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[LeadersWorkshop] Add value to your Product


How to Increase the Value of Any Product

Here are some ideas that will increase the value of any service or product in the eyes of the average consumer.

A pleasant, helpful attitude. "What can I do for you?" "I'd love to do that for you." People have too much to do already.

Smiles and other expressions of joy and happiness. People like to be around happy people.

Behavior that matches that of your customer. People like to be around people like themselves. In this regard, speak just as softly, loudly, fast, or slow as the person you're talking to. Sit if they are sitting, and stand if they are standing. Just don't be obvious about this or it will backfire on you.

Attention to details. This is one of the basic definitions of quality. All of the details of your service or product are the best they can be. This takes time to master, so it is one way to identify a professional as opposed to an amateur.

Genuine interest and caring for your customer. Too many people are going through life without enough appreciation and acceptance. The person who gives this will be rewarded many times over with extra sales.

Excitement and enthusiasm. One reason that sporting events and amusement parks make so much money is because they have so much excitement associated with them. People pay money to experience these feelings.

McDonald's, that king of the fast food business. What value do they offer? Speed, convenience, fun for kids. Definitely not high quality food, even though you would first think that quality food would be a necessity to succeed in a food business. The food meets a minimum standard, but the other qualities of their service wins the majority of their business.

Here's a valuable question. What value do the employees of a business like McDonald's provide? They perform a task that is essential to the operation of the restaurant, but they also offer more than that. The attitude that they have when working affects other employees and the customers as well. Helping the other employees with their jobs adds value to their service, as does being a source of encouragement, inspiration, and information. Employees like this never need to worry about being fired, let go, or laid off.

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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