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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~ Nature of life forces


Nature of life forces


The spiritual process generally for most
people comes in their pursuit of their
well-being. Spiritual process means a conscious
self-destruction. A very few people
are seeking it consciously. But the rest of
the people get entrapped in it in their
search for well-being. They are only seeking
well-being but slowly they realise as
long as their individual nature exists, there
is no such thing as well-being. So, then
willingly and unwillingly, they begin to destroy
themselves. Self-destruction is
painful unless there's a complete dispassion
about who you are. It's painful, but
with every bit of yourself being destroyed,
you feel more and more beautiful. So, the
longing to burn is there. The longing to
preserve is also there. These are two
forces within you, always.
One aspect of you just knows preservation.
Self-preservation is a fundamental instinct
in you - in every life form for that
matter. So, one half of you is always constantly
struggling to preserve yourself. Another
half of you is longing to become liberated
from this limitation of who you are.
These two forces keep functioning within
you - one is self-preservation; another is
longing to become free. For a few spiritual
process is very effortless. For most others
it's a struggle as they are unable to choose
which of these forces they should align
themselves with. Whatever they choose,
they feel they have made a mistake. They
choose this; they feel they should have
done the other thing; endless conflict within
themselves. Without the instinct to preserve,
there would be no survival process.
To be rooted in the dimension, which is
longing for liberation and still effectively
handle your survival, needs a certain
amount of skill. If you just look at life, depending
upon how much priority you accord
to something that functions in a certain
way, other things can be handled to
the best of our ability. But, people always
believe that unless they are identified with
something, things cannot happen. In identification
there is a feeling of security. If
you just begin to understand life as various
forces working on you, the fundamental
life force which is you, which decides the
quality of everything that you do and are,
and understand its nature and learn to see
how to make it happen without identifications;
then you see whatever kind of situations
you are placed in, there is no struggle.
As the external situations demand,
you function; that's all.


Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com
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Ditulis oleh: Andriansyah -

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