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[LeadersWorkshop] 50 - Consideration

[LeadersWorkshop] 50 - Consideration



One day, a ten - year - old boy went to an ice-cream shop, sat at a table and asked the waitress, "How much is an ice-cream cone?"

She said, "seventy five cents."

The boy started counting the coins he had in his head. Then he asked how much a small cup of ice-cream was.

The waitress impatiently replied, "sixty-five cents".  The boy said, "I will have the small ice-cream cup."

He had his ice-cream, paid the bill and left. When the waitress came to pick up the empty plate, she was touched. Underneath were ten one-cent coins as tip.  The little boy had consideration for the waitress before he ordered his ice-cream. He showed sensitivity and caring. He thought of others before himself.

If we all thought like the little boy, we would have a great place to
Show consideration, courtesy, and politeness. Thoughtfulness shows a caring attitude.


Nisreen Dr. Sk. Abbas Merchant*
NLP Master Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapist
(specialising in Behaviour Modification)

+91 9869553372

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] OMI: Immediate Requirement for Content Department

[LeadersWorkshop] OMI: Immediate Requirement for Content Department


Dear Friends,

Greetings from OMI!

we have a requirement for the post of content/course coordinator in T&D dept. 


The requirements for the post are as follows;


·  Graduate /Post graduate

·  1-2 years experience in coordinating job


Job role includes


o Providing course promotion in conjunction with the Lead T&D


§ Promote the course through presentations, promotional material and event either through personal/telephone or internet


o Administrative work


§ Overseeing administration of student progress

§ Monitoring applications, offers and enrolment numbers and related statistics

§ Working with the Team lead on matters related to course entry, retention, progression and graduation

§ Monitoring student progress

§ Undertaking regular communication with  students

§ Developing and maintaining a course portfolio

§ Sending mails/content to course students 

§ Developing content for training



Interested Candidates (only from Bangalore) can send there detailed resume to


Please feel free to contact for further clarifications.

Deepak B
Executive HR & Admin
Rich Homes
Penthouse 2,6th floor, 5/1 Richmond Road
Bangalore 560025


elp Empower Life Potential
Changing Attitudes Reaching Effectiveness


Oscar Murphy International is the Licensed Partners of AATD -Accredited Alliance for Training & Development (http://www.aatd.org)


Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com




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Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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[LeadersWorkshop] The way to identify your (future) leaders

[LeadersWorkshop] The way to identify your (future) leaders


Good afternoon of good morning LeadersWorkshop,                                                                              Wednesday, 09 March 2011

It took some time but today we published article part 1 about how to identify High Potentials in your company  (your future Leaders!)

The article is published in our International HR Forum:  CLICK here

In Part 2 more about the 'Learning Agility' of your employees. Happy reading again (do send me your remarks!),

Lex Lindeman
Phone: +316 5155 3163

Email: lex@hrboosters.com
Site:    Human Resources Boosters for Africa (
where you can find unique development solutions for your managers!)


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Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~~~~..Who is Better..???

[LeadersWorkshop] ~~~~~~~~..Who is Better..???


Why women really are better at almost everything:

 Q&A with author Dan Abrams


Contrary to jokes and one-liners, women are better drivers than men. They're also better at getting the joke. And better with hammers. And video games. And social networking. And did we mention, they get dressed faster than guys? This isn't opinion, it's fact, and Dan Abrams can prove it.

In his new book,
Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt That Women Are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything Else, Abrams collects research from leading studies over the past few years to make the case for the 'fairer' sex. A legal analyst for ABC News and former lawyer, he approached the topic as a defense attorney, using evidence that already exists to debunk popular myths about women.

"In nearly every field, statistics and studies show that women are better collaborators, are more cautious and more adept at navigating treacherous terrain," writes Abrams in his book's opening statement. "I am not convinced that women as a group play basketball or read maps better than men. The evidence here will show, however, that women are living longer and evolving better than men." It takes a lot for a man to admit his own weaknesses (there's a chapter on how women tolerate pain better), so we wondered why Abrams would make the case for women. Turns out, it's a man's job.

Shine: How did you decide to do this book? 

Dan Abrams: I was hired to write a light article for a magazine about certain areas that women are better in than men. Some of the evidence surprised me, so I went and looked into the underlying research. Most of it was true, some was exaggerated, some anecdotal. But I kept finding more and more real studies and the evidence is compelling when you look at it all together. I couldn't believe there's been no major book about it.

Shine: Why now?

D.A.: There's a lot more evidence now. A lot of the studies from the book are from the last three years.  It's only been in the last twenty or so years, that women have been on a relatively even playing field in terms of work to do many of these studies.   We weren't able to make fair comparisons before, because women were a fraction of the working world. Now we're see women taking over the majority in many professions. But only recently has there been enough time to look back to compare men versus women and only recently has there been real interest. 

Shine: Which gender is leading these studies?

D.A.: Of the studies I looked at, a vast majority of lead researchers are men, but the broad trend trackers are women.
Shine: What finding surprised you the most?

D.A.: I was most surprised at how conclusive the evidence was for the fact that women tolerate pain better. They endure more pain throughout their lives, in more bodily areas and with greater frequency, according to researchers at the University of Bath. According to the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, women have an average of 34 more nerve fibers per square centimeter of facial skin, while men have an average of 17. New research is suggesting the fact that women tend to endure pain more makes them more immune to it. It's the old aphorism, "That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger."

Shine: Are women really better at tasting beer?

D.A.: The evidence is clear that women have a better sense of smell. In one study, researchers questioned whether men or women be better able to smell sweat behind fragrances, and women were fooled far less. But also they have a better sense of taste, and can apply it to just about anything. Taste is based on smell, as well as the number of taste buds a person has, and women are more likely to have a greater number of more-sensitive taste buds. And it's not just beer that they're better at tasting, but wine as well.

Shine: What about sports—men are better at sports, right?

D.A.: There's no question that men have larger muscles, so they tend to be better at most sports. But there are certain areas—particularly endurance sports—where women are better.  Studies show that estrogen is a disadvantage for muscle development but an advantage when it comes to endurance. Another advantage for women is that their bodies more efficiently process oxygen. When it comes to ultra-marathonssay, a 135 mile race without sleepwomen can beat men. It's reflective of something we see throughout the book— when it comes to race of life, women won't sprint but they'll run longer. In baseball terms, men may hit the home run but women hit the singles and doubles more often and end up with a better average. This is true in financial fields as well: women are better long-term investors.

Shine: It makes sense that women are hard-wired for endurance, considering another chapter in the book entitled, "Women Live Longer." 

D.A.: Women live an average of five years longer than men. The reasons for this are both genetic and behavior-based. First of all, women have stronger immune systems, again due to estrogen which aids the fight against disease-inducing enzymes. But women are also less likely to engage in risky behavior. For example, I found that women are hit by lightning less often than men. That's because the guy may not get off the roof when there's a thunderstorm coming.

Shine: Does the same theory apply to women being safer drivers? 

D.A.: Men are more likely to engage in reckless behavior, like driving drunk. One study found male drivers have 77 percent higher risk of dying in a car accident than women. It's translated to insurance rates, women have 7 percent lower rates on the whole because they're less careless drivers.  In Australia, they actually petitioned to have more women bus drivers, because they found they're more likely to treat buses better and have fewer accidents.

Shine: Bus drivers aren't the only jobs women excel at, according to your research. What other jobs are women better at than men?

D.A.: Women were found to be less corruptible as cops. In both Lima, Peru and Volgograd, Russia where police corruption was a major issue, the governments campaigned to hire more women cops. There's another study that women are more effective as political leaders than men. It suggests, we'd be a better country if there were more women in the highest echelons of politics.

Shine: In the field of medicine, the findings are also in favor of women

D.A.: One of the most definitive studies in the book was done in 2009 by the British government. They collected a database of information on all the investigations of medical misconduct or incompetence over a period of eight years. It was the largest study of medical performance ever. They found that while forty percent of doctors were women, 80 percent of those under investigation were men. In the U.S., there were similar findings. Male physicians were twice as likely to be sued as women.

Shine: With all this counter-evidence, why are women still subjected to the same old stereotypes?

D.A.: Women weren't allowed to vote in this country 100 years ago. We're still in the period of catch up. We still haven't had a female president, or that many women running Fortune 500 companies. When we get to point of seeing just as many women in the top levels of every profession, that's when we'll see a sea change at lower levels. 

Shine: How is the internet giving women more of an advantage? 

D.A.: One of the clichés about women is that they're more communicative—those who want to demean women say they like to gossip more. That's a pejorative way of commenting on the fact that women are more involved in social media. A 2010 study found women were six percent more exposed to social networking sites and spent more time on them. Other research found women were less likely to be victims of internet fraud. 

Shine: Are you worried about backlash from men?

D.A.: I already had one men's rights group send a petition to get me fired from my job. They wrote, "Dan Abrams is penning a sexist book claiming male inferiority." But this book is not about my musings or opinions. This is me approaching the topic like a lawyer. Is there some hyperbole in the headline? Sure, but the reality is the trends here are significant and important. The goal of this book is not be viewed as a feminist book but an objective book. Someone with no bias is examining the evidence and coming forth to say it's compelling. I'll get mocked by many men, but a woman who made the same findings would be discounted for writing this book because of her bias.

Shine: You've provided a lot of evidence that women are better at some of life's most important tasks. What are men better at?.

D.A.: Men are better at parking, they're better dieters, they have better distance vision, they read maps better. One study suggests they even treat their friends better. But my next book won't be about making the case for men. Overall I found that men's biggest problem is that they're too confident and women's biggest problem is that they're not confident enough. Truth is, I think the evidence is overwhelming in favor of women.


Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] 49 Second Chance

[LeadersWorkshop] 49 Second Chance


Second chance

...  Again, I have to go to work

Ohh, this is me… I shouted having a glance on my snap in today's news paper. But what the HELL it is doing in the death column??

Strange… One sec... Let me think, last night when I was going to bed I had a severe pain in my chest, but I don't remember anything after that, I think I had a sound sleep..

Its morning now, ohh…... It's already 10:00 AM, where is my coffee? I will be late for work.

Where is everyone…??? I screamed. "I think there is a crowd outside my room, let me check." I said to myself.

So many people….. Not all of them are crying… But why
are some of them crying???

WHAT IS THIS???  I'm lying there on the floor…

"I AM HERE" … I shouted!!!  No one listened.
"LOOK I AM NOT DEAD" … I screamed once again!!!  No one is interested in me. They all were looking at
me on the floor.  I went back to my bed room.

"Am I dead??"  I asked myself.

Where is my wife, my children, my mom, dad, my friends?

I found them in the next room, all of them were crying… still trying to console each other.

My wife was crying… she was really looking sad. My little kid was not sure what happened, but he was crying just coz his mom was sad.

How can I go without  telling  my kid that I really love him, I really do care for him. ??
How can I go without telling my wife that she is really beautiful and most caring wife in this world..??
How can I go without telling my parents that I m … just because of u ??
How can I go without telling my friends that without them perhaps I would have done most of the wrong things in my life… thanks for being there always when I needed  them… and sorry for not being there when they really needed me..

I can see a person standing in the corner and trying to hide his tears…
Ohh… he was once my best friend, but a small misunderstanding made us part, and we both have strong enough egos  to keep us disconnected .

I went there.. And offered him my hand, "Dear friend… I just want to say sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me."

No response from other side, what the hell?? He is still preserving his ego, I am saying sorry… even then!!!  I really don't care for such people.

But one sec…. it seems he is not able to see me!!!! He did not see my extended hand. My goodness…  AM I REALLY DEAD???

I just sat down near ME; I was also feeling like crying… "OHH ALMIGHTY!!!! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME  A FEW MORE DAYS…" I just wasn't  able to make my wife, my parents; my friends realize how much I love them.

My wife entered in the room, she looks beautiful. "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL" I shouted. She didn't hear my words, in fact she never heard these words coz I never said this to her.

"YA ALLAH!!!!" I screamed… a little more time plzzzzzzzzzzzz. . I cried… One more chance please… to hug my child, to make my mom smile just once, to feel my dad 's  pride  on me at least for a moment, to say sorry to my friends for everything I have not given them, and thanks for still being in my life….

Then I looked up and cried!!!! I shouted…. "YA ALLAH!!!! ONE MORE CHANCE PLEASE!!!!"

"You shouted in your sleep," said my wife as she gently woke me up. "Did you have a nightmare?"

I was sleeping…. Ohh that was just a dream….

My wife was there… she can hear me… This is the happiest moment of my life… I hugged her and whispered….

I can't understand the reason of the smile on her face with some tears in her eyes, still I m happy…. :)


So,  even now it's not late..    
Forget your egos & your past……, and express your love to others… Be friendly……keep smiling and be happy forever cos your time on earth can be unexpectedly short  :-)



(Don't be so proud and vain
The clutches of Time are dark
Who knows where shall it kill
Whether at home or abroad)

Nisreen Dr. Sk. Abbas Merchant*
NLP Master Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapist
(specialising in Behaviour Modification)

+91 9869553372

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

[LeadersWorkshop] 48 The Careless Lion

[LeadersWorkshop] 48 The Careless Lion


The Careless Lion

Once upon a time, there was a very wealthy man living in Benares who owned a large herd of cattle. He hired a man to look after them.

During the time of year when the rice paddies were filled with the
green growing rice plants, the herdsman took the cattle to the forest to graze.
From there he brought the milk and butter and cheese to the rich man in Benares.

It just so happened that being in the forest put the cattle in a very
frightening situation. There was a meat eating lion living nearby.
Sensing the presence of the lion kept the cattle in constant fear. This made the cows tense and high-strung, leaving them too weak to give more than a little milk.

One day the owner of the cattle asked the herdsman why he was bringing such a small amount of milk and butter and cheese. He replied, "Sir, cows need to be calm and contented to give much milk. Due to a nearby lion, your cows are always afraid and tense. So they give hardly any milk."

"I see. " said the rich man. Thinking like an animal trapper, he asked, "Is the lion closely connected to any other animal?" The herdsman answered, "Sir, there happens to be a variety of deer living in the forest. They
are called 'minideer' because they are so small. Even the adults only grow to be about one foot tall. The lion has become very friendly with a certain minideer doe."

The rich man of Benares said, "So that my cows will be at peace and able to give their usual milk, this is what you are to do. Capture the lion's friend and rub poison all over her body. Then wait a couple days before releasing her. She will be like bait in a trap for the lion. When he dies, bring his body to me. Then my cows will be safe and happy again."

The herdsman followed his boss's orders exactly. When the lion saw his favorite minideer doe he was so overjoyed that he threw all caution to the wind. Without even sniffing the air around her, he immediately began licking her excitedly all over. Because of too much joy and not enough caution, he fell into the poisonous trap. The poor lion died on the spot.

The Learning is: Too much of a good thing can be dangerous.

Nisreen Dr. Sk. Abbas Merchant*
NLP Master Practitioner & Clinical Hypnotherapist
(specialising in Behaviour Modification)

+91 9869553372

Recent Activity:
Shabbar Suterwala's Leaders Worksop "Key to Your Success"
visit us at www.shabbarsuterwala.com

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