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[LeadersWorkshop] MEDITATION: A WAY TO APPROACH GOD [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Mohmmad Iqbal included below]



Different Religions - Different Methodologies - Destination is same

Learn Spirituality to recognize and approach GOD, whatever religion you belong to

All religions  agree  upon  this that through meditation, it is possible to connect to

GOD.   There  are  different   ways  in  different  religions  but  the aim is same. It is

respectable to call GOD, no matter you call HIM by any name.

Superior  to  religions  is  the  "LOVE OF GOD", which is the essence of  all religions

whereas the Light of God is an illuminating guide in the way.

The methods of Meditation is given below which is simple  and shortest and is the

practice of JUST 7 DAYS.  The people belonging to all religions can exercise it by the

name of their GODs, keeping in mind  "THE CREATOR" the one and only ONE,  who

created the whole universe and us.

Dear friends,

Try your luck by exercising the methods outlined  in  the Message just  for   7  days

and this will awaken  your "LATIF-E-QALB" (a spiritual entity), and it start chanting

out "Creators"  name (ALLAH HU) which will produce Divine energy(NOOR) in your

heart. This is not only for muslims, people of other religion can exercise,   keeping

in mind  "THE CREATOR" the one and only "ONE" who created the universe and us.

In  the  attached  file  message is also availble in URDU. If you feel to know further

please visit www.asiinternationals.com.



In  prehistoric   times  stones   would  be  rubbed  together   to  make   fire.   Whereas  a  spark   can   also  be

produced  by rubbing two metals together. In a similar way electricity is made from water. Similarly by the

friction of the blood inside the  human  body,   in other words electric  energy  is  produced by the vibrating

heartbeat.   In every human being there is present, approximately one and a half volts of electricity due to

which the body is energetic.   As  the  heartbeat  slows  in old age,  this reduces  the  electricity in the body

and this in turn also causes a reduction of the energy level in the body.

Firstly,  the heartbeat  has  to be made vibrant  and pronounced. Some do this by dancing, some by sports

and exercise and some people try to do this by meditating and chanting the Name of God Allah.

When  the  heartbeat  becomes  vibrant   and   pronounced  then  by  chanting  the   name  of  "Allah"  try  to

synchronize it  with  every heartbeat.  Alternatively  try to  synchronize "Allah" with one heartbeat  and Hu

with the other. Some  time  by  placing your  hand  on the  heart  and   when  you  feel your heartbeat, again

try to synchronize the Name  "Allah" by chanting  it with  the rhythm of the heartbeat and imagine that the

Name "Allah" is entering the heart.

The chanting of" Allah Hu" is better and more effective but if anyone has an objection,or a fear of chanting

Hu, then instead of being deprived one should  solely use the name Allah,repetitively in the chanting. It is

beneficial  for people who chant  and practice  this  discipline  and who read mantras to physically remain

as clean as possible as the:

"disrespectful are unfulfilled and the respectful and fulfilled."

THE FIRST METHOD OF PRODUCING LIGHT:::::::::             Write     "Allah"     on    a    paper    in    black    ink    66

times  and   do   this  exervise   for  as long  as  you  wish on  a  daily  basis.   Soon thereafter,  the Word Allah

will   be   transported   from  the   paper  and  hover over  the eyes.  Then  with  one-pointed   concentration,

attempt to transport the word from the eyes to the heart.

THE SECOND METHOD OF PRODUCING LIGHT::::               Write    "Allah"    on      a      zero       watt       bulb,     in

yellow.  Whilst  you  are awake or  just before  sleep, concentrate and try to absorb it into the eyes. When

it appears on the  eyes then try to transport it to the heart.

THE THIRD METHOD OF PRODUCING LIGHT::::::::              This      method      is      for      those      people      who

have  perfect   spiritual  guides   and teachers   and who  due  to their  spiritual  connection  are  spiritually

assisted  by  them.  Sit  alone  and  imagine that   your index finger is a pen. Using your finger and with your

concentration,attempt  to write Allah on your  heart. Call upon your spiritual teacher (spiritually), so that

he too may, hold your finger, and write "Allah" on your heart.  Continue to do this exercise everyday,  until

you see Allah written on your heart.

"If  you are succeeded  and your Qalb starts chanting Allah Hu

it will chant 24 hours a day, even if you are sleeping, working

and  will  convert your prayers (Namaz) into  Namaz-e-Haqiqi

and you will enter into Divine Love."

If you feel like querrying anything please feel free to contact me at ahmedsarfaraz82@yahoo.com.

Best of Luck.

Sarfaraz Ahmed.













































Attachment(s) from Mohmmad Iqbal

1 of 1 File(s)

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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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