Bible says "flee all youthful lusts." It doesn't say, stay around and negotiate. 
  23. Everybody can be saved, but they have to qualify before closing date.
  24. When the truth is rejected, a man is committed to believing a lie.
  25. Don't let the past, poison the future.
  26. Faith is not a movement. It is a lifestyle.
  27. Faith is a release mechanism that brings your hope into reality.
  28. It is no good having a call without character.
  29. Character is what you are, when no one is watching.
  30. God has a good track record when it comes to fulfilling His promises.
  31. Even when you are lying down, you can stand up in the Spirit.
  32. God wants man to be temples of the Holy Spirit, not cathedrals
  33. If you want to play with the devil, just remember he bites
  34. There are no hopeless situations only people who think hopelessly.
  35. We have to turn our test into testimonials
  36. When a man rejects the truth, he is committed to believing a lie.
  37. Some people want to reap the harvest before they sow the seed. 
  38. Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is an action.
  39. Jesus thinks it's neat to hang around with Christians every day.
  40. The only Jesus the averaged unsaved person will ever see is you.
  41. Don't be moved by the cheers, the jeers or the tears.
  42. The Word of God is not multiple-choice.
  43. God's Word is a blue chip investment.
  44. Fear closes the windows of opportunity.
  45. Failure is not the absence of success but the neglect of trying.
  46. God even loves the black sheep of the family.
  47. If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.
  48. Everybody has creativity, because we were made in the image of God
  49. Teaching the truth is still the way to go.
  50. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be found dead without Jesus.
  51. Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
  52. People seldom want to walk over you until you lie down.
  53. People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.
  54. Better to light ones candle than walk around in the dark.
  55. Gossip is something that nobody likes but most people enjoy.
  56. Great faith produces great results.
  57. God doesn't have a passive attitude to sickness, but He does have an aggressive attitude to healing.
  58. Remember the Devil always deals a crooked hand.
  59. I choose to live above the fog and the smog.
  60. Sometimes we have to bite the bullet and tell the truth.
  61. It is not wrong to cash in on God's benefits.
  62. Honesty is not the best policy, it is the only policy.
  63. I believe in God incidences, not coincidences.
  64. The good news is that the devil's bad news is all wrong
  65. Fear is public enemy number one.
  66. Jesus didn't come to make you sad, He came to make you glad.
  67. Healing hasn't passed away because Jesus hasn't passed away.
  68. Eternal Life is only one short prayer away.
  69. Christians are people with a future, but not a past.
  70. If you always tell the truth, you'll never have to remember what you said.
  71. Short term pain is beneficial for long term gain.
  72. Some Christians are running on empty.
  73. If you have something to say to the devil, write it on the sole of your feet, because that is where he is supposed to be.
  74. One of the greatest gifts that you can give to anyone is their dignity.
  75. Those who can - do it and those who can't criticize.
  76. The best way to try and impress other people is 'DON'T'
  77.  HELL isn't a blasphemy ..... It's a real place.
  78. The world has grasped the mystery of the atom, but has forgotten the sermon on the mount.
  79. Visions are caught not taught.
  80. Attitude is like a baby's nappy, if you don't change it on a constant basis, it starts to stink.
  81. God's Word still works
  82. Weak meditation causes weak revelation.
  83. Perspiration is not a sin.
  84. Salvation is free, but discipleship will cost you something.
  85. If we see ourselves in poverty, than that's the way the enemy will see us too.
  86. Faith is the substance and hope is the thermo-stat on the wall
  87. When you are in a battle, make sure you are not fighting flesh and blood.
  88. You can prophecy your own future.
  89. God is the UPPER TAKER not the UNDERTAKER.
  90. The only weapon that the devil has is deception.
  91. God is more willing to perform a miracle than you are to demonstrate it.
  92. God does have any grandchildren, just children.
  93. You cannot teach with boldness if you do not live it.
  94. Lots of people can say the word excellent, but not many people live it.
  95. Christians who only wear the helmet of salvation are known as Christian streakers.
  96. The Bible says that all things are possible. It doesn't say all things are easy.
  97. If you are not on fire for God, then your wood must be wet
  98. The bank in heaven is always open.
  99. The situation only becomes hopeless when you loose your hope.
  100. Christians who are always pulling on the oars, don't have time to rock the boat.
  101. Be worth more than your salary
  102. The family altar would alter many a family.
  103. God wants spiritual fruit not spiritual nuts.
  104. Church is a hospital for sinners not a museum for saints.
  105. If you want to convince others of the value of Christianity - Live it.
  106. If you want to defend Christianity - Practice it.
  107. Many Christians expect the world to respect the book they neglect.
  108. A Christian must get on his knees before he can get on his feet.
  109. Christians are the light of the world, but remember to turn the switch on.
  110. If some people were arrested for being a Christian, there wouldn't be enough evidence to convict them.
  111. Some Christians want to be counted in, but not to be counted on.
  112. Many Christians lose interest in church because they have never made an investment in it.
  113. When you go to a church, don't expect to find it perfect, because when you get there it won't be.
  114. The way some people give, you would think that the church was coin operated.
  115. The world at its worst needs a church at its best.
  116. No one is too good to go to church and no one is too bad to stay away.
  117. If absence makes the heart grow fonder, there must be a lot of people who love church.
  118. Isn't it strange how some people insist on having expensive clothes, yet are perfectly satisfied with a shoddy religion.
  119. Too many Christians use their religion like a bus. They ride it only when it is going their way.
  120. The Word of God is meant to be our bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions.
  121. To avoid the risk of losing their Christianity, many people leave it at home when they go to work.
  122. God doesn't call the qualified - He qualifies the call.
  123. I prayed to God for prosperity and all He sent me was a job.
  124. Fear is the darkroom where we develop our negativities.
  125. The Word of God feeds your faith and starves your doubts.
  126. Don't complain about the world - Do your best to change it.
  127. Obey or Decay.
  128. Feed your faith and starve your doubts to death.
  129. Some people give according to their means and others to their meanness.
  130. A success is not a success until you have created a successor.
  131. Faith is the hand that receives things from God.
  132. The more you talk about how big the devil is, the smaller you make God.
  133. There is more action in the opening of an umbrella than in the lives of some Christians.
  134. Being high on Jesus sure beats sniffing glue.
  135. Freedom comes on the wings of truth.
  136. Never base your faith on somebody else's experience. Always base your faith on the Word of God.
  137. The Word of God doesn't teach us how to cope. It teaches us how to overcome.
  138. Prayer is a priority, not a last resort.
  139. Where God guides, God provides.
  140. Turn your emotion into devotion.
  141. When you feel like giving up, it time to look up.
  142. Unless you stand for something you will fall for anything.
  143. We need to do things that will live on after we pass on.
  144. Some people give weekly others weakly.
  145. Seven days without prayer makes one weak
  146. A lie is a snowball, the further you roll it the bigger it becomes.
  147. Nature thrives on patience, man on impatience.
  148. Cultivate good habits, the bad ones grow wild.
  149. Going to church doesn't make you any more a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car.
  150. Temptations are like tramps. Treat one nice and he will return with his friends.
  151. The fact that people are born with two eyes, two ears and only one mouth, suggests that they should look and listen twice as much as they speak.
  152. God wants us to know His will, not take a wild guess at it.
  153. Confession always comes before possession.
  154. There's not an atheists in hell, they're all believers now.
  155. Mosquitoes are more religious than some people. First they sing over you, then they prey on you.
  156. True Knights for God seek only a place of service and not a place of honour.
  157. The Word of God should not be prayed about, but believed and obeyed.
  158. You can't build mansions in heaven by throwing mud on earth.
  159. Some Christians are like concrete: All mixed up and set in their ways.
  160. A lot of Christians continually say they are standing on the promises, but all they do is sit on the premises.
  161. When Gods provides a blue print for our lives, He also provides the materials for us to work with.
  162. Christians are not supposed to merely endure changes nor even to profit by them, but cause them.
  163. The world does not need a definition of religion, but a demonstration of Christianity.
  164. A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a mere argument.
  165. When it comes to giving some people stop at nothing.
  166. If people do not love people, they will never win people. 
  167. If you want the Word of God in your heart, you have to keep it in your mouth.
  168. I might not be what I want to be, but thank God I am not what I used to be.
  169. The body of Christ is the most powerful nation in the world.
  170. You are the sum total of what you think about and what you talk about.
  171. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.
  172. Past failures should not have any effect on your future success, when Jesus is in your life.
  173. It doesn't matter whether your name is on the church roll or a sausage roll, it won't get you into heaven
  174. Christians have friends in high places.
  175. A rut is a grave with no ends.
  176. Anything that is born in strife will die in strife.
  177. God meets our needs, not our greed's.
  178. The things that you plant in the morning will harvest through the day.
  179. Don't try God, Trust Him.
  180. God's Word is tailor made for you.
  181. You are better off being a first class number two, than a second class number one.
  182. We live by faith not by goose bumps.
  183. Even when people serve the devil, he is still not good to them.
  184. Christians may let God down, but He will never let them down.
  185. No one in life chooses for you - God may influence you and the devil may manipulate you, but in the end, you do the choosing.
  186. Christians never retire, they only re-fire.
  187. You are either a part of the problem or part of the answer.
  188. Doubt and fear are Siamese twins.
  189. Conceive plus Believe = Receive.
  190. The pieces will never fit until we learn to submit.
  191. Pay God's price, whatever it costs, the dividends are out of this world.
  192. God's work done Gods way will never lack God's supply. 
  193. Christians should not be moved by the cheers or jeers of man, but by the Word and promises of God.
  194. The great thing about team work and unity is that everywhere you look, there is someone on your side.
  195. A lot of Christians work for God, but not as many work with God.
  196. People are not born content, they learn contentment.
  197. Christians never pass the prime of their life. They are always living in their prime.
  198. We may be knocked down, but we should never be knocked out.
  199. When you step out of love, you step out of fellowship.
  200. Jesus never spoke the problem, He always spoke the answer.
  201. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.
  202. There is a big difference between being informed and transformed.
  203. If Christians do not control their doubt and unbelief, their doubt and unbelief will control them.
  204. Seek the Giver not the gift.
  205. Hell was never created for people, it was created for Satan and his fallen angels.
  206. Christianity is not a two week adventure. It is a lifetime commitment.
  207. God doesn't care whether you are black, white or galvanized.
  208. There's not an atheist in hell.
  209. The trouble with being an atheist, is that you have nobody to talk to when you are all alone.
  210. Jesus may be a part of history, but thank God He is also a part of our present and future.
  211. Some Christians sleep more in the pews, than they do in their beds.
  212. Satan cannot and God will not, intervene in your life unless you allow it.
  213. Keeping your wife in hot water will never make her tender.
  214. Where God guides, God provides.
  215. If Jesus died for us, surely we can live for Him.
  216. An army of sheep led by a lion, would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
  217. Never develop a wounded spirit.
  218. The true test of a man's character is not what he does in the light, but what he does in the dark.
  219. If people have to ask you if you are a Christian, then you probably aren't.
  220. A Bible that is falling apart often belongs to one who isn't.
  221. There are a hundred ways to tell a lie, but only one way to tell the truth.
  222. Worry will take you where you don't want to go and will keep you there longer than you want to stay.
  223. The Bible never teaches us to jump into faith. It tells us to 'walk in faith.'
  224. A wise man, even when he is silent, says more than a fool when he is talking.
  225. Smart people lose their tempers permanently.
  226. You can't pay cash for wisdom because it comes on the installment plan.
  227. Napoleon once said. "The Bible is a living book and will conquer any man who opposes it."
  228. The wise men brought Jesus incense, isn't it a pity that most men today bring Him nonsense. 
  229. I tell people that I work for a famous Jewish heart doctor.
  230. God doesn't have problems, only solutions.
  231. My God believes in U-Turns
  232. My God is the God of the second chance
  233. Children generally disgrace us in public by behaving how we do at home.
  234. Some abandoned children are still living with their parents.
  235. More children would take after their parents if they only knew where they were going.
  236. With as many divorces as we have nowadays, it seems that more parents are running away from home than their children.
  237. One reason for juvenile delinquency is that many parents are raising their children by remote control
  238. The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
  239. A real father is one who looks at his new child as an addition rather than a deduction.
  240. Too many parents tie up their dogs, but allow their kids to run loose.
  241. Many modern fathers worry more about their golf swing than their offspring.
  242. The trouble with sowing wild oats is that sometimes the crop has to be threshed out in court.
  243. Blunt words often have sharp edges.
  244. Children who are brought up in church are seldom bought up in court.
  245. We rate ability in men by what they finish, not by what they attempt
  246. Ability without ambition is like a car without a motor.
  247. We increase our ability, stability and responsibility when we increase our sense of accountability.
  248. Ability will enable a man to get to the top, but it takes character, honesty and integrity to keep him there.
  249. Some men dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them.
  250. The road to success is uphill, so don't expect to break any speed records.
  251. The only thing in life achieved without effort is FAILURE.
  252. Little people can have big dreams.
  253. Ambition never gets anywhere until it forms a partnership with work.
  254. Watch out for ambition, it can get you into a lot of hard work.
  255. A man with a burning ambition is seldom ever fired.
  256. Ambition without determination has no destination.
  257. If we had more husbands who were SELF STARTERS we would have less wives who would be CRANKS.
  258. The average man doesn't want much in life and usually gets much less.
  259. Knowing without doing, is like ploughing without sowing.
  260. Having the right aim in life means nothing if you are loaded with blanks.
  261. Not many people ever get dizzy from doing to many good turns.
  262. The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention.
  263. Some people entertain great ideas: others put them to work.
  264. A "sensational new idea" is sometimes just an old idea with its sleeves rolled up.
  265. Ideas are funny things. They'll never work until you do.
  266. Failure is just a brief stopover on the way to success.
  267. The greatest remedy for anger is delay.
  268. Don't be a carbon copy of something, make your own impression..
  269. Blowing out somebody else's candle won't make yours shine any brighter.
  270. Many men spend their lives reasoning with the past, complaining about the present and trembling about the future.
  271. Man is the only member of the animal kingdom that apologizes, or needs to.
  272. A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them and strong enough to correct them.
  273. Our mistake is loving things and using people instead of loving people and using things.
  274. The value of the dollar will never drop as low as some people will stoop down to get it.
  275.  A successful man continues looking for work after he has found a job.
  276. Use your brains, it's the little things in life that counts the most.
  277. Big mouths do dot advertise intelligent brains.
  278. The best way to go into business is with high hopes and low overheads.
  279. Business is a lot like tennis. If you don't serve well, you'll end up losing the game.
  280. It is alright to be a little cautious, but even the turtle has to stick his neck out to get ahead.
  281. It is important for a girl with a future to avoid a man with a past.
  282. Always take plenty of time to make snap decisions.
  283. What lies behind us and what lies before us are very small matters compared to what lies within us.
  284. Where we go and what we do advertises who we are.
  285. A good past is the best thing that any man can use for a future reference.
  286. Other people determine you character by observing what you stand for, fall for and lie for.
  287. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
  288. Children need strength to lean on, a shoulder to cry on and an example to learn from.
  289. It is extremely difficult for a child to live right if he's never seen how it is done.
  290. The best thing to spend on your children is time.
  291. With the world in such a confused state, it is no wonder that babies cry when they come into it.
  292. Every child has the right to be well fed and well led.
  293. A switch in time saves crime.
  294. Most juvenile delinquents are young people who have been given a free hand, but not in the proper place.
  295. Some parents bring their children up, others let them down.
  296. When Joseph stood naked on the auction block, The Lord called him PROSPEROUS
  297. Whiners are generally the product of sour grapes.
  298. Sometimes you can live it up for an evening and then have to live it down for the rest of your life.
  299. I do not invite defeat, accept defeat or submit to it.
  300. A failure is just a rehearsal for success.
  301. Try for perfection and be satisfied with the very best you can do.
  302. Pressure doesn't cause weakness, it only reveals it.
  303. I don't believe in Weak Ends just Long Starts.
  304. It is nice to be important, but it is far more important to be nice.
  305. You may be limited by time and distance, but never by imagination.
  306. Everybody is born an original, but most die a carbon copy.
  307. Mediocrity is the shortest route to take a man from somewhere to nowhere.
  308. The tomb is the only tourist attraction in the world where people line up to see nothing.
  309. A wise leader makes Godly decisions whereas a foolish leader follows pubic opinion.
  310. Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't - You are right.
  311. The only Scripture a Christian believes in is the one they obey.
  312. If you listen to your fears, you will never know the great person you could have been.
  313. If you need to do business with God - Now is the time to do it.
  314. A true friend is one who walks in, when the rest of the world walks out.
  315. Get a word from the Lord, because no other word will work.
  316. We don't quit on our first day and we don't quit on our worst day.
  317. People should forget most of the things they remember and remember most things they have forgotten.
  318. You can't choose being a male, but you can choose whether you are going to be a man.
  319. Kids and teenagers don't quote the Bible, but they do quote their peers and parents.
  320. It is biologically easy to be a father, but it take hard work to be a dad.
  321. When we magnify our problems we minimize God, but when we magnify God, we minimize our problems
  322. The best time to love your spouse is before someone else does.
  323. What fathers do in moderation, their sons will do in excess.
  324. You may be only one person in the world, but you can mean the world to just one person.
  325. If you get rid of the rubbish, you'll get rid of the rats.
  326. What one generation tolerates, the next generation accepts.
  327. Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors.
  328. People don't care what you know until they know how much you care.



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