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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~ Origin of New Year


 Origin of New Year

 Origin of New Year
New Year is the world's most popularly celebrated festival.
Perhaps, everybody would like to know how these celebrations
 began, from where it originated and what is so important
 about the festival. Let's give you an insight to the
origin of this grand event in a brief form.
Origin of New Year dates back to the era of emperors.
They thought of celebrating a special day which should
dot a day for beginning and end of the year.
First New Year celebrations were noticed in Mesopotamia
 around 2000 years.
It was celebrated at the time of Equinox in mid-March
by the Egyptians, Persians and Phoenicians while Greeks
 celebrated it on winter solstice.
Ancient New Year Calendar
First New Year celebrations were noticed in Mesopotamia
around 2000 years.
It was celebrated at the time of Equinox in mid-March
 by the Egyptians, Persians and Phoenicians
while Greeks celebrated it on winter solstice.
As per the ancient Roman calendar New Year fell on
 March 1.
 This calendar just had ten months and March was the
first month of the year.
The calendar originated by the cycles of the moon,
 beginning in spring and ending with autumn planting.
Inclusion of Two Calendar Months
It was Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome
 who divided the year into twelve lunar months by adding
the months of January and February.
The New Year was shifted to January as it marked the
 beginning of the civil years in Rome.
But this was not fully accepted by the people of Rome
 and they continued celebrating in the month of March only.
January 1- an Official Date of New Year Celebrations
The Roman emperor Julius Caesar officially declared
 January 1 to be a New Year in 46 B.C. Romans worshiped
God Janus who had two faces, one looking forward
and the other looking backward.
The month of January was named after this Roman God
 and it gave an idea to the emperor to establish
January as a gate to the New Year.
 It is said Caesar celebrated January 1 - New Year
 by ordering the revolutionary Jewish forces to route back.
People began New Year celebrations on January 1 after
many years. They ritualized the beginning of the year by acting
 and re-enacting the world of the past before peace proliferated.
 People learned January as first month of the year and with this
the tradition of following Julian calendar.
Abolition of Roman New Year Date
In the medieval period, pagan festivals were given more
 importance and March 25 was announced as the
 beginning of the New Year.
 March 25 was called the Annunciation Day as on this day
 Mary got the news that she should be impregnated.
Later, the King of England ensured that Jesus' birth
December 25 should be commemorated as New Year.
Gregorian Calendar
About 500 years later, Pope Gregory XIII abolished the
old Julian calendar and introduced Gregorian calendar
which comprised of a leap year after every four years
 to maintain balance between seasons and calendar.
 Finally, in 1582, Gregorian calendar was set to celebrate
New Year on the first day of January. 



Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] Words of  Wisdom

[LeadersWorkshop] Words of Wisdom


 Good words .


Good words from an........

An old father is telling his grandson about a fight that is going on inside
himself. He said it is between 2 wolves.
One is evil: Anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt,
resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.
The other is good: Joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness,
benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,
"Which wolf wins?"
The old father simply replied, "The one I feed."
Please share the lessons you have learned in your full-time, informal school called Life with "

Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] SOMETHING VERY INTERESTING.................

[LeadersWorkshop] SOMETHING VERY INTERESTING.................


Hi Friends,


Letters 'a', 'b', 'c' 'd' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 99, (Letter 'd' comes for the first time in Hundred) 

Letters 'a', 'b' 'c' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 999, (Letter 'a' comes for the first time in Thousand)

Letters 'b' 'c' do not appear anywhere in the spellings of 1 to 999,999,999, (Letter 'b' comes for the first time in Billion)


Letter 'c' does not appear anywhere in the spellings of entire English Counting

Just Try......... ......... ......... except
C ..for....CASH !!

Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] FW:~~~ This (ppt)  is a must read. [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] FW:~~~ This (ppt) is a must read. [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Rajendra Deshpande included below]



Good reading, it is simple to some of us, but other's seem to struggle with the basics.

May help for the coming new year, THINK ABOUT IT!


Do spare a few minutes to go through this  artice on why we are what we are,on why things are getting out of control. We seem to be chasing shadows and ignoring totally the real substance that makes for a civil society. We celebrate vulgarity and wealth and not the decencies and virtues that make life satisfying and fulfilling.we've discarded the teachings and legacies of our fathers and forefathers and chosen instead to tread on slippery ground, in fact a self-destructive path!
a thousand pities!!


Best wishes.



Attachment(s) from Rajendra Deshpande

1 of 1 File(s)

Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~ BIG.Problems Big opportunities.!!!

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~ BIG.Problems Big opportunities.!!!



Two men went fishing. One was an experienced fisherman, the other wasn't. Every time the experienced fisherman caught a big fish, he put it in his ice chest to keep it fresh. Whenever the inexperienced fisherman caught a big fish, he threw it back. 

The experienced fisherman watched this go on all day and finally got tired of seeing the man waste good fish. 'Why do you keep throwing back all the big fish you catch?' he asked.

The inexperienced fisherman replied, 'I only have a small frying pan.'

Sometimes, like that fisherman, we throwback the big plans, big dreams, big jobs, big opportunities that God gives us. Our faith is too small.
We laugh at that fisherman who didn't figure out that all he needed was a bigger frying pan, yet how ready are we to increase the size of our faith?
Whether it's a problem or a possibility, God will never give you anything bigger than you can handle. That means we can confidently walk into anything God brings our way.

Stop telling God you've got big problems.
Tell your problems you've got a BIG GOD


Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] An Old Farmers Advice - Need of the Hour

[LeadersWorkshop] An Old Farmers Advice - Need of the Hour


  An Old Farmers Advice:




Kiran Srinivas K 



Formula HR Consulting

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IM: kiran_nickyjam@yahoo.com



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It's not that I'm so smart;

It's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein




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Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com


[LeadersWorkshop] Real-life Superheroes: 10 People with Incredible Abilities. Awesome Information


Real-life Superheroes: 10 People with
Incredible Abilities. Awesome Information

With so many superhero movies around, such as Spiderman or Hulk,
we are used to see people with special abilities in fiction.
But people with amazing abilities actually do exist in real life;
here's a list of 10 of the most amazing of these people!

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Incredible Brain Daniel Tammet):

Daniel Paul Tammet is a British high-functioning autistic savant
gifted with a facility for mathematical calculations, sequence memory,
and natural language learning. He was born with congenital
childhood epilepsy Experiencing numbers as colors or
sensations is a well-documented form of synesthesia,
but the detail and specificity of Tammet's mental imagery of
numbers is unique. In his mind, he says, each number up to 10,000
has its own unique shape and feel, that he can "see" results
of calculations as landscapes, and that he can "sense"
whether a number is prime or composite. He has described his
visual image of 289 as particularly ugly, 333 as
particularly attractive, and pi as beautiful. Tammet not only verbally
describes these visions, but also creates artwork,
particularly watercolor paintings, such as his painting of Pi.

Tammet holds the European record for memorising and recounting pi
to 22,514 digits in just over five hours. He also speaks a variety
of Languages including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish,
Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto.
He particularly likes Estonian, because it is rich in vowels.
Tammet is creating a new language called Mnti. Tammet is capable of
learning new languages very quickly. To prove this for the Channel
Five documentary, Tammet was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week.
Seven days later he appeared on Icelandic television conversing
in Icelandic, with his Icelandic language instructor
saying it was "not human."

Watch This Video on You Tube

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Boy with Sonar Vision(Ben Underwood):

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Ben Underwoodtaught is blind, both of his eyes were removed (cancer)
when he was 3. Yet, he plays basketball, rides on a bicycle, and
lives a quite normal life. He taught himself to use echo location
to navigate around the world. With no guide-dogs, he doesn't
even need hands: he uses sound. Ben makes a short click sound that
bounces back from objects. Amazingly, his ears pick up
the ecos to let him know where the objects are. He's the only person
in the world who sees using nothing but eco location, like
a sonar or a dolphin.

Watch This Video on You Tube

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Rubber boy (Daniel Browning Smith):

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Five time Guiness Record holder,The Rubber boy is the most flexible
man alive and the most famous contortionist. He has been
in many professional basketball or baseball games and on The
Tonight Show with Jay Leno, ESPN's Sports Center, Oprah Winfrey,
Ripley's Believe It or Not, Cirque du Soleil, Best Damn Sports Show Period,
The Discovery Channel Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, and
CSI: NY and American got a talent.. He dislocates his arms
to crawl through an unstrung tennis racquet. He performs contortion
handstands and unique acrobatics.

Watch This Video on You Tube

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily Mister Eat-it-All (Michel Lotito):

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Michel Lotito (born 1950) is a French entertainer, famous as the
consumer of undigestables, and is known as Monsieur Mangetout
(Mister Eat-it-all).

Lotito's performances are the consumption of metal, glass, rubber
and so on in items such as bicycles, televisions, a Cessna 150,
and smaller items which are disassembled, cut-up and swallowed.
The aircraft took roughly two years to be 'eaten' from 1978 to 1980.
He began eating unusual material while a child and has been
performing publicly since 1966. Lotito does not often suffer from
ill-effects due to his diet, even after the consumption of materials
usually considered poisonous. When performing he consumes
around a kilogram of material daily, preceding it with mineral oil
and drinking considerable quantities of water during the 'meal'.
He apparently possesses a stomach and intestine with walls
of twice the expected thickness, and his digestive acids are,
allegedly, unusually powerful, allowing him to digest a certain
portion of his metallic meals.

Watch the Video at YouTube.

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily King Tooth(Rathakrishnan Velu):

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On August 30, 2007, the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day,
Rathakrishnan Velu (or Raja Gigi, as he is known locally) broke his
own world record for pulling train with his teeth, this time with
6 coaches attached weighing 297.1 tons over a distance of 2.8 metres
at the Old Kuala Lumpur Railway Station. Raja Gigi, from Tampin
in Malaysia learned a technique of concentrating his powers to
any part of his body from an Indian guru at a young age of 14.

Watch This Video on You Tube

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Magnetic Man (Liew Thow Lin):

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Liew Thow Lin, a 70-year-old retired contractor in Malaysia, recently
made news for pulling a car twenty meters along a level surface
by means of an iron chain hooked to an iron plate on his midriff.
He says that he discovered he had the amazing ability to make objects
stick "magnetically" to his skin, and now he's added car-pulling to
his repertoire. After reading an article about a family in Taiwan
who possessed such power, he says he took several iron objects and
put them on his abdomen, and to his surprise, all the objects
including an iron, stuck on his skin and didn't fall down.
Since this "gift'' is also present in three of his sons and
two grandchildren, he figures it's hereditary.

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Man who doesn't Sleep (Thai Ngoc):

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Sixty-four-year-old Thai Ngoc, known as Hai Ngoc, said he could
not sleep at night after getting a fever in 1973, and has
counted infinite numbers of sheep during more than 11,700
consecutive sleepless nights. "I don't know whether the insomnia
has impacted my health or not. But I'm still healthy and can farm
normally like others," Ngoc said. Proving his health, the elderly
resident of Que Trung commune, Que Son district said he can carry
two 50kg bags of fertilizer down 4km of road to return home
every day. His wife said, "My husband used to sleep well, but
these days, even liquor cannot put him down." She said when Ngoc
went to Da Nang for a medical examination, doctors gave him a clean
bill of health, except a minor decline in liver function. Ngoc currently
lives on his 5ha farm at the foot of a mountain busy with
farming and taking care of pigs and chickens all day. His six
children live at their house in Que Trung. Ngoc often does extra farm work
or guards his farm at night to prevent theft, saying he used
three months of sleepless nights to dig two large ponds to raise fish.

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Torture King (Tim Cridland):

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Tim Cridland doesn't seem to feel pain like the rest of people.
He astounded everyone by pushing needles into his arms without
flinching and he now performs a terrifying act for audiences
all over America. Scientific tests have shown that Tim can tolerate
much higher levels of pain than are humanly possible. He explains
that, by using mind over matter , he is able to push skewers
through his body and put up with extreme heat and cold unharmed
- but to do this safely he has extensively studied human anatomy,
because puncturing an artery could be fatal.

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Lion Whisperer(Kevin Richardson)

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Animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson says he relies on instinct to win
the hearts and form an intimate bond with the big cats. He can spend
the night curled up with them without the slightest fear of being attacked.
His magic works not only work for lions but other animals such as cheetahs,
leopards and even hyenas do not hold a threat against him.
Lions are his favourites and its a wonder how he can play, carress,
cuddle with them whose teeth are sharp enough to bite through
thick steel. Its a dangerous job but to Kevin, its more of a passion
for him.

Watch This Video on You tube

Click here to Join Hum-Our-Tum Group and get Infotainment daily The Eye-Popping Man (Claudio Pinto)

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Claudio Pinto can pop both of his eyes 4 cm (about 1 and a half inch)
or 95% out of their sockets. He's now aiming (poppin'?) for a world record.
Mr Pinto has undergone various tests and doctors say they have never
seen or heard of a person who can pop the eyes as much as him.
Mr Pinto, from Belo Horizonte, said: "It is a pretty easy way to make money.
"I can pop my eyes out four centimetres each, it is a gift from God,
I feel blessed."

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