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[LeadersWorkshop] PANIC ATTACK



"All of a sudden, I felt a tremendous wave of fear for no reason at all. My heart was pounding, my chest hurt, and it was getting harder to breathe. I thought I was going to die."

What are panic attacks?
Panic attacks may be symptoms of an anxiety disorder. These attacks are a serious health problem in the U.S. about 60 million people, will suffer from panic attacks at some point in their lives. About 3 million people, will have full-blown panic disorder at some time in their lives, twice as often for women than men. The peak age at which people have their first panic attack (onset) is 15-19 years. Another fact about panic is that this symptom is strikingly different from other types of anxiety; panic attacks are so very sudden and often unexpected, appear to be unprovoked, and are often disabling.
Childhood panic disorder facts include that about 0.7% of children suffer from panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder and that although panic is found to occur twice as often in women compared to men, boys and girls tend to experience this disorder at an equal frequency.

Panic attacks in children may result in the child's grades declining, avoiding school and other separations from parents, as well as substance abuse, depression, and suicidal thoughts, plans, and/or actions.

What are panic attack symptoms and signs in adults, teenagers, and children?

The symptoms of a panic attack appear suddenly, without any apparent cause. They may include
·         racing or pounding heartbeat (palpitations);
·         chest pains;
·         stomach upset;
·         dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea;
·         difficulty breathing, a sense of feeling smothered;
·         tingling or numbness in the hands;
·         hot flashes or chills;
·         trembling and shaking;
·         dreamlike sensations or perceptual distortions;
·         terror, a sense that something unimaginably horrible is about to occur and one is powerless to prevent it;
·         a need to escape;
·         nervousness about the possibility of losing control and doing something embarrassing;
·         fear of dying.

Although the duration of a panic attack can vary greatly, it typically lasts for more than 10 minutes, is one of the most distressing conditions that a person can experience, and its symptoms can closely mimic those of a heart attack. Typically, most people who have one attack will have others, and when someone has repeated attacks with no other apparent physical or emotional cause, or feels severe anxiety about having another attack, he or she is said to have panic disorder. A number of other emotional problems can have panic attacks as a symptom. Some of these illnesses includeposttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia, and intoxication or withdrawal from certain drugs of abuse.

Certain medical conditions, like thyroid abnormalities and anemia, as well as certain medications, can produce intense anxiety. Examples of such medications include stimulants like methylphenidate (Ritalin), diabetes medications like metformin and insulin, antimalarial medications like quinine, as well as corticosteroid withdrawal, such as withdrawal from dexamethasone (Decadron). As individuals with panic disorder seem to be at higher risk of having a heart valve abnormality called mitral valve prolapse (MVP), this possibility should be investigated by a doctor since MVP may dictate the need for special precautions to be taken when the individual is being treated for any dental problem. While the development of panic attacks have been attributed to the use of food additives like aspartame, alone or in combination with food dyes.

While panic disorder in adolescents tends to have similar symptoms as in adults, symptoms of panic disorder in younger children are less likely to include the thought-based or so-called cognitive aspects. Specifically, teenagers are more likely to feel unreal or as if they are functioning in a dream-like state (derealization) or be frightened of going crazy or of dying.

Symptoms of panic attacks in women tend to include more avoidance of anxiety provoking situations, show more frequent recurrence, and more often result in the use of medical care compared to panic attack symptoms in men. The frequency of panic attacks may increase, decrease, or remain unchanged during pregnancy.

Are panic attacks serious?
Yes, panic attacks are real and potentially quite emotionally disabling. Fortunately, they can be controlled with specific treatments. Because of the disturbing physical signs and symptoms that accompany panic attacks, they may be mistaken for heart attacks or some other life-threatening medical illness. In fact, up to 25% of people who visit emergency rooms because of chest pain are actually experiencing panic. As a result, people with this symptom often undergo extensive medical tests to rule out these other conditions.

Sadly, sometimes more than 90% of these individuals are not appropriately diagnosed as suffering from panic.

To fight and cure such Mental and Physical Illness Herbs India Health Care Center has a Specialized and highly competent team of Doctors, Professionals and Therapists in various therapy stream, such as Ayurveda, Homeopath, Unani, Cosmetologist, Behavior Modification, Gausa Therapist, Dietitians, Nutritionist, Aroma Therapist, Psychiatrist, Physiotherapist, Psychotherapist, Hypnotherapist, Yoga therapist, Reiki Healer, , Pranic Healer  ETC. 
Do not ignore this symptoms Treat yourself before you become a Treat of this illness.

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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