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It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. 

The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions. 

After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other and they began to die, alone and frozen.

So they had to make a choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. 

Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the heat that came from the others. This way they were able to survive.

The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire the other person's good qualities.

Moral: Like the porcupines, for the larger good, learn to live with the minor wounds

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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:..~~..Why Your Internal Conversations are Important.?? How to Get the Results You Want

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:..~~..Why Your Internal Conversations are Important.?? How to Get the Results You Want


 How to Get the Results You Want
Your failure to get results may also be a consequence of mentally making such statements as-
• Things are getting worse.
• I will never get an answer.
• I see no way out.
• It is hopeless.
• I don't know what to do.
• I'm all mixed up.
When you use such statements, you get no response or co-operation from
your subconscious mind. Like a soldier marking time, you go neither forward
 nor backward; in other words, you don't get anywhere.
Imagine that you got into a taxi and gave the driver a half dozen different directions.
 He would become hopelessly confused. He might refuse to take you anywhere.
Even if he tried to follow your instructions, chances are he would not be able to.
Where you would end up is anybody's guess.
It is the same when working with the enormous powers of your subconscious mind. You must have a clear-cut idea in your mind. You must arrive at the definite decision that there is a way out, a solution to the vexing problem in sickness. Only the infinite intelligence within your subconscious knows the answer.
When you come to that clear-cut conclusion in your conscious mind, your mind is then made up, and according to your belief is it done unto you.

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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~~~~...The Power is within You.!. The Power of Acceptance

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~~~~...The Power is within You.!. The Power of Acceptance


 The Power of Acceptance



The Power of Acceptance
When someone is doing something or is about to do something, in a way we don't want it to be done and when we are not able to accept it, we become angry.
However, when someone is doing something or is about to do something, in a way we don't want it to be done â€" and we are able to accept it â€" We remain tolerant.
When someone has something which we don't have, or someone is able to produce the results which we are not able to produce â€" and we are not able to accept it â€" we become jealous.
When someone has something which we don't have or someone is able to produce the results which we are not able to produce and we are able to accept it we get inspired.
When Someone is present in our thoughts, but if not physically present and we are not able to accept it â€"
We say 'I am missing you'.
When someone is present in our thoughts, but not physically present â€" and we are able to accept it â€"
We say 'I am thinking of you'.
Then the emotional equation is quite simple.
Something + Acceptance = Positive Emotion
Something + Non Acceptance = Negative Emotion
So, it is not 'Something' or 'someone' that is making us feel positive or negative, but it is our 'acceptance' or 'non acceptance' of something or someone, which is making us feel positive or negative.
It isn't the world but the quality of our response to the world (acceptance or non acceptance)that determines the quality of our emotions.
Next time we feel disturbed with a negative emotion, instead of asking who or what is disturbing us, we will examine who or what we are resisting (not accepting) that is causing this disturbance in us.
We will replace resistance (non acceptance) with acceptance, and the negative emotion will turn into a positive one.
Emotional management begins when we stop blaming that 'something' or 'someone' and start
taking the responsibility to respond to life with 'acceptance'.

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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~.. Beauty splash–Turmeric, for glowing skin!

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~~~~~~.. Beauty splash–Turmeric, for glowing skin!



   Beauty splash–Turmeric, for glowing skin!


Beauty splash–Turmeric, for glowing skin!
It added color to your food, gave it that extra zing, and has been a lifesaver when you accidently cut your finger. Now, it's time to switch to turmeric from your fairness creams and moisturizers.
By Mdhil | Mdhil – 
Turmeric – curcuma longa has spiced up your curries and sometimes made way into your glass of milk when you caught a cold. This wonderful antiseptic spice is a favorite among grandmas when it comes to whipping up homemade beauty treatments. Read on to find out why.
Battling pigmentation
Turmeric has an old reputation of giving the skin a natural glow. And that's exactly why traditional Indian weddings follow the custom of the 'haldi' ceremony before the wedding day, so that the bride and the groom really glow on the D day. A teaspoon of turmeric powder in your face pack, or with a couple of tablespoons of gram flour and lemon juice helps lighten your pigmentation wonderfully.
For the wow glow
Turmeric has been used in beauty treatments since ancient times. Being an excellent antiseptic, you can freely use it even if you discover a few breakouts on your skin. And believe it or not turmeric doesn't stain your skin. For a healthy glow, add a pinch of turmeric to the pulp of tomato (if you have oily skin) or a tablespoon of curd (if you have dry skin). Leave it on your face like a mask for 15 minutes and rinse.
Anti-ageing spice
Turmeric is packed with anti-ageing properties. It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and makes the skin soft and supple. This works best when a pinch of turmeric is mixed with cucumber pulp and applied to the skin. Do this regularly and you're sure to get compliments.
If fair skin is all you covet, here's turmeric to your rescue. Lemon or tomato juice coupled with turmeric used twice a week reduces the tan and lightens the skin visibly, minus the cakey fairness of the fairness creams.
Acne treatment
If those zits and boils are all you can think about, try treating it the turmeric way. You can't go wrong with this mixture of coconut oil, turmeric and a nice helping of sandalwood powder (if you want it to be a mask) or sea salt (if you want it to be a scrub). Tired of using the concealer every time to hide the spots left behind? Dab turmeric and lemon juice mixture directly on the spots and leave it for five minutes.
So opt for turmeric – the inexpensive and natural alternative care for your skin instead of the expensive chemical-filled store-bought treatments!


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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~.. Research shows ginger selectively kills breast cancer cells

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~~.. Research shows ginger selectively kills breast cancer cells


   Research shows ginger selectively kills breast cancer cells

Research shows ginger selectively kills breast cancer cells

By geobear7
250By David Gutierrez
Natural News
Ginger extract may turn out to be more effective at fighting breast cancer than any drug currently on the market – so suggest the findings of a new study conducted by researchers from the Biological Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, and published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.
In their paper, the researchers note that in spite of the high global toll of breast cancer, conventional drug therapies are of only middling effectiveness, often with serious side effects.
"Despite significant advances toward targeted therapy and screening techniques, breast cancer continues to be a chronic medical problem worldwide, being the most common type of cancer in women and the leading cause of death," they write.
A safe, natural treatment?
The researchers exposed breast cancer cells in the laboratory to a crude extract of ginger (Zingiber officinale). They found that ginger exhibited a highly prized anti-cancer trait known as selective cytotoxicity: it inhibited the reproduction of cancer cells while leaving healthy cells largely unaffected. No conventional cancer treatment on the market exhibits this property.
More specifically, ginger appeared to positively modulate a large number of molecular anti-cancer mechanisms, including induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis), up-regulation of the apoptosis gene Bax, down-regulation of numerous cancer-associated genes and proteins, increased expression of cancer-fighting proteins and inhibition of cancer-associated enzymes. Although the researchers were not able to explain these molecular effects, the evidence in their favor was striking.
"Ginger may be a promising candidate for the treatment of breast carcinomas," the researchers concluded.
Ginger – A medicinal powerhouse
If further studies bear out ginger's utility as a breast cancer treatment, it could revolutionize the entire field of cancer medicine, since ginger extract could easily be produced cheaply and in large quantities, and likely would have few or no side effects.
Read the full piece at Natural News.

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[LeadersWorkshop] Fw: ~~~~~..Very Inspiring: ..~~~..Mathematician -~~~~..Anand Kumar

   Very inspiring: Anand Kumar
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Very inspiring: Anand Kumar,
Patna Bihar-A Devoted Mathematician!!!
Click here to join nidokidos
He developed an indomitable affection and love towards mathematics and possesses exceptional mathematical abilities. His role model is great Indian mathematician Ramanujan. During graduation, He submitted papers on Number Theory, which were published in Mathematical Spectrum and The Mathematical Gazette. He worked hard and dreamed of getting into one of the worlds best university Cambridge. And one day he got it, admission to Cambridge.
Very soon he realized that his father cannot afford his education at Cambridge. He and his father searched helplessly for a sponsor all over India but nobody came up. And one day his familys only breadwinner: his father died and his last hope of getting good education diminished. He gave up the dream of Cambridge and came back to his home in Patna, Bihar.
He would work on Mathematics during day time and would sell papads in evenings with his mother, who had started a small business from home, to support her family. He also tutored students in maths to earn extra money. Since Patna University library did not have foreign journals, for his own study, he would travel every weekend on a six-hour train journey to Varanasi, where his younger brother, learning violin under N. Rajam, had a hostel room. Thus he would spend Saturday and Sunday at the Central Library, BHU and return to Patna on Monday morning.

He rented a classroom for Rs 500 a month, and began his own institute, the Ramanujam School of Mathematics (RSM). Within the space of year, his class grew from two students to thirty-six, and after three years there were almost 500 students enrolled. Then in early 2000, when a poor student came to him seeking coaching for IIT-JEE, who couldnt afford the annual admission fee due to poverty, Kumar was motivated to start the Super 30 program in 2003, for which he is now well-known.

Every year in August, since 2003, the Ramanujan School of Mathematics, now a trust, holds a competitive test to select 30 students for the Super 30 scheme. About 4,000 to 5,000 students appear at the test, and eventually he takes thirty intelligent students from economically backward sections which included beggars, hawkers, auto-drivers children, tutors them, and provides study materials and lodging for a year. He prepares them for the Joint Entrance Examination for the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). His mother, Jayanti Devi, cooks for the students, and his brother Pranav Kumar takes care of the management.

Out of 270 students he tutored from 2002-2011 236 students have made an admission to IIT. All of them came so poor background that their parents were Hawkers, Auto-drivers, laborer etc.
During 2003-2009, 182 students out of 210 have made it to the IITs.
In 2010, all the students of Super 30 cleared IIT JEE entrance making it a three in a row for the institution.
Anand Kumar has no financial support for Super 30 from any government as well as private agencies, and manages on the tuition fee he earns from the Ramanujam Institute. After the success of Super 30 and its growing popularity, he got many offers from the private both national and international companies as well as the government for financial help, but he always refused it. He wanted to sustain Super 30 through his own efforts. After three consecutive 30/30 results in 2008-2010, in 2011, 24 of the 30 students cleared IIT JEE.

Anands work is now well received from all over the world :

USAs president obama read about Anand in TIME magazine and sent a special envoy to check the work done by him and offered all the assistance and Anand never accepts help irrespective of helper.

Discovery Channel broadcast a one-hour-long program on Super 30, and half a page has been devoted to Kumar in The New York Times.

Actress and ex-Miss Japan Norika Fujiwara visited Patna to make a documentary on Anands initiatives.

Kumar has been featured in programmes by the BBC.

He has spoken about his experiences at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

Kumar is in the Limca Book of Records (2009) for his contribution in helping poor students crack IIT-JEE by providing them free coaching.

Time Magazine has selected mathematician Anand Kumars school Super 30 in the list of Best of Asia 2010.

Anand Kumar was awarded the S. Ramanujan Award for 2010 by the Institute for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences (IRDS) in July 2010.

Super 30 received praise from United States President Barack Obamas special envoy Rashad Hussain, who termed it the best institute in the country. Newsweek Magazine has taken note of the initiative of mathematician Anand Kumars Super 30 and included his school in the list of four most innovative schools in the world.
Anand Kumar has been awarded by top award of Bihar government Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad Shiksha Puraskar November 2010.
He was awarded the Prof Yashwantrao Kelkar Yuva Puraskar 2010 by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) in Bangalore.
In April 2011, Anand Kumar was selected by Europes magazine Focus as one of the global personalities who have the ability to shape exceptionally talented people.

Anand Kumar: Real life Superman

It is said, 'teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime.' Anand Kumar, who founded the ambitious and innovative educational program
  Thanks and Regards C D Bharadwaj | Asst. Manager -Accounts Nagarjuna Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd NFCL  Road | KAKINADA  533003 |ANDHRA

[LeadersWorkshop] Fw:~~~. Einstein said it and was right...We are Connected ..Or..Disconnected..??

: The day has arrived - Einstein said it and was right...To:

What a pity we are in this high-tech age !!


Who will not agree with this email? All photographs are of the lot on silent mode.  Indians are much better. Earlier we suffered as telephones were far and few and of course off/on not working.Now mobiles are ON & ON & ON.  Be it a waiting for turn to come, meeting, program or even evening walk. Now we need not ask for gossips since fellow traveler in bus or train will tell you (at top of his voice) many while talking on mobile. We are all connected and therefore do not need much privacy. 
Having a Coffee...


Get together in a restaurant...


Enjoying the beauty in a Museum...  


Pleasantly Chatting in a cafe' ...  

Enjoying a day at the Beach... 


At the Stadium supporting the team...  


Having fun with the girlfriend...


Appreciating the Town in a convertible ..  



Einstein was right

Albert Einstein: 
"I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." 

[LeadersWorkshop] Re: (incorrect attribution): Mother Thersa`s Inspirational words

[LeadersWorkshop] Re: (incorrect attribution): Mother Thersa`s Inspirational words


Let us check out the facts instead of trying to perpetuate a myth.

Dr. Sunil Pevekar

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Re: [LeadersWorkshop] (incorrect attribution): Mother Thersa`s Inspirational words

Re: [LeadersWorkshop] (incorrect attribution): Mother Thersa`s Inspirational words


Gud info...most of the time we dont know such info keeps floating around in emails...

Cheers / AT Pachorawala

Sent from Samsung Mobile

ghadyali35 <ghadyali35@yahoo.com> wrote:

Thanks for sharing, but I would like to point out that though there is a cottage industry of these posters the actual words are from a book by Kent M Keith called "Anyway - The Paradoxical Commandments" - you can check it out on amazon or flipkart.

Best regards
Mustafa Ghadyali

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[LeadersWorkshop] (incorrect attribution): Mother Thersa`s Inspirational words

[LeadersWorkshop] (incorrect attribution): Mother Thersa`s Inspirational words


Thanks for sharing, but I would like to point out that though there is a cottage industry of these posters the actual words are from a book by Kent M Keith called "Anyway - The Paradoxical Commandments" - you can check it out on amazon or flipkart.

Best regards
Mustafa Ghadyali

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Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

Re: [LeadersWorkshop] 3 Wishes of Alexander the Great

Re: [LeadersWorkshop] 3 Wishes of Alexander the Great


that was great !

 Cell no : : + 91 94265 31252 : Resi: +912673 240348

From: Shabbar Suterwala <leadersworkshop@yahoo.com>
To: Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Workshop Group <leadersworkshop@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012 12:39 PM
Subject: [LeadersWorkshop] 3 Wishes of Alexander the Great


*The last three wishes of Alexander the Great*

Just before he died, Alexander convened his generals and told them his last three wishes:

1 - That his coffin SHOULD BE carried on the shoulders and transported by the best doctors of the time.

2 - That the treasures he had conquered (silver, gold, precious stones), should be scattered on the path to
the grave site, and ...

3 - That his hands should be dangling in the air, outside of the coffin, and in view of all.

One of his generals, astonished by these quite unusual desires, asked Alexander about his reasons.
Alexander explained to him:*

1 - I want the most eminent doctors from the land to load my coffin to show
that they did not have the power to heal in the face of death.

2 - I want the ground to be covered by my treasures for all to see that
material goods conquered here, cannot be taken, so, also remain here.

3 - I want my hands to be swaying in the wind, so that people can see
that just as we came here with empty hands, we leave too with empty
hands, when we are ending the most valuable treasure, which is our time.

When dying you can take no material with you,

"Time"* is the most precious treasure that we have because It is limited. 
We can produce more money, but not more time ...

When we dedicate time to a person, we are giving him a portion of our
life that we can never recover, our time is our life*

THE BEST GIFT* you can give someone is your *time*and* ALWAYS* give it to your family or a good friend.

Take the time to send this message at least to someone in your family or a good friend.

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