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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~~...Possess nothing, enjoy everything

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~~...Possess nothing, enjoy everything


 Possess nothing, enjoy everything

Possess nothing, enjoy everything


DO YOU respect a beggar? Do you disrespect a rich man? In today's world, people are evaluated only on the basis of their possessions and status. A person's worth in society is decided on the basis of how much he or she owns. Apart from his physical wealth, his power and influence become important. Success in life is related to ownership of assets and the extent of influence. In reality, nothing can be more damaging to a person's real success in the world than possessions and status. The desire to possess rises from comparison and jealousy. If your neighbor buys a new refrigerator your house gets warmer. From early childhood we are conditioned to desire what others have. When we are not able to possess something, we are unhappy and consider it a failure. We become happy when we do acquire what we want. This happiness, however, lasts for a brief period. It lasts till we find one more thing to covet. Happiness seems to be in the acquisition, in the chase rather than through enjoyment of what we have. Ramana Maharishi says: Till you get something you want, it looks as big as a mountain. Once you get it, the same thing becomes the size of a mustard seed! Greed drives us. Greed and envy are the root cause of all our sorrow. Gautama Buddha said that all suffering is caused by human desire. But Buddha was not referring to genuine need-based desires when he said this; he was referring to the unending stream of wants that we develop based on comparison. Joy is the natural state of a human being. Joy happens when there is no comparison. Joy happens when there is no attachment to an acquisition. It gives rise to sorrow when the desire for possessions imprisons us within the boundaries of time and space. When we recall a happy time, we keep trying to possess that time again. A desire rooted in the past becomes the driver of our present state of mind. Stop wanting to acquire more and more. Enjoy what you have. I keep saying this: enjoy what you have; there is no need to renounce what you already possess. Renounce only what you do not have. You do not have to move into a forest as a monk or sanyasi to find happiness. You can find it in the middle of your worldly comforts. All you have to do is to renounce your fantasies. That is the gateway to Bliss!
Jo J Vancheel Toh Tay Laho

जगा सारखे वर्तावे l आपले अंतरिचे कळू न द्यावे ll
जनी असोनी जनार्धन व्हावे l येणे रिती राहता ll
परमहंस शंकर महाराज

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[LeadersWorkshop] How to use Emotional Intelligence at Work

[LeadersWorkshop] How to use Emotional Intelligence at Work


Emotional Intelligent - The Concept
What does it mean to be emotionally intelligent?

According to Daniel Goleman, author of Working With Emotional Intelligence (1998), EI is a combination of five competencies: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social relationships. In other words, emotional intelligence is the ability to sense what is going on in a situation, to know how we feel while we are in that situation, to be able to assess and take into account other people's thoughts and feelings accurately and to respond appropriately.
To reach success in all life and work endeavors, emotional intelligence, also called Emotional Quotient (EQ), is as important as IQ, yet it is frequently dismissed as being "all fluff", often by individuals who tend to be disconnected from their own emotions, and therefore, don't perceive any added value to this intelligent source of information.
The truth of the matter is that every environment, whether it is social, family or work related, involves human beings, and human beings are emotional beings. It is simply the way we are wired – all incoming data pass through the limbic region of our brain where they are instantly analyzed for their emotional value before going to the cerebral cortex for processing. Therefore, our brain is structured in such a way that we experience the emotion before we formulate an accompanying thought. When infants are born, they communicate their needs almost exclusively through their emotional language. They can "tell" us how they feel although they have not yet acquired language. As we mature toward adulthood, we don't lose this first language, but we do learn to suppress and invalidate it. It's just a feeling, we tell ourselves…
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Every aspect of our work life is linked to emotional intelligence — respect in the workplace, interpersonal assertion, empathy, decision making, motivation and drive, stress management, adaptability to change, communication, conflict resolution, team building, coaching, leadership, customer service and even time management. By being more aware and knowledgeable of our emotional reactions at work, we automatically increase our power of choice. Choice comes from knowledge. If we don't know what we are feeling or why we are feeling it, how can we change it or have control over it? We must first know what "it' is!
Improving EQ skills – Where to begin?
Begin with the very first step — raise your immediate level of awareness. For example, if you're feeling a sense of panic or anger in a work situation, be fully aware of your emotional state as you are experiencing it. With this self-knowledge, you will be able to bring your feelings under control (i.e., not let yourself be overwhelmed by the emotion) and you will have the choice to channel your feelings into productive behaviors aimed at resolution, decision making and problem solving.

Raise your ability to "read" emotions. While you are in a situation, take the extra moment to assess what you are feeling or what another person may be feeling. An emotion is too important to dismiss whether it is your own emotion or that of a co-worker. Emotions provide vital information that will remain invisible if you don't really pay attention.
Develop the habit of monitoring your emotions from moment to moment. The idea is not to become obsessed and spend all your time on self-reflection and analysis. The idea is to become more comfortable at tuning in to every source of information present in a work situation by taking into account both external and internal cues.
Improve your ability to handle change, contradictions, ambiguity, stress, errors, etc. Self-regulation of emotions usually relates to feelings that upset and distress us. These are the feelings that can get in the way of making sound decisions, handling a conflict appropriately and effectively, or communicating a delicate aspect of a performance evaluation.
Practice delaying gratification and managing impulsiveness. We all need positive feedback and encouragement about our work yet when it is absent or insufficient, we must be able to rely on our own capacity for self-validation in order to stay motivated and continue to give our best at work. Also, when we act impulsively, our judgment may be clouded and we may say something hurtful to a co-worker or make a decision that we soon regret. Remembering that emotions precede thought, it is a good idea to slow down our reaction time long enough to become aware of what we are feeling in the situation. By doing so, we may realize that what we were about to say or do was not the right thing at the right time.
Practice attentive listening. In working with others, listening is an integral part of conflict resolution strategies. We sometimes push with our words when it would be more appropriate to pull back and allow some room for exploration and input from others. Emotional intelligence is about appropriate response. It is sometimes more appropriate to listen than speak.
Strive for social competence. It doesn't matter if you're in a leadership position at work or not, you are a "leader in life" and however you choose to act, respond, listen, empathize, communicate, etc. in your work environment, you are a model of professional ethics for anyone who is sharing your workspace.
Emotional intelligence is more than a set of skills or competencies. It is a learned ability to identify, experience, understand and express human emotions in healthy and productive ways. A higher EQ benefits work, relationships and health. Higher emotional intelligence improves services to your clientele, promotes diversity of ideas among individuals in your workplace, increases your coping skills in times of transformation, builds teams that are more respectful, effective and focused, prevents inappropriate behavior that could lead to conflict, develops your leadership/coaching skills and also supports your ability to learn since managed emotions give you better access to your IQ. Emotional intelligence promotes self-accountability and a strong belief system anchored in human values. In that sense, emotional intelligence is a way of life.

© Jeannine Ouellette, M.A.

Compiled by
Shabbar Suterwala
Corporate Soft Skills Trainer

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[LeadersWorkshop] Latest Trends of Hiring, attrition &Retention-Business Manager-HR magazine [1 Attachment]

[LeadersWorkshop] Latest Trends of Hiring, attrition &Retention-Business Manager-HR magazine [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from anil kaushik included below]

Dear friends,
 Whether business sentiment is up or low, rupee slides or regains, austerity measures  need to be taken or not, one factor remains challenging for business and that is hiring quality of people. All people related problems arise in business due to this factor, specifically when hiring regains and everybody starts taking firefighting measures to bring headcounts at par with requirement in the organization diluting quality in hiring processes.
 This may happen again, because there are signs of upward hiring in all important sectors in coming FY. 2012-13 BM-Genius survey  conducted to gauge the  mood of corporates for hiring, pay hikes , retention and attrition ratify this mood. There are also many other surveys' findings suggesting low pay hikes, and increase in attrition. It is natural. Whenever, hiring regains, attrition also shoots up. Attrition and retention works together as one group is pushed out through attrition just as the organization attempts to retain another. All these indicators pose an everlasting challenge for HR professionals sitting at helm of affairs to ensure good hiring practices, bringing attrition down with low pay hikes comparing to last year. 
BM talked to dozens of HR people, experts, and thinkers and all have put one common pre-requisite to meet out these challenges-the quality hiring practice. HR people have their own perspective. In most of the organizations, hiring is always done under pressure from technical departments to meet the people requirements immediately. Technical people don't appreciate necessity of enough time for quality hiring. Under pressure head count hiring always results in to first year attrition casualties.  First year attrition is really an organization silent killer. The first year attrition damage can be disastrous at worst. It resonates across the organization far more quickly.
Understanding that hiring practices and retention policies go hand in hand can result in formulating and implementing better people management policies. Attrition levels can be lowered to a large extent if the recruitment and retention functions are intelligently integrated. It should be a part of long range plan and not of meeting short term goals.
 Organizations need to become more aware of the strategic importance of recruiting high quality employees at a matching cost, but it is also important that every recruitment channel is aligned to the quality of sourcing and selection standards which reduces attrition. If you are going to use the recruiting agency, make sure they are fully engaged, understand your business, the role and ultimately what you are looking for. Close engagement of agency with the organization will increase the chances of finding the right person -and how good the agencies   work so closely with the organizations to make a quality hiring is open to debate.
 As earlier said, June 12 issue of BM is an attempt to present comprehensive picture on current hiring practices, retention techniques and reducing attrition through articles, discussion sum up and experts' views.
Anil Kaushik
Chief Editor,Business Manager-HR magazine
B-138, Ambedkar Nagar, Alwar-301001 (Raj.)



Attachment(s) from anil kaushik

1 of 1 File(s)

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Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
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[LeadersWorkshop] Re.:~~~~~~.I.Will.try..~~~~~Simple But Powerful.!

[LeadersWorkshop] Re.:~~~~~~.I.Will.try..~~~~~Simple But Powerful.!


  Simple But Powerful.!

3 Words That Guarantee Failure.
People who fail to achieve goals signal their intent
to fail by using this common phrase.
 Make sure you aren't falling into the same trap. 
People who fail to achieve goals almost always signal
 their intent to fail by using three little words:
"I will try..."
There are no three words in the English language that
are more deceptive, both to the person who says them
and the person who hears them.
People who say "I will try" have given themselves
permission to fail. No matter what happens, they can
always claim that they "tried."
People who hear "I will try" and don't realize what it
really means are fooling themselves,
by thinking there's a chance that the speaker will actually succeed.
People who really and truly achieve goals never say "I will try."
Instead, they always say "I will do" something–or, better yet,
"I must do" whatever the task is.
As a wise (though fictional) guru once said: "Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'"
Authour.-.Geoffrey James'  is the world's most-visited sales-oriented blog.

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: :~~Story..~~~..How We all typical Corporate Culture take Peace and security Granted.~~~..Very Touching .Line of fire..~~~~~~~~~~~~

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: :~~Story..~~~..How We all typical Corporate Culture take Peace and security Granted.~~~..Very Touching .Line of fire..~~~~~~~~~~~~



: Line of fire
A gossip between a passenger and Software Engineer in
Shatabdi Train ...........An interesting must read!

Vivek Pradhan was not a happy man.. Even the plush comfort of the
air-conditioned compartment of the Shatabdi express could not cool his
frayed nerves. He was the Project Manager and still not entitled to
air travel. It was not the prestige he sought, he had tried to reason
with the admin person, it was the savings in time. As PM, he had so
many things to do!!

He opened his case and took out the laptop, determined to put the time
to some good use.

'Are you from the software industry sir?'
the man beside him was
staring appreciatively at the laptop. Vivek glanced briefly and
mumbled in affirmation, handling the laptop now with exaggerated care
and importance as if it were an expensive car.

'You people have brought so much advancement to the country, Sir.

Today everything is getting computerized.'

smiled Vivek, turning around to give the man a look. He
always found it difficult to resist appreciation. The man was young
and stockily built like a sportsman..... He looked simple and
strangely out of place in that little lap of luxury like a small town
boy in a prep school. He probably was a railway sportsman making the
most of his free traveling pass.

'You people always amaze me,'
the man continued, 'You sit in an office
and write something on a computer and it does so many big things


Vivek smiled deprecatingly. Naiveness demanded reasoning not anger.
'It is not as simple as that my friend. It is not just a question of

writing a few lines. There is a lot of process that goes behind it.'

For a moment, he was tempted to explain the entire Software
Development Lifecycle but restrained himself to a single statement.
'It is complex, very complex.'

'It has to be. No wonder you people are so highly paid,'
came the reply.

This was not turning out as Vivek had thought. A hint of belligerence
crept into his so far affable, persuasive tone.

'Everyone just sees the money. No one sees the amount of hard work we

have to put in. Indians have such a narrow concept of hard work. Just

because we sit in an air-conditioned office, does not mean our brows

do not sweat. You exercise the muscle; we exercise the mind and

believe me that is no less taxing.'

He could see, he had the man where he wanted, and it was time to drive
home the point.

'Let me give you an example. Take this train. The entire railway

reservation system is computerized. You can book a train ticket

between any two stations from any of the hundreds of computerized

booking centers across the country.

Thousands of transactions accessing a single database, at a time

concurrently; data integrity, locking, data security. Do you

understand the complexity in designing and coding such a system?'

The man was awestruck; quite like a child at a planetarium. This was
something big and beyond his imagination.

'You design and code such things?'

'I used to,'
Vivek paused for effect, 'but now I am the Project Manager.'

'Oh!' sighed the man, as if the storm had passed over,

'so your life is easy now.'

This was like the last straw for Vivek. He retorted, 'Oh come on, does
life ever get easy as you go up the ladder. Responsibility only brings

more work. Design and coding! That is the easier part. Now I do not do
it, but I am responsible for it and believe me, that is far more stressful. My

job is to get the work done in time and with the highest quality.

To tell you about the pressures, there is the customer at one end,

always changing his requirements, the user at the other, wanting

something else, and your boss, always expecting you to have finished

it yesterday.'

Vivek paused in his diatribe, his belligerence fading with
self-realization. What he had said, was not merely the outburst of a
wronged man, it was the truth. And one need not get angry while
defending the truth.

'My friend,'
he concluded triumphantly, 'you don't know what it is to
be in the Line of Fire'.

The man sat back in his chair, his eyes closed as if in realization.
When he spoke after sometime, it was with a calm certainty that
surprised Vivek.

'I know sir,..... I know what it is to be in the Line of Fire......'

He was staring blankly, as if no passenger, no train existed, just a
vast expanse of time.

'There were 30 of us when we were ordered to capture Point 4875 in the

cover of the night.

The enemy was firing from the top.

There was no knowing where the next bullet was going to come from and for whom.

In the morning when we finally hoisted the tri-colour at the top only

4 of us were alive.'

'You are a...?'

'I am Subedar Sushant from the 13 J&K Rifles on duty at Peak 4875 in

Kargil. They tell me I have completed my term and can opt for a soft


But, tell me sir, can one give up duty just because it makes life easier?

On the dawn of that capture, one of my colleagues lay injured in the

snow, open to enemy fire while we were hiding behind a bunker.

It was my job to go and fetch that soldier to safety. But my captain

sahib refused me permission and went ahead himself.

He said that the first pledge he had taken as a Gentleman Cadet was to

put the safety and welfare of the nation foremost followed by the

safety and welfare of the men he commanded... ....his own personal

safety came last, always and every time.'

'He was killed as he shielded and brought that injured soldier into

the bunker.. Every morning thereafter, as we stood guard, I could see

him taking all those bullets, which were actually meant for me . I

know sir....I know, what it is to be in the Line of Fire.'

Vivek looked at him in disbelief not sure of how to respond. Abruptly,
he switched off the laptop.

It seemed trivial, even insulting to edit a Word document in the
presence of a man for whom valour and duty was a daily part of life;
valour and sense of duty which he had so far attributed only to epical

The train slowed down as it pulled into the station, and Subedar
Sushant picked up his bags to alight.

'It was nice meeting you sir.'

Vivek fumbled with the handshake.

This hand... had climbed mountains, pressed the trigger, and hoisted
the tri-colour. Suddenly, as if by impulse, he stood up at attention
and his right hand went up in an impromptu salute....

It was the least he felt he could do for the country.

PS: The incident he narrated during the capture of Peak 4875 is a
true-life incident during the Kargil war. Capt. Batra sacrificed his
life while trying to save one of the men he commanded, as victory was
within sight. For this and various other acts of bravery, he was
awarded the Param Vir Chakra, the nation's highest military award.


Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

Re: [LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..Job Specification...~~~..Story...~~~~.. not to be too kind to your boss.....

Re: [LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..Job Specification...~~~..Story...~~~~.. not to be too kind to your boss.....


Nice Rajendra very realistic...
Angelo B Nicolas
Human Resources & Administration
Tel No. 4114479/7312617 loc 105
Fax No 7423438

From: Rajendra Deshpande <rajuixu@yahoo.com>
To: Yahoo.group. .HR <hrbeans@yahoogroups.com>; humanresourceexperts. YHGRP <Humanresourceexperts@yahoogroups.com>; Beleive To Achieve. HR. GRP <believe2achieve@yahoogroups.com>; Hr. Communoty. YHGRP <hrcommunity@yahoogroups.com>; LEADERS. WORKSHOP. <leadersworkshop@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 2:29 PM
Subject: [LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..Job Specification...~~~..Story...~~~~.. not to be too kind to your boss.....



 Not to be too kind to your boss.....



This story tells us not to be 'too kind' to our bosses...... .. Here it goes:

There's this Jaga Singh who was working for a multi-millionaire
as a house
guard. One day, while the millionaire was driving out to catch
an early
morning flight to conclude a business deal, Jaga Singh ran out
from the
guard house and stopped the millionaire' s car just right in
front of the

He said 'Sir...Sir.. are you going to board a plane?'

'Yes, why?' asked the millionaire.

'You had better cancel the trip. You see, last night I dreamt
about the
plane going to crash.'

Curious over the early morning fright that Jaga Singh had given,
multimillionaire decided to cancel his trip. 'You better be damn
right for
this is a million dollar deal..'

The following day, there were news reports that the plane which
millionaire was supposed to take had indeed crash landed. 'Thank
God, I
cancelled the trip,.' the rich man said Realising that what Jaga
Singh had
said had come true, he called the Singh to see him.

When the guard was called that morning, the millionaire gave him
salary and FIRED him.


Look Down


Jaga Singh was supposed to guard! the house at night. NOT to
Sleep and
Dream all night!

So, GO BACK TO WORK!! and Don't try to save your boss's life!!
It's not
worth it!!! Always save your own hole first.....!!! !!!!!!


Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] "WOW" Personality

[LeadersWorkshop] "WOW" Personality


One of the things I love to come across is a "wow" personality. There is something inherently fun about spending some time with a person who has a little bit of "wow" in them.
What is "wow?" Well, you know when you come out of a meeting or party after just meeting someone for the first time and you say, "Wow. Tom was a really great guy." That is "wow."

"Wow" isn't terribly difficult and the good news is that almost anybody can become "wow" if they work at it. And the best news about "wow" is that when it is coupled with excellent skills and a strong character, it will boost your success incredibly. Why? Because people want to be around "wow" people. They want to follow "wow" people. They want to help "wow" people.

So let's talk a little bit about how to put a little "wow" into your personality. Here are my top tips:
I mean really care. The rest of these can be vacant if someone who just doesn't care about others does them. The first thing we can do to get some "wow" is to genuinely care about others. In this day and age, just caring will draw people to you and make them say, "wow."
I love a smiling person. It shows happiness and freedom. It is something that draws you to another person. I would suggest that you practice smiling if you have to. Stand in front of the mirror and get used to it! Now when you meet people, be sure to smile. When they leave they will say, "Wow, she was a friendly person!"
Ask questions.
There is nothing worse than John "Let me tell you a story about myself" Smith. No, a "wow" personality learns to ask questions about the other person they are engaged in conversation with. People love to talk about themselves, right? So why not give them the chance! Be sincerely curious about their lives, family and work. In doing so, you will create some "wow."
Look them in the eyes.
Looking at someone in the eyes is a core of a "wow" personality. It is about trust, honesty and connection. When you can't or don't look someone in the eyes they don't think "wow," they think "I wonder why he can't look me in the eyes."
Gain a broad base of knowledge.
The more topics you can carry on a basic conversation about the more "wow" you will instill into the next meeting or party you go to. Now I am not saying you should gain knowledge for knowledge's sake or so you can "wow" someone so you can sell him or her something. My thought is that we live in such a wonderful, magnificent world that I LOVE to learn all I can about its diversity and the diversity of the people who inhabit it. And when you can bring that knowledge to the table, you'll get the "wow" you've been waiting for.
Compliment people sincerely.
You can always find something to compliment someone on. I am not talking about false flattery but something that you truly respect and admire about someone. Compliment someone in the right way and you will find them saying, "Wow, I like that person!"
Don't take yourself too seriously.
People who take themselves too seriously never hear "wow," except as in "Wow, he needs to loosen up." That isn't the kind of "wow" we are looking for. We are looking for the kind of "wow" that comes from people knowing that we are just ordinary people (who achieve extraordinary things of course!) You want people to say, "Wow, she's really down to earth for being so successful."
Want some "wow" in your personality?
Work hard to make them a part of you life and see if you don't find others saying, "WOW!" a little more often!

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com
